Fantascience Digest, v. 2, issue 4, May-June 1939
Page 20
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Page 20 FANTASCIENCE DIGEST December issue of WEIRD TALES." Several well-known science fiction fans will soon make their appearances in WT. Harry Warner, Jr., one of FD's best article writers, Willis Conover, Jr., and C. S. Youd, a British fan, have all sold poetry to WT. Arthur L. Widner, Jr. has marketed a short story to Editor Wright, slated for future publication. .....George R. Hahn (Cyril Mand) recently hitch-hiked from Buffalo to New York City and from NYC to Philadelphia. Ye Olde Editor was indeed surprised when Georgie dropped out of the skies with absolutely no warning. Watch for more of Mand's work in future issues of FD. Perhaps some of you know this already, but MARVEL SCIENCE STORIES is going to drop the "Science Stories" from their title and will be known hereafter only as MARVEL. The policy of the past few issues will be discontinued and the sex angle will be stressed hereafter. It is also rumored that horror stories will be included amongst the pages of MARVEL. Tch, tch. 'Tis really too bad for MARVEL really gave us some excellent stories; "SURVIVAL," "AFTER WORLD'S END," "TOMORROW," being about the best. However, perhaps it will not be as bad as it all appears -- we hope. From all indications, DYNAMIC SCIENCE STORIES has gone the way of all pulp. Editor Erisman just won't comment. Robert Bloch's "THE MAN WHO COULD WALK THROUGH MIRRORS" was accepted over the protest of B.G. Davis.....Concerning the "great surprise" in the October AMAZING all we can say is "Fooie!" And whatever happened to the "monthly" contests? Anyway, the winner of AMAZING'S first contest on the topic: "If I were Editor" --- and you'd be surprised if you knew who it was --- advised: "Disregard the fans' wishes and desires altogether. Cater to the average reader who composes 99% of the circulation...." Who is the culprit who wrote the foregoing? Read future issues of AMAZING STORIES and find out. (FD should get a free subscription for that plug, Ray. Take a hint.) Palmer reports there are five copies of "DAWN OF FLAME" Memorial Volume not for sale at any price. Palmer originally wrote the introduction which was five pages long and a lot more personal. This Mrs. Weinbaum objected to and Keating wrote the present one --- shorter and less personal. But the closer friends of Stanley G. Weinbaum wanted it the original way and, as a result, five copies were made up with the "FOrward" by Palmer. The remaining 495 went out with Lawrence Keating's introduction, and this is the one most of us possess. The five lucky people who own the rare copies are Palmer, COnrad H. Ruppert, Forrest J. Ackerman, Julius Schwartz, and Keating. How many of you know that the first all science fiction magazine was almost published in 1923? At this time Hugo Gernsback sent 25,000 circulars around announcing SCIENTIFICTION, but the response was so poor that the plan fell through.....There is something afoot at the offices of Hugo right this moment. It is a dank, dark secret, but we suspect that it is a photographic magazine of intense interest to fantasy readers. Of course, we may be wrong, but Hugo admitted that he is brining out something of interest to fantasy fans this fall. Krause, formerly connected with WONDER, will be the editor.....Who was the fan who applied for an editorial position with FAMOUS FANTASTIC MYSTERIES?.....John Giunta, our cover artist, has sold a cartoon to AMAZING MYSTERY FUNNIES.... WONDER (THRILLING WONDER) will soon have a slick companion stf. mag if rumors are true.--Chicago in 1940!
Page 20 FANTASCIENCE DIGEST December issue of WEIRD TALES." Several well-known science fiction fans will soon make their appearances in WT. Harry Warner, Jr., one of FD's best article writers, Willis Conover, Jr., and C. S. Youd, a British fan, have all sold poetry to WT. Arthur L. Widner, Jr. has marketed a short story to Editor Wright, slated for future publication. .....George R. Hahn (Cyril Mand) recently hitch-hiked from Buffalo to New York City and from NYC to Philadelphia. Ye Olde Editor was indeed surprised when Georgie dropped out of the skies with absolutely no warning. Watch for more of Mand's work in future issues of FD. Perhaps some of you know this already, but MARVEL SCIENCE STORIES is going to drop the "Science Stories" from their title and will be known hereafter only as MARVEL. The policy of the past few issues will be discontinued and the sex angle will be stressed hereafter. It is also rumored that horror stories will be included amongst the pages of MARVEL. Tch, tch. 'Tis really too bad for MARVEL really gave us some excellent stories; "SURVIVAL," "AFTER WORLD'S END," "TOMORROW," being about the best. However, perhaps it will not be as bad as it all appears -- we hope. From all indications, DYNAMIC SCIENCE STORIES has gone the way of all pulp. Editor Erisman just won't comment. Robert Bloch's "THE MAN WHO COULD WALK THROUGH MIRRORS" was accepted over the protest of B.G. Davis.....Concerning the "great surprise" in the October AMAZING all we can say is "Fooie!" And whatever happened to the "monthly" contests? Anyway, the winner of AMAZING'S first contest on the topic: "If I were Editor" --- and you'd be surprised if you knew who it was --- advised: "Disregard the fans' wishes and desires altogether. Cater to the average reader who composes 99% of the circulation...." Who is the culprit who wrote the foregoing? Read future issues of AMAZING STORIES and find out. (FD should get a free subscription for that plug, Ray. Take a hint.) Palmer reports there are five copies of "DAWN OF FLAME" Memorial Volume not for sale at any price. Palmer originally wrote the introduction which was five pages long and a lot more personal. This Mrs. Weinbaum objected to and Keating wrote the present one --- shorter and less personal. But the closer friends of Stanley G. Weinbaum wanted it the original way and, as a result, five copies were made up with the "FOrward" by Palmer. The remaining 495 went out with Lawrence Keating's introduction, and this is the one most of us possess. The five lucky people who own the rare copies are Palmer, COnrad H. Ruppert, Forrest J. Ackerman, Julius Schwartz, and Keating. How many of you know that the first all science fiction magazine was almost published in 1923? At this time Hugo Gernsback sent 25,000 circulars around announcing SCIENTIFICTION, but the response was so poor that the plan fell through.....There is something afoot at the offices of Hugo right this moment. It is a dank, dark secret, but we suspect that it is a photographic magazine of intense interest to fantasy readers. Of course, we may be wrong, but Hugo admitted that he is brining out something of interest to fantasy fans this fall. Krause, formerly connected with WONDER, will be the editor.....Who was the fan who applied for an editorial position with FAMOUS FANTASTIC MYSTERIES?.....John Giunta, our cover artist, has sold a cartoon to AMAZING MYSTERY FUNNIES.... WONDER (THRILLING WONDER) will soon have a slick companion stf. mag if rumors are true.--Chicago in 1940!
Hevelin Fanzines