Sparx, v. 1, issue 5, October 1947
Page 2
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2 SPARX ONE OF THE EDITOR'S PAGES.. Well, here's SPARX number five. I trust that it will dispell the rumors that it has folded. It is a grossly exagerated story, it will appear, or has appeared in the Philcon Memory Book. If you are not to get a copy thatof, let me know, and you'l get a free copy in a few eons. Since this is the first ish that I have both stenciled and run off, I'm afraid that there'll be quite a few errors of all sorts, in technique. In particular, I learned on pages 3-5 that you can't go beyond the little marks at the sides of the stencil, and hoe to print all you type. Humblest appologies. Also the use of a strange machine led to a few offsettings. A few may sneak into the copies that I distribute. I hope that more use of the gizmo will end that trouble. SPARX will henceforward be distributed through FAPA, SAPS, and to a few subscribers and traders. The print run of the present ish allows 70 external copies. The next ish will go to press 20 December. I will print only enough copies of that ish to cover actual needs, plus a few copies for [underlined] new [/underlined] subscribers. Let a word to the wise be enuf. My actual costs on this ish run over seven cents per copy. I therefore think that I am not being at all mercenary to ask five coppers per issue. Full subscription data elsewhere in the ish. [underlined] Please note my new address[/underlined]. it also appears at least once elsewhere. I am running for office in the WFFF at the current elections. I trust that you will all bear me in mind when you mark your ballots. My platform includes constitutional reform. I know that that is a rather unpopular topic with many of you. But I feel that the events of the last year show the need for what amounts to a one man government of the NFFF. The Directorate should be a policy board, but should be merely that. The president must have the authority needed to take action when the board goes to sleep, and the board in turn should have authority to remove him. But the president must be the executive. There is no need to consult the Directorate on each little detail. After they express their view on a subject, the actual carrying out of the project should be left to the president, or to a committee he appoints. Thank you for listening to me rave. In case you hadn't noticed, I've taken to composing directly on the stencil. This is made necessary by the fact that I am in college, and trying to get at least passing grades. Thus no more dummying. Certain material which I had planned on putting in this issue has not yet reached me, so its absence is not my fault. (The forgoing will be intelligible to those who knew what is missing. I'll not disappoint the rest of you by telling you about it.
2 SPARX ONE OF THE EDITOR'S PAGES.. Well, here's SPARX number five. I trust that it will dispell the rumors that it has folded. It is a grossly exagerated story, it will appear, or has appeared in the Philcon Memory Book. If you are not to get a copy thatof, let me know, and you'l get a free copy in a few eons. Since this is the first ish that I have both stenciled and run off, I'm afraid that there'll be quite a few errors of all sorts, in technique. In particular, I learned on pages 3-5 that you can't go beyond the little marks at the sides of the stencil, and hoe to print all you type. Humblest appologies. Also the use of a strange machine led to a few offsettings. A few may sneak into the copies that I distribute. I hope that more use of the gizmo will end that trouble. SPARX will henceforward be distributed through FAPA, SAPS, and to a few subscribers and traders. The print run of the present ish allows 70 external copies. The next ish will go to press 20 December. I will print only enough copies of that ish to cover actual needs, plus a few copies for [underlined] new [/underlined] subscribers. Let a word to the wise be enuf. My actual costs on this ish run over seven cents per copy. I therefore think that I am not being at all mercenary to ask five coppers per issue. Full subscription data elsewhere in the ish. [underlined] Please note my new address[/underlined]. it also appears at least once elsewhere. I am running for office in the WFFF at the current elections. I trust that you will all bear me in mind when you mark your ballots. My platform includes constitutional reform. I know that that is a rather unpopular topic with many of you. But I feel that the events of the last year show the need for what amounts to a one man government of the NFFF. The Directorate should be a policy board, but should be merely that. The president must have the authority needed to take action when the board goes to sleep, and the board in turn should have authority to remove him. But the president must be the executive. There is no need to consult the Directorate on each little detail. After they express their view on a subject, the actual carrying out of the project should be left to the president, or to a committee he appoints. Thank you for listening to me rave. In case you hadn't noticed, I've taken to composing directly on the stencil. This is made necessary by the fact that I am in college, and trying to get at least passing grades. Thus no more dummying. Certain material which I had planned on putting in this issue has not yet reached me, so its absence is not my fault. (The forgoing will be intelligible to those who knew what is missing. I'll not disappoint the rest of you by telling you about it.
Hevelin Fanzines