Wavelength, issue 1
Page 2
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2 WAVELENGTH ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SCIENCE -------FICTION------- BRIEFS :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: by Claudius ----:------:----- Another science fiction magazine hit the stands the other day, the new, professional "Comet". It is published by H-K Publications, Inc. , 215 Fourth Avenue, New York. It sells for 20¢ per copy. The first number, dated December, 1940 is now out and carried stories and art work by many prominent authors and artists. Our opinion of the first issue- Good. Comet is a must for every fan's collection. -----:------:----- Street and Smith's swell fantastic, "Unknown". has been forced to adopt bi-monthly publication. Ostensibly, the reason is low circulation Those who "know" say that, though, "no magazine changes its make-up wen it is selling. . ." This implies that when Unknown changed its cover, it was an indication of low circulation figures. We fondly hope that this set-back is only temporary, for there certainly is every need for a magazine of its type in the fantasy market. -----:------P----- It is with a feeling of deep regret that we hear of the passing of "The Science Fiction Forward", the fan mag that supported the Prp-Scientist movement. However, even though the mag is no more, the crusade marches on. And Raymond Van Houten, its capable editor, is still 'agin' scientifiction that portrays the horrors that science can create. He asks all fans to protest against that type of story. -----:------:----- Robert A Heinlein, author of many pleasant "Unknown" and "Astound - ing stories" tales had been chosed as the guest of honour of the Denver Science Fiction Convention to be held on July 4, 1941 in Denver, Colo. The newly organised Colorado Fantasy Society has made the choice. Based on a foundation similar to the Illini Fantasy Fictioneers, the Colorado group will sponsor the Devention, as they are calling it. -----:------:----- There is a rumour circulating among the fans that the 1942 convention may be held at Baltimore, Maryland. . . -----:------:----- Have any of you readers heard some of the swell science fiction mel-odrama s recently portrayed by the Columbia Workshop? If not, then you are certainly missing a treat. There was the story of a man whose e- eye reflexes became so super-swift that he became a star swatter in the big leagues. Then there was the yarn about the fellow who transposedhis mentality into the body of insects. And, last week, "Anthony and the Devil" was produced, a story about a man who out-smarted Old Nick.
2 WAVELENGTH ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SCIENCE -------FICTION------- BRIEFS :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: by Claudius ----:------:----- Another science fiction magazine hit the stands the other day, the new, professional "Comet". It is published by H-K Publications, Inc. , 215 Fourth Avenue, New York. It sells for 20¢ per copy. The first number, dated December, 1940 is now out and carried stories and art work by many prominent authors and artists. Our opinion of the first issue- Good. Comet is a must for every fan's collection. -----:------:----- Street and Smith's swell fantastic, "Unknown". has been forced to adopt bi-monthly publication. Ostensibly, the reason is low circulation Those who "know" say that, though, "no magazine changes its make-up wen it is selling. . ." This implies that when Unknown changed its cover, it was an indication of low circulation figures. We fondly hope that this set-back is only temporary, for there certainly is every need for a magazine of its type in the fantasy market. -----:------P----- It is with a feeling of deep regret that we hear of the passing of "The Science Fiction Forward", the fan mag that supported the Prp-Scientist movement. However, even though the mag is no more, the crusade marches on. And Raymond Van Houten, its capable editor, is still 'agin' scientifiction that portrays the horrors that science can create. He asks all fans to protest against that type of story. -----:------:----- Robert A Heinlein, author of many pleasant "Unknown" and "Astound - ing stories" tales had been chosed as the guest of honour of the Denver Science Fiction Convention to be held on July 4, 1941 in Denver, Colo. The newly organised Colorado Fantasy Society has made the choice. Based on a foundation similar to the Illini Fantasy Fictioneers, the Colorado group will sponsor the Devention, as they are calling it. -----:------:----- There is a rumour circulating among the fans that the 1942 convention may be held at Baltimore, Maryland. . . -----:------:----- Have any of you readers heard some of the swell science fiction mel-odrama s recently portrayed by the Columbia Workshop? If not, then you are certainly missing a treat. There was the story of a man whose e- eye reflexes became so super-swift that he became a star swatter in the big leagues. Then there was the yarn about the fellow who transposedhis mentality into the body of insects. And, last week, "Anthony and the Devil" was produced, a story about a man who out-smarted Old Nick.
Hevelin Fanzines