Spacewarp, v. 3, issue 4, July 1948
Page 3
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Foof! Wonder if we'll survive the last few hundred turns of the mimeocrank necessary to get this final page of the July WARP in shape for the stape-banging? I don't know when you're reading this, but I will have entrusted it (get that future perfect tense-slinging!) to the tender mercies of the postman by the 9th of July, the third day after getting home from Toronto. If you think I haven't been a busy stfan in that time, oh, bro-ther! I trust that, if you attended the TORCON, the report in this WARP will not contradict all you impressions of the event. If you didn't attend, I hope it puts across to you some of the fun which we got out of the Sixth World Stfcon, and makes you resolve not to miss next year's CINVENTION. I bore down heavily on my personal reactions and skimmed lightly over the formal program, because, primarily, I was in Toronto to enjoy myself, not work as a reporter; and so I kept only sketchy notes of who did what and when. Obviously, every fan gets a different impression from an event like the TORCON -- after reading mine, check on what others write in their fanzines, and the average will be an accurate version, I imagine. I wish to tender my personal congratulations to the TORCON committee for the wonderful job they did. Apparently every detail was taken care of; I saw no last-minute rushing around -- although I had an eye peeled for same. The program was balanced perfectly between serous and humorous features, the Program Booklet and other publications are excellent, and the only disappointment was Ron Christensen's failure to kick his bathtub off the hotel roof. You fen on the Pacific Coast -- if you haven't heard about it yet, contact the LASFS for details of their Labor-Day conference, which shud provide all the entertainment of a minature TORCON for you. Midwestern Fen -- Stein and I are kicking around the idea of an informal gathering at Milwaukee on Labor Day. Anyone feel like joining us for a beer and a bullsession? Northern, Southern, Eastern, Western, and Fourth Dimensional Fen -- have you made complete plans for your actions in case of a supernova? Is your personal atombombproof dugout well-stocked with ols aSF's and liquid refreshment? Have you outfitted all your Finlay originals with shatterproof glass? Good. You'll need stamina to stand the shock that is about to rock the world of fandom. Yes, indeed. Yes. Yess. Yes. r-tRapp has joined SAPS !!! Members of the Spectator Amateur Press Society, you-all have my deepest sympathy. You brought this on yourself, but still, I feel for you. But I can't seem to reach you. MENE MENE TEKEL UPHARSIN r-tRapp
Foof! Wonder if we'll survive the last few hundred turns of the mimeocrank necessary to get this final page of the July WARP in shape for the stape-banging? I don't know when you're reading this, but I will have entrusted it (get that future perfect tense-slinging!) to the tender mercies of the postman by the 9th of July, the third day after getting home from Toronto. If you think I haven't been a busy stfan in that time, oh, bro-ther! I trust that, if you attended the TORCON, the report in this WARP will not contradict all you impressions of the event. If you didn't attend, I hope it puts across to you some of the fun which we got out of the Sixth World Stfcon, and makes you resolve not to miss next year's CINVENTION. I bore down heavily on my personal reactions and skimmed lightly over the formal program, because, primarily, I was in Toronto to enjoy myself, not work as a reporter; and so I kept only sketchy notes of who did what and when. Obviously, every fan gets a different impression from an event like the TORCON -- after reading mine, check on what others write in their fanzines, and the average will be an accurate version, I imagine. I wish to tender my personal congratulations to the TORCON committee for the wonderful job they did. Apparently every detail was taken care of; I saw no last-minute rushing around -- although I had an eye peeled for same. The program was balanced perfectly between serous and humorous features, the Program Booklet and other publications are excellent, and the only disappointment was Ron Christensen's failure to kick his bathtub off the hotel roof. You fen on the Pacific Coast -- if you haven't heard about it yet, contact the LASFS for details of their Labor-Day conference, which shud provide all the entertainment of a minature TORCON for you. Midwestern Fen -- Stein and I are kicking around the idea of an informal gathering at Milwaukee on Labor Day. Anyone feel like joining us for a beer and a bullsession? Northern, Southern, Eastern, Western, and Fourth Dimensional Fen -- have you made complete plans for your actions in case of a supernova? Is your personal atombombproof dugout well-stocked with ols aSF's and liquid refreshment? Have you outfitted all your Finlay originals with shatterproof glass? Good. You'll need stamina to stand the shock that is about to rock the world of fandom. Yes, indeed. Yes. Yess. Yes. r-tRapp has joined SAPS !!! Members of the Spectator Amateur Press Society, you-all have my deepest sympathy. You brought this on yourself, but still, I feel for you. But I can't seem to reach you. MENE MENE TEKEL UPHARSIN r-tRapp
Hevelin Fanzines