Shangri-la, issue 6, May-June 1946
Page 15
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A QUASI-KINSEY REPORT ON THE LASFS, BASED ON THE TUCKER QUESTIONNAIRE AND SYNTHESIZED BY FJA, DEMONSTRATING THAT FANGELENOS ARE QUASIER THAN ANYBODY We-all at the LASFS prefer Astounding SCIENCE FICTION 8 to 1. The only other mag that got a vote as favorite was Unknown. Amazing is our unfavorite periodical, for the following reasons: Too many deros...mental level...attitude...literary worth...emphasis on metaphysics...Shaver, Palmer, and their attitude. Planet received one panning for its "low literary quality". Horror Stories was also resurrected for one vote as worst promag. In cover preferences, Symbolic are tied with Illustrative. There is no get-together whatsoever on the type of story prefered by our members. Straight SF got 3 votes, Fantasy 2, with 1 vote apiece for Superman Type, Sociological, Science Adventure, Utopian, and Good Time Travel. Here are the divers reasons Lasfassers feel fandom has for existing: To improve prozines by criticism and get get the fans together to trade mags and to trade discuss, perpetuate and produce imaginative literature...NO PURPOSE (2) round up certain type of neurotics...hobby (again) admiration keep Forrest J Ackerman from working. 88% of voters believe the Club worthwhile, 4 don't believe they could better it, and 2 think they could improve it. Three-fourths of the voters feel fans are intelligent, other third has its doubts. (My slide rule is warped.) Anywhere from 25 to 250 books a year are read out here. We have 7 optimists for the future, 4 who foresee no future. The one big calamity expected by LASFS members is WAR---anywhere from 18 mos. to 5 yrs. hence. A moonrocket is looked for as early as 1950, as late as 25 years from now. Four would go on the moonflight, five of us old men would rather stay home and hear 'em tell about it. Five believe the Saucers man-made, two that they were a natural phenomena. The status of science fiction ? Intermediate, said 6; adult said 3; juvenile, said 1. Here is the big blow: Altho the members are 87-1/2% non-religious to 12-1/2% "part religious", one member replied: I BELIEVE IN GOD, IF THAT'S WHAT YOU WANT TO KNOW. - 15 -
A QUASI-KINSEY REPORT ON THE LASFS, BASED ON THE TUCKER QUESTIONNAIRE AND SYNTHESIZED BY FJA, DEMONSTRATING THAT FANGELENOS ARE QUASIER THAN ANYBODY We-all at the LASFS prefer Astounding SCIENCE FICTION 8 to 1. The only other mag that got a vote as favorite was Unknown. Amazing is our unfavorite periodical, for the following reasons: Too many deros...mental level...attitude...literary worth...emphasis on metaphysics...Shaver, Palmer, and their attitude. Planet received one panning for its "low literary quality". Horror Stories was also resurrected for one vote as worst promag. In cover preferences, Symbolic are tied with Illustrative. There is no get-together whatsoever on the type of story prefered by our members. Straight SF got 3 votes, Fantasy 2, with 1 vote apiece for Superman Type, Sociological, Science Adventure, Utopian, and Good Time Travel. Here are the divers reasons Lasfassers feel fandom has for existing: To improve prozines by criticism and get get the fans together to trade mags and to trade discuss, perpetuate and produce imaginative literature...NO PURPOSE (2) round up certain type of neurotics...hobby (again) admiration keep Forrest J Ackerman from working. 88% of voters believe the Club worthwhile, 4 don't believe they could better it, and 2 think they could improve it. Three-fourths of the voters feel fans are intelligent, other third has its doubts. (My slide rule is warped.) Anywhere from 25 to 250 books a year are read out here. We have 7 optimists for the future, 4 who foresee no future. The one big calamity expected by LASFS members is WAR---anywhere from 18 mos. to 5 yrs. hence. A moonrocket is looked for as early as 1950, as late as 25 years from now. Four would go on the moonflight, five of us old men would rather stay home and hear 'em tell about it. Five believe the Saucers man-made, two that they were a natural phenomena. The status of science fiction ? Intermediate, said 6; adult said 3; juvenile, said 1. Here is the big blow: Altho the members are 87-1/2% non-religious to 12-1/2% "part religious", one member replied: I BELIEVE IN GOD, IF THAT'S WHAT YOU WANT TO KNOW. - 15 -
Hevelin Fanzines