Comet, v. 1, issue 3, May-June 1940
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ANNOUNCING ---- DAWN! What is it? Why it's the annual companion to THE COMET and MERCURY! How big? [[underline]]Over 65[[end underline]] large size pages! How much? Only 25[[cent symbol]]! STARLIGHT PUBLICATIONS takes great pleasure in announcing DAWN! the largest fan mag ever to appear. Over 65 big pages! Not just pages of junk either, but the finest material possible, great novels, a great feature lenght article, a photo-stencil cover of a magnificent drawing of a future city, photo-stencild photographs of all the famous fans, complete with autograph and short autobiography, a merit award that comes to $5.00, and that ain't all, there are many more features too numerous to mention. Of course, since this is the biggest thing ever attempted, we shall need support in more ways than one. First and foremost, financially, we should have at least 100 paid, not promised, subscribers before we start work. In case it flops, money will be promptly refunded. But it shouldn't flop, and won't if you, the readers, help. Advertisements also are a big help and it will pay you to advertise, for the circulation will be huge. Below are add prices. 40[[cent symbol]] for your name and best wishes with copy of DAWN. 1/8 page @ $.55 2 color fancy 1/4 " @ 1.00 1/2 " @ 1.85 $2.50 1 " @ 3.25 4.00 $5.00 2 " @ 5.75 7.00 10.00 4 " @ 10.00 12.50 17.50 Maybe you can't afford a large ad, but how about best wishes? Think what you're getting! Also needed is good material. Further details on this and the mag in general will be in the next issue. Send any questions to either me (Tom) or Joe Fortier. DAWN will be copyrighted! Help make it a huge success! [[underline]]WANTED[[end underline]]!j by MELVIN C. SCHMIDT R. F. D. #4, Mount Vernon, Indiana. COMET #1, POLARIS #2, SWEETNESS AND LIGHT #2, NEW FANDOM #, AD ASTRA #1. Will buy first copies offered to me. Don't send magazine before hearing from me. HURRY! LE ZOMBIE! Your cozy home life is not complete without a Universal Robot and a subscription to LE ZOMBIE! The only publication Hitler still allows in Germany!! (It keeps his people punch drunk!) LE ZOMBIE..Fandom's biggest bargain...3 for 10[[cent symbol]] Box 260, Bloomington, Ill.
ANNOUNCING ---- DAWN! What is it? Why it's the annual companion to THE COMET and MERCURY! How big? [[underline]]Over 65[[end underline]] large size pages! How much? Only 25[[cent symbol]]! STARLIGHT PUBLICATIONS takes great pleasure in announcing DAWN! the largest fan mag ever to appear. Over 65 big pages! Not just pages of junk either, but the finest material possible, great novels, a great feature lenght article, a photo-stencil cover of a magnificent drawing of a future city, photo-stencild photographs of all the famous fans, complete with autograph and short autobiography, a merit award that comes to $5.00, and that ain't all, there are many more features too numerous to mention. Of course, since this is the biggest thing ever attempted, we shall need support in more ways than one. First and foremost, financially, we should have at least 100 paid, not promised, subscribers before we start work. In case it flops, money will be promptly refunded. But it shouldn't flop, and won't if you, the readers, help. Advertisements also are a big help and it will pay you to advertise, for the circulation will be huge. Below are add prices. 40[[cent symbol]] for your name and best wishes with copy of DAWN. 1/8 page @ $.55 2 color fancy 1/4 " @ 1.00 1/2 " @ 1.85 $2.50 1 " @ 3.25 4.00 $5.00 2 " @ 5.75 7.00 10.00 4 " @ 10.00 12.50 17.50 Maybe you can't afford a large ad, but how about best wishes? Think what you're getting! Also needed is good material. Further details on this and the mag in general will be in the next issue. Send any questions to either me (Tom) or Joe Fortier. DAWN will be copyrighted! Help make it a huge success! [[underline]]WANTED[[end underline]]!j by MELVIN C. SCHMIDT R. F. D. #4, Mount Vernon, Indiana. COMET #1, POLARIS #2, SWEETNESS AND LIGHT #2, NEW FANDOM #, AD ASTRA #1. Will buy first copies offered to me. Don't send magazine before hearing from me. HURRY! LE ZOMBIE! Your cozy home life is not complete without a Universal Robot and a subscription to LE ZOMBIE! The only publication Hitler still allows in Germany!! (It keeps his people punch drunk!) LE ZOMBIE..Fandom's biggest bargain...3 for 10[[cent symbol]] Box 260, Bloomington, Ill.
Hevelin Fanzines