Fantascience Digest, v. 2, issue 4, May-June 1939
Page 29
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FANTASCIENCE DIGEST Page 29 ______________________________________ HAVE YOU MET SALLY? - Acclaimed by British and American fans alike as the finest of all English fan mags. Why? Because our tastes are catholic - because we don't cater to English fans alone, or to any particular "ism". Anything that's ours. The SFA rated the magazine so highly that they took it over as their official monthly magazine - but we're still not biased in any way, and continue to present articles, humor, and news that will interest you all. You cannot afford to miss "The SATELLITE"! In the nine issues that we have had since October, 1938, we have featured such well-known celebrities as William F. Temple, Leslie J. Johnson, Maurice K. Hanson, E.L. Gabrielson, and the infamous "Fantacynic." These writers have given of their best - and promise to give it again. The most significant thing of all - in the whole of our career we have amassed a great deal of correspondence and criticism - and NO LETTER has been condemnatory. This is surely an achievement? THE SATELLITE: 31/2d. (8 cents) per issue, 1/6d/ (40 cents) per six months, post free. Send a money order NOW to John F. Burke, 57 Beauclair Drive, Liverpool 15, England, and insure a regular supply of the breeziest of all fan-mags. ______________________________________ -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o ______________________________________ WATCHAMA-COLUMN-IT By M. Rebeque Woe-man! There was a ratio of one girl to 20 boys at the WORLD SCIENCE FICTION CONVENTION. Yoo-hoo, Mr. Asimov! -- For an authoress named (error in SCIENCE FICTION #3) Nancy Wade Wellman, "she" certainly turned out to be Manly! -- In the Fall FAPA mailing "Doc" Lowndes will present the first all-Esperanto fan-pub under his scientifictionalanguage of tomorrow), be stenciled and mimeod for the "doktoro" by Mirta Forsto. -- In Henry Kuttner's original version of The Misguided Halo" the dramatic problem was solved by the youngest angel's misinterpretation of K. Young's attitude before the cigar store Indian as an instance of idol-worship and straightway dispossessing the unfortunate fellow of the symbol of saintliness. --When Art Barnes saw the original "Paul"--never reproduced anywhere--which 4SJ brought back from the Convention Auction, he exclaimed it looked to him like a cover intended to illustrate his forthcoming "Day of the Titans". Pictuer shows a zeppelin-sized bee being cannonadedas it beats about the mooring mast of the Empire State Building. -- Ray "Hollerbochen" Bradbury is an amateur magician. -- Dorothy Quick, WT writer of "Horror in the Sutdio" and others, lives in a ritzy apartment-hotel on Park Avenue. -- Campbell's wife is named Dona S.--anything strike you as familiar, "Stuart" fans? The "A." in the Stuart pseudonym, incidentally, stands for Angus. -- Finis. ______________________________________ -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o ______________________________________ NEXT ISSUE:- Fred W. Fischer Mark Reinsberg Harry Warner, Jr. John F. Burke Oswald Train Henry Kuttner plus many others. ______________________________________ -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o ______________________________________
FANTASCIENCE DIGEST Page 29 ______________________________________ HAVE YOU MET SALLY? - Acclaimed by British and American fans alike as the finest of all English fan mags. Why? Because our tastes are catholic - because we don't cater to English fans alone, or to any particular "ism". Anything that's ours. The SFA rated the magazine so highly that they took it over as their official monthly magazine - but we're still not biased in any way, and continue to present articles, humor, and news that will interest you all. You cannot afford to miss "The SATELLITE"! In the nine issues that we have had since October, 1938, we have featured such well-known celebrities as William F. Temple, Leslie J. Johnson, Maurice K. Hanson, E.L. Gabrielson, and the infamous "Fantacynic." These writers have given of their best - and promise to give it again. The most significant thing of all - in the whole of our career we have amassed a great deal of correspondence and criticism - and NO LETTER has been condemnatory. This is surely an achievement? THE SATELLITE: 31/2d. (8 cents) per issue, 1/6d/ (40 cents) per six months, post free. Send a money order NOW to John F. Burke, 57 Beauclair Drive, Liverpool 15, England, and insure a regular supply of the breeziest of all fan-mags. ______________________________________ -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o ______________________________________ WATCHAMA-COLUMN-IT By M. Rebeque Woe-man! There was a ratio of one girl to 20 boys at the WORLD SCIENCE FICTION CONVENTION. Yoo-hoo, Mr. Asimov! -- For an authoress named (error in SCIENCE FICTION #3) Nancy Wade Wellman, "she" certainly turned out to be Manly! -- In the Fall FAPA mailing "Doc" Lowndes will present the first all-Esperanto fan-pub under his scientifictionalanguage of tomorrow), be stenciled and mimeod for the "doktoro" by Mirta Forsto. -- In Henry Kuttner's original version of The Misguided Halo" the dramatic problem was solved by the youngest angel's misinterpretation of K. Young's attitude before the cigar store Indian as an instance of idol-worship and straightway dispossessing the unfortunate fellow of the symbol of saintliness. --When Art Barnes saw the original "Paul"--never reproduced anywhere--which 4SJ brought back from the Convention Auction, he exclaimed it looked to him like a cover intended to illustrate his forthcoming "Day of the Titans". Pictuer shows a zeppelin-sized bee being cannonadedas it beats about the mooring mast of the Empire State Building. -- Ray "Hollerbochen" Bradbury is an amateur magician. -- Dorothy Quick, WT writer of "Horror in the Sutdio" and others, lives in a ritzy apartment-hotel on Park Avenue. -- Campbell's wife is named Dona S.--anything strike you as familiar, "Stuart" fans? The "A." in the Stuart pseudonym, incidentally, stands for Angus. -- Finis. ______________________________________ -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o ______________________________________ NEXT ISSUE:- Fred W. Fischer Mark Reinsberg Harry Warner, Jr. John F. Burke Oswald Train Henry Kuttner plus many others. ______________________________________ -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o ______________________________________
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