Damn Thing, v. 1, issue 2, December 1940
Page 18
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THE DAMN THING PAGE 18 EDITORIAL, continued [?]retts that Bob preffered to not have this[[?]] delightfull satire on himself published. Bob contended that he did not wish to have his name attached to a piece of fiction which was not in accordance with the facts. He would much rather have his opinions examined in a serious vein, and only those opinions which have been published. The editor admits that the article is just sheer ficticious satire, having no basis in truth, and concedes to the Heinleins' request. We hope to have some factual, really factual, material at hand soon, at which time we shall let it rip. I am sorry that that the fans are missing this highly entertaining piece. We plan in the future, when more time for THE DAMN THING can be found, to increase the art (ahem) contained in our pages, and grace the entire magasine with more care. Six weeks, in lieu of the editor's other interests, are far too few to put out the DAMN THING. We apologise for the numerous faults in this issue. This does not imply any slackening in the vigilance of the DAMN THING to cause titanic upheavles on all occasions, nor does it mean that the readers are going to exercise any hand in this affair We plan to continue to give our readers and others (quite a few others as a matter of fact.) the best lighter vein scientifiction material Due to the high rate at which lawsuits spring up. We may all be thrown into the can. Our staff is lining up. Fassbeinder: personal satires, lawsuits, psychologicle information. Lethar[[?]] Penguan: Satires and burlesques of fan activities. Fywert Kinge: blank verse. Ben Dover Farr: Further explorations into mud throwing. Prof. Stinkywitz: Scientifict[[?]] Bradbury: Stories. And the rest is up to those otehrs who are not mentioned just above. This includes some two hundred fans. We are always welcoming material of a nature which we can use. The Pro-Scientists and Ye Ed at it again in this issue, cluttering up the pages for the count of four. This will be all, we assure you. Ray wrote the sweet letter which was published, and the latter wrote editore one on a more friendly basis. We trust that Van Houten and Yerke will reach a mutual understanding. Six to eight weeks hence, you can accept a second DAMN THING which will be a higher litterary quality than this one. (Unless that funny package that ticks should up and go off.) I have a fains suspicion that Walter J. Daugherty and his recorded are interesting Fassbeinder, who will take care of this latest edition to life around hyar. Ed. VOICE of the Imgi-nation. GLOBE CIRCLING GIRTH W-earth its wait! (Issued every 2 mos.) 10[[cent symbol]] Box 6475 Met Sta Los Angeles Cal
THE DAMN THING PAGE 18 EDITORIAL, continued [?]retts that Bob preffered to not have this[[?]] delightfull satire on himself published. Bob contended that he did not wish to have his name attached to a piece of fiction which was not in accordance with the facts. He would much rather have his opinions examined in a serious vein, and only those opinions which have been published. The editor admits that the article is just sheer ficticious satire, having no basis in truth, and concedes to the Heinleins' request. We hope to have some factual, really factual, material at hand soon, at which time we shall let it rip. I am sorry that that the fans are missing this highly entertaining piece. We plan in the future, when more time for THE DAMN THING can be found, to increase the art (ahem) contained in our pages, and grace the entire magasine with more care. Six weeks, in lieu of the editor's other interests, are far too few to put out the DAMN THING. We apologise for the numerous faults in this issue. This does not imply any slackening in the vigilance of the DAMN THING to cause titanic upheavles on all occasions, nor does it mean that the readers are going to exercise any hand in this affair We plan to continue to give our readers and others (quite a few others as a matter of fact.) the best lighter vein scientifiction material Due to the high rate at which lawsuits spring up. We may all be thrown into the can. Our staff is lining up. Fassbeinder: personal satires, lawsuits, psychologicle information. Lethar[[?]] Penguan: Satires and burlesques of fan activities. Fywert Kinge: blank verse. Ben Dover Farr: Further explorations into mud throwing. Prof. Stinkywitz: Scientifict[[?]] Bradbury: Stories. And the rest is up to those otehrs who are not mentioned just above. This includes some two hundred fans. We are always welcoming material of a nature which we can use. The Pro-Scientists and Ye Ed at it again in this issue, cluttering up the pages for the count of four. This will be all, we assure you. Ray wrote the sweet letter which was published, and the latter wrote editore one on a more friendly basis. We trust that Van Houten and Yerke will reach a mutual understanding. Six to eight weeks hence, you can accept a second DAMN THING which will be a higher litterary quality than this one. (Unless that funny package that ticks should up and go off.) I have a fains suspicion that Walter J. Daugherty and his recorded are interesting Fassbeinder, who will take care of this latest edition to life around hyar. Ed. VOICE of the Imgi-nation. GLOBE CIRCLING GIRTH W-earth its wait! (Issued every 2 mos.) 10[[cent symbol]] Box 6475 Met Sta Los Angeles Cal
Hevelin Fanzines