Fan Slants, v. 1, issue 1, September 1943
Page 15
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FAN SLANTS...............................................................15 as a genius. Under the present day conditions against unheard of odds. If he can survive the years of drilling in our ignorant hide-bound schools without completely warped and vitiated; he then butts into our glorious profit system, into the nauseating greed and selfishness of the world. In order to live at all, he must prosti-tute himself to the mores and conventions, else he will be branded "red" and be unable to hire out his talents. Then too if his work in-volves any really new reasearch, he must spend most of his time recon-ciling it with the bible, else the churches will be on him like a ton of bricks. Mankind generally lacks a scientific attitude----rather, is so far from comprehending what "science" means that there is no use in trying to explain the world to the masses. And it is a wholesale adoption of the scientific attitude that will save us, that and nothing else. In a bit, I shall go into this, but first lets look at all the pre-vailing systems of government under present day conditions. In considering any of these plans of organization, we must con-sider them on a world wide basis. It should be obvious that no att-empt at racial or other improvement can get very far in a world div-ided into jealous and antagonistic nationalities. We must have inter-nationalism, the world state, as a prerequisite to anything else we try to do; else some hitler will jump the middle of things and wreck the joint. Fascisim and Natziism can be dismissed with scant consideration with two of our biggest evils, the profit system, and religion. It is not very scientific and does not recognize the idividual as supreme. We certainly do not want an ant hill type of civilization. While democracy probably gives the individual the best chance for a satisfactory life of any existing system. It is not what we want. in the first place, it is founded on a scientific lie, ( all men were not created equal ), and in the second place democracy has never been tried and proabably never will be. What we actually have is a rule divided about equally among a few selfish pressure groups and lobbies, plus a great mass of ignorant boobs whose undisciplined emotions and occasionally sway the vote. "The voice of the people is the voice of god", said some politician once; but we want a rule ba-sed on the [underlined] truth, and the truth can not possibly be determined by a vote. A democracy of intellegent, thinking individuals would no doubt be most sucessful, but it is obvious that our citizehery are neither in-tellegent nor thinkers. A scientific new order of civilization is mankind's only hope of escaping interminable wars, poverty, grinding toil, and eventual retrogression to the level of the beast. The nearest system to a scientific one that has yet been presented is technocracy. in many of the matters involving money and economics, the technocrats [pace?] on the right track, but their great failing is their lack of recognition of racial improvement, mental science and applied bi-
FAN SLANTS...............................................................15 as a genius. Under the present day conditions against unheard of odds. If he can survive the years of drilling in our ignorant hide-bound schools without completely warped and vitiated; he then butts into our glorious profit system, into the nauseating greed and selfishness of the world. In order to live at all, he must prosti-tute himself to the mores and conventions, else he will be branded "red" and be unable to hire out his talents. Then too if his work in-volves any really new reasearch, he must spend most of his time recon-ciling it with the bible, else the churches will be on him like a ton of bricks. Mankind generally lacks a scientific attitude----rather, is so far from comprehending what "science" means that there is no use in trying to explain the world to the masses. And it is a wholesale adoption of the scientific attitude that will save us, that and nothing else. In a bit, I shall go into this, but first lets look at all the pre-vailing systems of government under present day conditions. In considering any of these plans of organization, we must con-sider them on a world wide basis. It should be obvious that no att-empt at racial or other improvement can get very far in a world div-ided into jealous and antagonistic nationalities. We must have inter-nationalism, the world state, as a prerequisite to anything else we try to do; else some hitler will jump the middle of things and wreck the joint. Fascisim and Natziism can be dismissed with scant consideration with two of our biggest evils, the profit system, and religion. It is not very scientific and does not recognize the idividual as supreme. We certainly do not want an ant hill type of civilization. While democracy probably gives the individual the best chance for a satisfactory life of any existing system. It is not what we want. in the first place, it is founded on a scientific lie, ( all men were not created equal ), and in the second place democracy has never been tried and proabably never will be. What we actually have is a rule divided about equally among a few selfish pressure groups and lobbies, plus a great mass of ignorant boobs whose undisciplined emotions and occasionally sway the vote. "The voice of the people is the voice of god", said some politician once; but we want a rule ba-sed on the [underlined] truth, and the truth can not possibly be determined by a vote. A democracy of intellegent, thinking individuals would no doubt be most sucessful, but it is obvious that our citizehery are neither in-tellegent nor thinkers. A scientific new order of civilization is mankind's only hope of escaping interminable wars, poverty, grinding toil, and eventual retrogression to the level of the beast. The nearest system to a scientific one that has yet been presented is technocracy. in many of the matters involving money and economics, the technocrats [pace?] on the right track, but their great failing is their lack of recognition of racial improvement, mental science and applied bi-
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