Shangri-la, issue 6, May-June 1946
Page 16
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SHANGRI-LETTERS THE REACTIONS OF THE READERS With Snide Editorial Remarks August Derleth, Arkham House, Sauk City, Wisconsin, leads off: "I've just got around to looking at the March-April S-La and discover in it, in connection with reports of meetings of the LASFS, a mis-statement concerning myself. In this rather snide paragraph, it is stated that I wrote Mr. Daugherty saying that all Lovecraft letters were my personal propery. That is not true. I neither wrote this, nor is it a fact. The facts in the matter are these: 1. any writing by any person is his personal property; or, if he is dead, the property of his estate. 2. it has been settled at law, carried to the US Supreme Court, that no writing of any kind, save such as has been written for a specific publication, or sold for publication, can be published without the consent of the writer, his estate, or his executors; 3. the Lovecraft letters and all his other writings are the property of the Lovecraft estate; for this estate, Donald Wandrei, R.H. Barlow, and are are serving as literary executors; 4. we would be remiss in our duties if we were to permit any such illegal publication as Mr. Daugherty envisioned to pass unchallenged; in fact, we would be legally as much at fault as the publisher, and we would have therefore no alternative but to take punitive a ction at law, which would be very costly for any rash publisher; it is, accordingly, to his interest that we set these facts forth to anyone planning such illegal and actionable publication." (For the rest of is letter, he declares that the Lovecraft-DeCastro relationship was a business one rather than a personal friendship, something which Mr. DeCastro disputes, holding to the contrary. Also, he states categorically that he is not a hard man to deal with; that no honest person can or will honestly say that. --- I might add that Daugherty brought out the facts given in paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 above, at the time of the meeting, the minutes of which disturbed Derleth. The minutes were not incorrect, really; just not complete. By the letters being the property of Derleth, it was meant only that he had control over them. --- Okay, Derleth?) Marijane Nuttall, Route 1, Box 601, Lakeside, California: "I quite agree with Burb's recent comments that the new Shangri-La is quite an improvement over the last one." (She means that #5 is better than #4.) "The Editorial was well-done and should appease all Burbee-fans. 'The Wind Is Blowing On My Eye' was an intriguing tale. Made me wish there were more to it...quite the germ of a real 'guilt-complex plot' there. My mother-in-law asked what I was chortling about so. Naturally it was Al Ashley's 'Null-I.' Now I begin to believe Laney and Burbee. Forry's interview with Cyril Hume most interesting. Was most - 16 -
SHANGRI-LETTERS THE REACTIONS OF THE READERS With Snide Editorial Remarks August Derleth, Arkham House, Sauk City, Wisconsin, leads off: "I've just got around to looking at the March-April S-La and discover in it, in connection with reports of meetings of the LASFS, a mis-statement concerning myself. In this rather snide paragraph, it is stated that I wrote Mr. Daugherty saying that all Lovecraft letters were my personal propery. That is not true. I neither wrote this, nor is it a fact. The facts in the matter are these: 1. any writing by any person is his personal property; or, if he is dead, the property of his estate. 2. it has been settled at law, carried to the US Supreme Court, that no writing of any kind, save such as has been written for a specific publication, or sold for publication, can be published without the consent of the writer, his estate, or his executors; 3. the Lovecraft letters and all his other writings are the property of the Lovecraft estate; for this estate, Donald Wandrei, R.H. Barlow, and are are serving as literary executors; 4. we would be remiss in our duties if we were to permit any such illegal publication as Mr. Daugherty envisioned to pass unchallenged; in fact, we would be legally as much at fault as the publisher, and we would have therefore no alternative but to take punitive a ction at law, which would be very costly for any rash publisher; it is, accordingly, to his interest that we set these facts forth to anyone planning such illegal and actionable publication." (For the rest of is letter, he declares that the Lovecraft-DeCastro relationship was a business one rather than a personal friendship, something which Mr. DeCastro disputes, holding to the contrary. Also, he states categorically that he is not a hard man to deal with; that no honest person can or will honestly say that. --- I might add that Daugherty brought out the facts given in paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 above, at the time of the meeting, the minutes of which disturbed Derleth. The minutes were not incorrect, really; just not complete. By the letters being the property of Derleth, it was meant only that he had control over them. --- Okay, Derleth?) Marijane Nuttall, Route 1, Box 601, Lakeside, California: "I quite agree with Burb's recent comments that the new Shangri-La is quite an improvement over the last one." (She means that #5 is better than #4.) "The Editorial was well-done and should appease all Burbee-fans. 'The Wind Is Blowing On My Eye' was an intriguing tale. Made me wish there were more to it...quite the germ of a real 'guilt-complex plot' there. My mother-in-law asked what I was chortling about so. Naturally it was Al Ashley's 'Null-I.' Now I begin to believe Laney and Burbee. Forry's interview with Cyril Hume most interesting. Was most - 16 -
Hevelin Fanzines