Fantascience Digest, v. 2, issue 4, May-June 1939
Page 19
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FANTASCIENCE DIGEST Page 19 60,000 copies. WRITERS DIGEST claims that when a magazine reaches those figures, there is something to get excited about. Question. Which magazine reached 60,000 first?.....Speaking of circulation, Raymond A. Palmer estimated that only about two hundred science fiction fans will buy the NEW ADAM, despite the large number of pledges he has received. And if this occurs, one Mr. Palmer will be in the "dog-house" and will not be inclined to do anything for the fans again. We sincerely hope Mr. Palmer's pessimistic outlook will not materialize. Although FUTURE FICTION, announced in the current issue of Hornig's SCIENCE FICTION, was supposed to hit the stands August 20th, it has yet to appear. And August 20th is about a week in the past as this is being written. FUTURE FICTION will be primarily an action magazine, and stories accepted that stress adventure will appear there. On the other hand, SCIENCE FICTION will lean more to science and fantasy. Both magazines will continue to be bi-monthlies indefinitely. One of Editor Hornig's policies will be to endeavor to present a long novel in each issue of both magazines. The January, 1940 issue of FUTURE FICTION (which is probably the date of the initial issue) will contain a novel by Frederic Arnold Kummer, Jr., the amazing lad who appears to sell everything he writes. FUTURE FICTION will probably hve a cartoon feature by Frank R. Paul. Here's a scoop! Killer Kane, Buck rogers' timid little pal, is dead! Dick Calkins finished him off for good in a little spat between the two arch-rivals. This move was suggested by your co-correspondent, Mark Reinsberg, during an interview for AD ASTRA. Dick Calkins was in a jovial mood and accepted the suggestion. By the way, what ever happened to Phil Nowlan, the original author? It is rumored that Nowlan has had some stuff accepted by AMAZING, but this is only hearsay. On or about September 16th, Raymond A. Palmer will say "I do". Ray will wed Margaret Ruth Coyle of Milwaukee, whom he has known for several years.....It appears that Will Sykora will also be getting married in the near future. We wonder who'll be next?.....Poor old Neil R. Jones! During the Editorial reign of Sloane, Jones was one of the most popular writers -- and one of the most consistent sellers. Since Palmer took over, Jones has received rejection after rejection. Palmer recently rejecetd three of his yarns at once. It looks like we'll never see Professor Jameson in the pages of AMAZING. Perhaps some other magazine will deem it advisable to continue the series, tho. .....On the other hand, Polton Cross (who writes a damned sight like John Russell Fearn) has sold "One Came Back" to Palmer.....John Taine's "G.O.G. 666" is still awaiting a decision. It is a very long novel and if Palmer accepts it, it will necessarily have to appear in serial form. David H. Keller fans will be interested in reading the following, from Farnsworth Wright: "David H. Keller returns to the pages of WEIRD TALES with a yarn entitled "LORD OF THE ICE". This deals with out world gone mad with war fever and too much gold. It deals with vast cataclysms, and the Antarctic continent spewing up salt water through a thousand volcanoes, to rock the earth and engulf the land. The tale tells of a supercivilization under the Antarctic ice, where the decendants of Moors from Spain have built their own civilization. Admirers of Dr. Keller will be glad to read this story, which appears in the
FANTASCIENCE DIGEST Page 19 60,000 copies. WRITERS DIGEST claims that when a magazine reaches those figures, there is something to get excited about. Question. Which magazine reached 60,000 first?.....Speaking of circulation, Raymond A. Palmer estimated that only about two hundred science fiction fans will buy the NEW ADAM, despite the large number of pledges he has received. And if this occurs, one Mr. Palmer will be in the "dog-house" and will not be inclined to do anything for the fans again. We sincerely hope Mr. Palmer's pessimistic outlook will not materialize. Although FUTURE FICTION, announced in the current issue of Hornig's SCIENCE FICTION, was supposed to hit the stands August 20th, it has yet to appear. And August 20th is about a week in the past as this is being written. FUTURE FICTION will be primarily an action magazine, and stories accepted that stress adventure will appear there. On the other hand, SCIENCE FICTION will lean more to science and fantasy. Both magazines will continue to be bi-monthlies indefinitely. One of Editor Hornig's policies will be to endeavor to present a long novel in each issue of both magazines. The January, 1940 issue of FUTURE FICTION (which is probably the date of the initial issue) will contain a novel by Frederic Arnold Kummer, Jr., the amazing lad who appears to sell everything he writes. FUTURE FICTION will probably hve a cartoon feature by Frank R. Paul. Here's a scoop! Killer Kane, Buck rogers' timid little pal, is dead! Dick Calkins finished him off for good in a little spat between the two arch-rivals. This move was suggested by your co-correspondent, Mark Reinsberg, during an interview for AD ASTRA. Dick Calkins was in a jovial mood and accepted the suggestion. By the way, what ever happened to Phil Nowlan, the original author? It is rumored that Nowlan has had some stuff accepted by AMAZING, but this is only hearsay. On or about September 16th, Raymond A. Palmer will say "I do". Ray will wed Margaret Ruth Coyle of Milwaukee, whom he has known for several years.....It appears that Will Sykora will also be getting married in the near future. We wonder who'll be next?.....Poor old Neil R. Jones! During the Editorial reign of Sloane, Jones was one of the most popular writers -- and one of the most consistent sellers. Since Palmer took over, Jones has received rejection after rejection. Palmer recently rejecetd three of his yarns at once. It looks like we'll never see Professor Jameson in the pages of AMAZING. Perhaps some other magazine will deem it advisable to continue the series, tho. .....On the other hand, Polton Cross (who writes a damned sight like John Russell Fearn) has sold "One Came Back" to Palmer.....John Taine's "G.O.G. 666" is still awaiting a decision. It is a very long novel and if Palmer accepts it, it will necessarily have to appear in serial form. David H. Keller fans will be interested in reading the following, from Farnsworth Wright: "David H. Keller returns to the pages of WEIRD TALES with a yarn entitled "LORD OF THE ICE". This deals with out world gone mad with war fever and too much gold. It deals with vast cataclysms, and the Antarctic continent spewing up salt water through a thousand volcanoes, to rock the earth and engulf the land. The tale tells of a supercivilization under the Antarctic ice, where the decendants of Moors from Spain have built their own civilization. Admirers of Dr. Keller will be glad to read this story, which appears in the
Hevelin Fanzines