Fantascience Digest, v. 2, issue 4, May-June 1939
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Page 2 FANTASCIENCE DIGEST HERE IT IS! One of the finest mimeographed magazines ever presented to the science fiction world. AD ASTRA - "to the stars", it means, and ten cents is your guarantee of receiving the gala third issue, eclipsing even the two previous numbers you've heard so much about. Artist Julian S. Krupa has drawn TWO magnificent full-page illustrations for this issue! They're both on special thick, colored paper --- but that isn't all. One is an exact reproduction of the cover of the first issue of Amazing Stories, just as Paul drew it! The reason? Well, we've decided to dedicate this issue to Amazing, with a guest editorial by Raymond A. Palmer, the first in a series of dedications engulfing the entire professional science fiction field. Also contained is a complete, statistical resume of facts and figures in Amazing's history. BUT THAT ISN'T ALL! In the same issue you'll find "An Interview with Dick Calkins" by Richard I. Meyer, "The Good Old Days" by Leslie A. Croutch -- his first printed fan article, "Viva La Fan Mag" by Charles D. Hornig -- editor of Science Fiction, "Sidelights in Fantasy" by Farsaci, "Convention Sidelights" by Robert A. Madle -- editor of Fantascience Digest, plus great material by Warner, Reinsberg, Wollheim, and -- among others, that No. 1 fan of all time -- Forrest J Ackerman. What more can you ask in 24 carefully mimeographed pages? 25 cents for a three issue subscription is your best bet. Send it to: AD ASTRA, 3156 Cambridge Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. Adv. THE EDITOR'S MESSAGE Probably the first thing I should get off my mind is the inexcusable lateless of this issue. I announced that this number would appear early in June and now it seems that September has arrived! All I can say is that
Page 2 FANTASCIENCE DIGEST HERE IT IS! One of the finest mimeographed magazines ever presented to the science fiction world. AD ASTRA - "to the stars", it means, and ten cents is your guarantee of receiving the gala third issue, eclipsing even the two previous numbers you've heard so much about. Artist Julian S. Krupa has drawn TWO magnificent full-page illustrations for this issue! They're both on special thick, colored paper --- but that isn't all. One is an exact reproduction of the cover of the first issue of Amazing Stories, just as Paul drew it! The reason? Well, we've decided to dedicate this issue to Amazing, with a guest editorial by Raymond A. Palmer, the first in a series of dedications engulfing the entire professional science fiction field. Also contained is a complete, statistical resume of facts and figures in Amazing's history. BUT THAT ISN'T ALL! In the same issue you'll find "An Interview with Dick Calkins" by Richard I. Meyer, "The Good Old Days" by Leslie A. Croutch -- his first printed fan article, "Viva La Fan Mag" by Charles D. Hornig -- editor of Science Fiction, "Sidelights in Fantasy" by Farsaci, "Convention Sidelights" by Robert A. Madle -- editor of Fantascience Digest, plus great material by Warner, Reinsberg, Wollheim, and -- among others, that No. 1 fan of all time -- Forrest J Ackerman. What more can you ask in 24 carefully mimeographed pages? 25 cents for a three issue subscription is your best bet. Send it to: AD ASTRA, 3156 Cambridge Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. Adv. THE EDITOR'S MESSAGE Probably the first thing I should get off my mind is the inexcusable lateless of this issue. I announced that this number would appear early in June and now it seems that September has arrived! All I can say is that
Hevelin Fanzines