Wavelength, issue 1
Page 8
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8 WAVELENGTH ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The REAL *Star* of Bethelhem :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: by Wavelength's Science Correspondent -----:------:----- A rare heavenly conjunction of two planets and a newly discovered comet... which astronomers believe may be one explanation of the Star of Bethlehem... shone in Christmas skies this year. Professor William H. Barton, Jr., executive curator of the Hayden P lanetariem, said that the Cunningham comet and the planets Jupiter and Saturn would be in visible conjunction by Christmas. And htey were.For the first time since 1683 the two planets were in conjunction. Loland E. Cunningham of the Harvard College Observatory staff dis-covered the comet last September 18th. "The great astronomer, Kepler, was so impressed by a conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter that he figured back and found that in the year ge-nerally accepted as the Nativity these two planets were not only close together as they were this Christmas, but had been joined by the world Mars to form an extraordinary sight in the sky," Barton said. "Perhaps that was the 'star' the Wise Men followed to Bethlehem." * * * * * The W e i r d e s t Song of 1940 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: by The Editor -----:------:----- Your Editor nominates "Strange Fruit" as the Weirdest Song of 1940. If any of our Readers think that they know of a weirder ditty, please send the words of the tune in to the Editor, stating whether or not (as far as they know) the song was published in 1940. STRANGE FRUIT Southern trees bear a strange fruit, blood on the leaves and the blood at the root, Black body swinging in the southern breeze, Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees. Pastoral scene of the gallant South, the bulging eyes and the twisted mouth, Scent of magnolia sweet and fresh, and the sudden smell of burning flesh! Here is a fruit for the crows to pluck, for rain to gather for the sun to rot, for a tree to drop. Here is a strange and bitter crop. WHY NOT SEND A COPY OF WAVELENGTH TO YOUR FRIENDS? SAMPLES MAILED..10¢
8 WAVELENGTH ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The REAL *Star* of Bethelhem :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: by Wavelength's Science Correspondent -----:------:----- A rare heavenly conjunction of two planets and a newly discovered comet... which astronomers believe may be one explanation of the Star of Bethlehem... shone in Christmas skies this year. Professor William H. Barton, Jr., executive curator of the Hayden P lanetariem, said that the Cunningham comet and the planets Jupiter and Saturn would be in visible conjunction by Christmas. And htey were.For the first time since 1683 the two planets were in conjunction. Loland E. Cunningham of the Harvard College Observatory staff dis-covered the comet last September 18th. "The great astronomer, Kepler, was so impressed by a conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter that he figured back and found that in the year ge-nerally accepted as the Nativity these two planets were not only close together as they were this Christmas, but had been joined by the world Mars to form an extraordinary sight in the sky," Barton said. "Perhaps that was the 'star' the Wise Men followed to Bethlehem." * * * * * The W e i r d e s t Song of 1940 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: by The Editor -----:------:----- Your Editor nominates "Strange Fruit" as the Weirdest Song of 1940. If any of our Readers think that they know of a weirder ditty, please send the words of the tune in to the Editor, stating whether or not (as far as they know) the song was published in 1940. STRANGE FRUIT Southern trees bear a strange fruit, blood on the leaves and the blood at the root, Black body swinging in the southern breeze, Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees. Pastoral scene of the gallant South, the bulging eyes and the twisted mouth, Scent of magnolia sweet and fresh, and the sudden smell of burning flesh! Here is a fruit for the crows to pluck, for rain to gather for the sun to rot, for a tree to drop. Here is a strange and bitter crop. WHY NOT SEND A COPY OF WAVELENGTH TO YOUR FRIENDS? SAMPLES MAILED..10¢
Hevelin Fanzines