Damn Thing, v. 1, issue 2, December 1940
Page 19
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THE DAMN THING PAGE 19 TUBBY, WE LOVE YOU! by Bradbury I feel that it is my duty to speak to all my friends following that horrible article Bruce Yerke printed last issue about Bradbury and his powder-blue sport coat. My Kleenex has just come back from the laundry and I am prepared to attack Bruce with a swift flank movement instigated by raising my right foot parallel to Mr. Yerke's gluteus maximus and suddenly veering toward him as a wolf might attack a side of beef. Mr. Yerke, I feel, is inclined to exaggerate. He suggests to me an epileptic beer-barrel doing a jig in a delicate old Chinese print. But still, all those who know Bruce have grown to love him. Even Bobsy Heinlein loves Bruce. Even after that article which Bobsy made Brucey toss out of THE DAMNED THING. You should have to read it, peoples, it was wunnerful. Heinlein studies the relationship and usage of words in relation to the actual physical object from which they are abstracted. His theme song is: "I'M SO AFRAID OF NIGHT, CAUSE I'M SO SEMANTIC." AAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGH! And Brucey wanted to print an article in this issue telling all about Bobsy and his strange reasonings on Technocracy, only Bobsy dint have no sense of humor an he threatened to sue. Tsk. Tsk. And, following a meeting at Heinlein's house, in which he and Bruce exchanged verbal blows, ushers came down the aisles, saying: "Choking in the outer lobby only, please, choking in the outer lobby only!" PLUTO PLUTO PLUTO PLUTO! Would you offer a dime for a fan mag-- if that mag had this to offer you: SHAME! SHAME! PERRI KNOWS WHO IS TO BLAME! "The Expanding Universe! by Prof Orrin Genipuss, 32 F. Rajocz's Science Column! Also, Dale Tarr, Ron Holmes, Joe Gilbert, and many others. Beautiful fantasy cover on the November issue by "damon knight." All this in FIVE (5) colours! Published by the Litterature, Science, and Hobbies Club, Decker, Ind. Ten Cents per copy! Three for 25[[cent symbol]]. Ye Ed bows in humble awe at this colourifious magasine. He just got four of them in the mail. I wish I knew how much they loose an issue, or, for that matter, how days an hour they work on it. plut is worth 10[[cent symbol]]
THE DAMN THING PAGE 19 TUBBY, WE LOVE YOU! by Bradbury I feel that it is my duty to speak to all my friends following that horrible article Bruce Yerke printed last issue about Bradbury and his powder-blue sport coat. My Kleenex has just come back from the laundry and I am prepared to attack Bruce with a swift flank movement instigated by raising my right foot parallel to Mr. Yerke's gluteus maximus and suddenly veering toward him as a wolf might attack a side of beef. Mr. Yerke, I feel, is inclined to exaggerate. He suggests to me an epileptic beer-barrel doing a jig in a delicate old Chinese print. But still, all those who know Bruce have grown to love him. Even Bobsy Heinlein loves Bruce. Even after that article which Bobsy made Brucey toss out of THE DAMNED THING. You should have to read it, peoples, it was wunnerful. Heinlein studies the relationship and usage of words in relation to the actual physical object from which they are abstracted. His theme song is: "I'M SO AFRAID OF NIGHT, CAUSE I'M SO SEMANTIC." AAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGH! And Brucey wanted to print an article in this issue telling all about Bobsy and his strange reasonings on Technocracy, only Bobsy dint have no sense of humor an he threatened to sue. Tsk. Tsk. And, following a meeting at Heinlein's house, in which he and Bruce exchanged verbal blows, ushers came down the aisles, saying: "Choking in the outer lobby only, please, choking in the outer lobby only!" PLUTO PLUTO PLUTO PLUTO! Would you offer a dime for a fan mag-- if that mag had this to offer you: SHAME! SHAME! PERRI KNOWS WHO IS TO BLAME! "The Expanding Universe! by Prof Orrin Genipuss, 32 F. Rajocz's Science Column! Also, Dale Tarr, Ron Holmes, Joe Gilbert, and many others. Beautiful fantasy cover on the November issue by "damon knight." All this in FIVE (5) colours! Published by the Litterature, Science, and Hobbies Club, Decker, Ind. Ten Cents per copy! Three for 25[[cent symbol]]. Ye Ed bows in humble awe at this colourifious magasine. He just got four of them in the mail. I wish I knew how much they loose an issue, or, for that matter, how days an hour they work on it. plut is worth 10[[cent symbol]]
Hevelin Fanzines