Fan Slants, v. 1, issue 1, September 1943
Page 33
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FAN SLANTS .... 33 yet we have long been aware that something of a rejuvenating nature was necessary in fandom, What it is, we are not sure; and some of us are satisfied merely to blame it all on the war, at any rate, most of us will agree thet the thing fandom needs most is a shot in the arm. We can't just blame it on the war and let it go at that. Perhaps fandom will revive quite naturally after the war, but fans will have to take part in the promotion of that revival---so why not make at least a partial start now? ORGANIZE? How much hope can we place in organization for leading us through this ebbing period? The local organizations, of course, are of supreme importance to fans individually and to fandom in its entirety. This statement is intended to apply only to the present. It seems to me that a powerful organization now; attempting to encompass all fandom would be far overstepping the need. Such a group as the FAPA fulfills a definite purpose, and well. The NFFF was a noteworthy attempt to unite fandom; the Neff, however, seems to be about as dead as it can possibly be. Of course the practice of calling forth spirits from the grave is not un-common to fantasy, so why should we not try it? It is a possibility. Several improvements, however, would have to be made over the original, Then, there is the Cosmic Circle, being promoted throughout the length and breadth of fandom as not merely the hope of fandom but of the whole universe, We have tried to work with this group, but we have found it impossible to find any solid foothold in their starry stairway, The C.C. may possibly be of some benefit to fandom after the bunch grows up, that is, if they are not consigned to the nether regions long before, Fandom itself, however, has not wholly left the amateur stage, so we should soft-pedal our criticism. At any rate, it seems to me that the letters C. C. could more properly stand for CLOUD CASTLES. M̲R̲S̲ ̲G̲R̲U̲N̲D̲Y̲ ̲R̲I̲D̲E̲S̲ ̲A̲G̲A̲I̲N̲ There is a person in fandom who publishes some terribly immoral pornography. This one, this insidious Fojak, has been distributing some of the most vulgar literature fandom has ever seen, imagine, he has actually published nudes in that devil of an organ he calls VOM. Tsk, tsk. And the nudes don't even have clothes on. How shocking. Thank heaven they're poorly drawn, so that we can't see too clearly. This gives us loyal followers of Mrs Grundy a strong line of protest. Not that it is our real reason. We don't give a damn if space ships are poorly drawn----we take that for granted, as we know that most fan artists can't draw anyhow. But we've got to use any line of attack we can think of for the suppression of vice in fandom. And criticizing the quality of fan art is always especially popular with fans as most fans don't have enough nerve to speak favorably of anything which has once been criticized adversely. SANS SHAME Into the world I came With neither clothes nor shame Save those which nature gave to me For all to see And men around me say That shame and clothes must stay But my soul ever longs to be Bared, clean and free Men claims to be the best Of species, yet the rest Are wiser far in ways, then he Unclothed and free Such joy to stand alone Beneath the sun's high throne And with the romping breeze to be Unhampered, free I know not any shame I only know my aim Thet all mankind may someday be Naked and free
FAN SLANTS .... 33 yet we have long been aware that something of a rejuvenating nature was necessary in fandom, What it is, we are not sure; and some of us are satisfied merely to blame it all on the war, at any rate, most of us will agree thet the thing fandom needs most is a shot in the arm. We can't just blame it on the war and let it go at that. Perhaps fandom will revive quite naturally after the war, but fans will have to take part in the promotion of that revival---so why not make at least a partial start now? ORGANIZE? How much hope can we place in organization for leading us through this ebbing period? The local organizations, of course, are of supreme importance to fans individually and to fandom in its entirety. This statement is intended to apply only to the present. It seems to me that a powerful organization now; attempting to encompass all fandom would be far overstepping the need. Such a group as the FAPA fulfills a definite purpose, and well. The NFFF was a noteworthy attempt to unite fandom; the Neff, however, seems to be about as dead as it can possibly be. Of course the practice of calling forth spirits from the grave is not un-common to fantasy, so why should we not try it? It is a possibility. Several improvements, however, would have to be made over the original, Then, there is the Cosmic Circle, being promoted throughout the length and breadth of fandom as not merely the hope of fandom but of the whole universe, We have tried to work with this group, but we have found it impossible to find any solid foothold in their starry stairway, The C.C. may possibly be of some benefit to fandom after the bunch grows up, that is, if they are not consigned to the nether regions long before, Fandom itself, however, has not wholly left the amateur stage, so we should soft-pedal our criticism. At any rate, it seems to me that the letters C. C. could more properly stand for CLOUD CASTLES. M̲R̲S̲ ̲G̲R̲U̲N̲D̲Y̲ ̲R̲I̲D̲E̲S̲ ̲A̲G̲A̲I̲N̲ There is a person in fandom who publishes some terribly immoral pornography. This one, this insidious Fojak, has been distributing some of the most vulgar literature fandom has ever seen, imagine, he has actually published nudes in that devil of an organ he calls VOM. Tsk, tsk. And the nudes don't even have clothes on. How shocking. Thank heaven they're poorly drawn, so that we can't see too clearly. This gives us loyal followers of Mrs Grundy a strong line of protest. Not that it is our real reason. We don't give a damn if space ships are poorly drawn----we take that for granted, as we know that most fan artists can't draw anyhow. But we've got to use any line of attack we can think of for the suppression of vice in fandom. And criticizing the quality of fan art is always especially popular with fans as most fans don't have enough nerve to speak favorably of anything which has once been criticized adversely. SANS SHAME Into the world I came With neither clothes nor shame Save those which nature gave to me For all to see And men around me say That shame and clothes must stay But my soul ever longs to be Bared, clean and free Men claims to be the best Of species, yet the rest Are wiser far in ways, then he Unclothed and free Such joy to stand alone Beneath the sun's high throne And with the romping breeze to be Unhampered, free I know not any shame I only know my aim Thet all mankind may someday be Naked and free
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