Kay-Mar Trader, v. 2, issue 4, June-July 1947
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N.F.F.F.acts All is quiet on ALL fronts. This is getting to be a one-man job. No reports or activities from officials or TNFF. So what do the members get for the buck? YOU WILL STILL GET YOUR VALUE this year. The FINLAY FOLIO and "The Sign of the Burning Hart" will save you 50[[cent symbol]], each. What little other activities accomplished have been jotted down in this column and from time to time. K-M-T has been covering the membership pretty well. The LAUREATE AWARD certificates have been mailed to the Chairman of Directors, Rusty Hevelin. As soon as they are returned, each winner will get his. 56 votes were cast, and results are; -- Best Fan Author; Moskowitz 7; Baldwin 6; Tucker 5; Speer 4; Laney 3. Best Fan Poet; Redd Boggs 5; Kennedy 4; D.Hart 3; Leibscher 3. Best Fan Editor: Kennedy 24; L. Searles 7; Burbee 3; Laney 2. Best Fanzine; Vampire 22; F. Commentator 9; Stf-ist 4; ShaggieLa 3. Best Newszine; Fanews 22;F. Spectator6 Ember; Fant.Times; Vortex.2 Specialized Fmz; F.Advertiser 14; F. Commentator 9; Stf-ist 5; Ember4 Fan of the year; Kennedy 15; Carlson 9; Ackerman 5; Dunk 4; Tucker3 Best New Fan; Jewett 4; Mullen-Cook-Sneary 3; Kadet-Peterson 2 Best Pro-(ex fan); Bradbury 15; Palmer 5; Kuttner3; Campbell 2 Best Fan Artist; Cockroft 11; Clyne 8; Hunt 5; Van Splawn4;Goldstone3 Best Fan Humorist; Tucker 12; Burbee 9; Kennedy8;Leibscher5;Acky 2 Outstanding Promag; Astounding 33; F.F.M. 14; Wonder2; There were many single votes and many blanks N.F.F.F. now offers the FIRST BOOK; "THE SIGN OF THE BURNING HART" selling for $2.00 to non-members, BUT $1.50 to all Neffers. Read the "AD" in this issue. GUS WILLMORTH of Calif has been kind enough to give us special rates in FANTASY ADVERTISER for a long term N.F.F.F. Ad. Be sure to get your copy of the new printed F.A.; 628 S.Bixel, Los Angeles 14 WHO WILL CARRY ON the Fantasy Review now that Joe Kennedy can no longer continue? Selling at 50[[cent symbol]] a copy, it should be a worthwhile job for some active Neffer. Let's get some active fellows to help out on this. THE PHIL-CON MEMORY BOOK . Dunk and I have decided to publish this book AFTER the convention, so that Phil-Con reports will be in it. ALL EDITORS and members are welcome to send in 200 copies of their Fanzines for inclusion in this book. 8 1/2 X 11 size. NEW MEMBER. By July 8th we have welcomed 42 new members into N3F and have hopes that many more by the end of the year. Please give these fellows a sample copy of your fanzine and a letter of welcome. 32. Rex E Ward, 428 Main Street,El Segundo, Calif. 33. Jack Clements, 6310 Madison Rd, Cincinnati 27,Ohio 34. Timothy Orrok, 5 Cleveland Str, Cambridge 38, Mass. 35. David A.Mac lnnes[[?]], 877 No.Third Str, Memphis,Tenn. 36. Joseph Krucher, 416 East 73rd Str, New York 21, N.Y. 37. Don Hutchison, 7 Tacoma Ave, Toronro 5, Ont. Canada. 38. Donald Day, 3435 N E 38 Ave, Portland 13, Oregon 39. Thomas H. Carter 817 Starling Ave,Martinsville, Va. 40. Hugh Mc Innis, % Y.M.C.A. Warrem, Ark. 41. Raymond Isadore, 1907-A South 14th Str, Milwaukee 4, Wisc. 42. Kremis Hasty, 6069 Buena Vista Ave,Oakland ,Calif. A new ROSTER will appear as soon as I can get to the stencil work. I have a report from Dunk (Walter Dunkelberger) to the effect that we have sold 194 Finlay Folio since he first took charge of the FINLAY FOLIO Department. YOU figure out how much money it brought in to the N3F treasury. By the way, there is $106.87 balance now. All we lack is a STEADY TNFF, so that the membership will know what is being done in the organization. N.F.F.F. - HOSTESS. Claudette Scanlan offered to help me in all my correspondence work. So she is now officiallt our HOSTESS. Write to her about most anything and you will hear from her. She has done very nice work so far.
