Shangri-la, issue 6, May-June 1946
Page 18
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((To Roberta Hesse: We're folding the mag another way this time, to keep you and others from having to buy scotch tape in order to repair loose covers.)) M. Diner, 445 Mt. Pleasant Ave., Westmount, Montreal 6, Can. had this to say, in part: "Comments? I like the new Shaggy very much indeed. This is not to be construed as a slap at Burb: I like him, too. But creative artistry such as his is not to be dammed by a mere matter of being ousted from a club organ---we get our full ration of him thru FAPA. And what we do have is a brand-new and first-class general fanzine. I like it. Only suggestion: get more stuff by Van Vogt, if possible." ((Thanks for the 50¢, M. D. And I'll try to get something from A.E.)) Rick Sneary, 2962 Santa Ana St., South Gate, Calif. types a long letter. Part of it herewith: "Letters were good. I like your idea of cutting part and merely telling the gist of what they said. And quoting the more important stuff. -- I wish Moffat would get a car. If he did we might get into the meeting more often. I'm not much out of his way." ((Instead of selecting a few letters and publishing them in toto, a fairer practice, it seems to me, is to select parts of many missives for publication. In your case, Rick, I might have printed more of your letter, had you been less complimentary. This is not to encourage readers to be hyper-critical in hopes of having their letters published, but a letter section of love letters lets the editor be exposed to the charge of biased---well, you know.)) Sam Moskowitz, 446 Jelliff Ave., Newark 8, N.J. sends a dollar and says: "Burb's viewpoint on printing the articles is understandable to me under the idea of mature, uncensored material. I believe that the club is at fault in not having sufficient interest to examine or regulate the type of material they wanted as their 'official' front. Certainly tomfoolery & hilarity have been the watchword in the journals of the LASFS so long that the idea of 'anything goes' is understandable. The club has no legitimate gripe on Burb's printing of defamatory material, but they do have one in his disregard of the club's dictum that no copy be sent Amazing."" ((Sam, Shangri-L'Af-etc" was Burbee's mag. Burbee ran it to suit himself, even publishing fictitious minutes. This was okay with me, and it was okay with the rest of the members, except for the times he got too irreverent at personal shrines. He did all the work and took nearly all the responsibility---all of it, in fact, for practical purposes. -- I wouldn't try to say that Burbee made new club-friends with the Laney articles, but I will say that that it was his going against the members' vote on the Amazing matter that saw him to the door of 637-1/2 S. Bixel St., on the arm of circumstance. May I say, in closing (I hope) the door on this matter, that the Club has, apparently, forgotten the unpleasantness....and so have our readers, except for perfunctorily stating that our problems are at a local level, that an outsider is not able to judge, or somesuch. Let grass cover the bones at Austerlitz. To quote the caption on the LASFS Emblem: "De-Profundis...Ad Astra!" There isn't anything else to say at this time.)) *18*
((To Roberta Hesse: We're folding the mag another way this time, to keep you and others from having to buy scotch tape in order to repair loose covers.)) M. Diner, 445 Mt. Pleasant Ave., Westmount, Montreal 6, Can. had this to say, in part: "Comments? I like the new Shaggy very much indeed. This is not to be construed as a slap at Burb: I like him, too. But creative artistry such as his is not to be dammed by a mere matter of being ousted from a club organ---we get our full ration of him thru FAPA. And what we do have is a brand-new and first-class general fanzine. I like it. Only suggestion: get more stuff by Van Vogt, if possible." ((Thanks for the 50¢, M. D. And I'll try to get something from A.E.)) Rick Sneary, 2962 Santa Ana St., South Gate, Calif. types a long letter. Part of it herewith: "Letters were good. I like your idea of cutting part and merely telling the gist of what they said. And quoting the more important stuff. -- I wish Moffat would get a car. If he did we might get into the meeting more often. I'm not much out of his way." ((Instead of selecting a few letters and publishing them in toto, a fairer practice, it seems to me, is to select parts of many missives for publication. In your case, Rick, I might have printed more of your letter, had you been less complimentary. This is not to encourage readers to be hyper-critical in hopes of having their letters published, but a letter section of love letters lets the editor be exposed to the charge of biased---well, you know.)) Sam Moskowitz, 446 Jelliff Ave., Newark 8, N.J. sends a dollar and says: "Burb's viewpoint on printing the articles is understandable to me under the idea of mature, uncensored material. I believe that the club is at fault in not having sufficient interest to examine or regulate the type of material they wanted as their 'official' front. Certainly tomfoolery & hilarity have been the watchword in the journals of the LASFS so long that the idea of 'anything goes' is understandable. The club has no legitimate gripe on Burb's printing of defamatory material, but they do have one in his disregard of the club's dictum that no copy be sent Amazing."" ((Sam, Shangri-L'Af-etc" was Burbee's mag. Burbee ran it to suit himself, even publishing fictitious minutes. This was okay with me, and it was okay with the rest of the members, except for the times he got too irreverent at personal shrines. He did all the work and took nearly all the responsibility---all of it, in fact, for practical purposes. -- I wouldn't try to say that Burbee made new club-friends with the Laney articles, but I will say that that it was his going against the members' vote on the Amazing matter that saw him to the door of 637-1/2 S. Bixel St., on the arm of circumstance. May I say, in closing (I hope) the door on this matter, that the Club has, apparently, forgotten the unpleasantness....and so have our readers, except for perfunctorily stating that our problems are at a local level, that an outsider is not able to judge, or somesuch. Let grass cover the bones at Austerlitz. To quote the caption on the LASFS Emblem: "De-Profundis...Ad Astra!" There isn't anything else to say at this time.)) *18*
Hevelin Fanzines