Science Adventure Stories, v. 1, issue 2, October 1938
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RETURN TO THE FUTURE By M.H. Asquith (conclusion) *********************************************************** Synopsis On the eve of the year 3000, Myron Y_22378 is the chosen volunteer to be hurled into the future by means of the scientific wizardry of the thirtieth century Utopians . . To be hurled far ahead of the years of the new millenium, so that his journey through the realms of time be accomplished within a very few hours of normal duration. This is to be the greatest achievement of all the ages in man's conquest of the Cosmos and the purpose of the experiment is that men might learn their ultimate destiny and thus be prepared. Under the influence of fourth-dimensional rays, Myron is rapidly projected into the future. Day and night merge into a blur of gray as the Time paradox accelerates The building in which Myron departed into ### Time vanishes and he soon realizes that he is standing upon its ruins. To his growing wonderment he discovers that all around him are the remains of the once-proud metropolis. He is filled with misgivings and speculations concerning the cause of the city's destruction. And coming to a pause in a future age, Myron meets a lone human being. . . a girl, at the end of his journey into Time. Myron is impressed with her charms, the scene of desolate ruins and endeavors to learn from her the story of the downfall. . . things which he immediately realizes are absurd questions; but she startles him by intervening with: "But I (21)
RETURN TO THE FUTURE By M.H. Asquith (conclusion) *********************************************************** Synopsis On the eve of the year 3000, Myron Y_22378 is the chosen volunteer to be hurled into the future by means of the scientific wizardry of the thirtieth century Utopians . . To be hurled far ahead of the years of the new millenium, so that his journey through the realms of time be accomplished within a very few hours of normal duration. This is to be the greatest achievement of all the ages in man's conquest of the Cosmos and the purpose of the experiment is that men might learn their ultimate destiny and thus be prepared. Under the influence of fourth-dimensional rays, Myron is rapidly projected into the future. Day and night merge into a blur of gray as the Time paradox accelerates The building in which Myron departed into ### Time vanishes and he soon realizes that he is standing upon its ruins. To his growing wonderment he discovers that all around him are the remains of the once-proud metropolis. He is filled with misgivings and speculations concerning the cause of the city's destruction. And coming to a pause in a future age, Myron meets a lone human being. . . a girl, at the end of his journey into Time. Myron is impressed with her charms, the scene of desolate ruins and endeavors to learn from her the story of the downfall. . . things which he immediately realizes are absurd questions; but she startles him by intervening with: "But I (21)
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