N.F.F.F.acts All is quiet on ALL fronts. This is getting to be a one-man job. No reports or activities from officials or TNFF. So what do the members get for the buck? YOU WILL STILL GET YOUR VALUE this year. The FINLAY FOLIO and "The Sign of the Burning Hart" will save you 50[[cent symbol]], each. What little other activities accomplished have been jotted down in this column and from time to time. K-M-T has been covering the membership pretty well. The LAUREATE AWARD certificates have been mailed to the Chairman of Directors, Rusty Hevelin. As soon as they are returned, each winner will get his. 56 votes were cast, and results are; -- Best Fan Author; Moskowitz 7; Baldwin 6; Tucker 5; Speer 4; Laney 3. Best Fan Poet; Redd Boggs 5; Kennedy 4; D.Hart 3; Leibscher 3. Best Fan Editor: Kennedy 24; L. Searles 7; Burbee 3; Laney 2. Best Fanzine; Vampire 22; F. Commentator 9; Stf-ist 4; ShaggieLa 3. Best Newszine; Fanews 22;F. Spectator6 Ember; Fant.Times; Vortex.2 Specialized Fmz; F.Advertiser 14; F. Commentator 9; Stf-ist 5; Ember4 Fan of the year; Kennedy 15; Carlson 9; Ackerman 5; Dunk 4; Tucker3 Best New Fan; Jewett 4; Mullen-Cook-Sneary 3; Kadet-Peterson 2 Best Pro-(ex fan); Bradbury 15; Palmer 5; Kuttner3; Campbell 2 Best Fan Artist; Cockroft 11; Clyne 8; Hunt 5; Van Splawn4;Goldstone3 Best Fan Humorist; Tucker 12; Burbee 9; Kennedy8;Leibscher5;Acky 2 Outstanding Promag; Astounding 33; F.F.M. 14; Wonder2; There were many single votes and many blanks N.F.F.F. now offers the FIRST BOOK; "THE SIGN OF THE BURNING HART" selling for $2.00 to non-members, BUT $1.50 to all Neffers. Read the "AD" in this issue. GUS WILLMORTH of Calif has been kind enough to give us special rates in FANTASY ADVERTISER for a long term N.F.F.F. Ad. Be sure to get your copy of the new printed F.A.; 628 S.Bixel, Los Angeles 14 WHO WILL CARRY ON the Fantasy Review now that Joe Kennedy can no longer continue? Selling at 50[[cent symbol]] a copy, it should be a worthwhile job for some active Neffer. Let's get some active fellows to help out on this. THE PHIL-CON MEMORY BOOK . Dunk and I have decided to publish this book AFTER the convention, so that Phil-Con reports will be in it. ALL EDITORS and members are welcome to send in 200 copies of their Fanzines for inclusion in this book. 8 1/2 X 11 size. NEW MEMBER. By July 8th we have welcomed 42 new members into N3F and have hopes that many more by the end of the year. Please give these fellows a sample copy of your fanzine and a letter of welcome. 32. Rex E Ward, 428 Main Street,El Segundo, Calif. 33. Jack Clements, 6310 Madison Rd, Cincinnati 27,Ohio 34. Timothy Orrok, 5 Cleveland Str, Cambridge 38, Mass. 35. David A.Mac lnnes[[?]], 877 No.Third Str, Memphis,Tenn. 36. Joseph Krucher, 416 East 73rd Str, New York 21, N.Y. 37. Don Hutchison, 7 Tacoma Ave, Toronro 5, Ont. Canada. 38. Donald Day, 3435 N E 38 Ave, Portland 13, Oregon 39. Thomas H. Carter 817 Starling Ave,Martinsville, Va. 40. Hugh Mc Innis, % Y.M.C.A. Warrem, Ark. 41. Raymond Isadore, 1907-A South 14th Str, Milwaukee 4, Wisc. 42. Kremis Hasty, 6069 Buena Vista Ave,Oakland ,Calif. A new ROSTER will appear as soon as I can get to the stencil work. I have a report from Dunk (Walter Dunkelberger) to the effect that we have sold 194 Finlay Folio since he first took charge of the FINLAY FOLIO Department. YOU figure out how much money it brought in to the N3F treasury. By the way, there is $106.87 balance now. All we lack is a STEADY TNFF, so that the membership will know what is being done in the organization. N.F.F.F. - HOSTESS. Claudette Scanlan offered to help me in all my correspondence work. So she is now officiallt our HOSTESS. Write to her about most anything and you will hear from her. She has done very nice work so far.
Hevelin Fanzines