Spacewarp, v. 3, issue 4, July 1948
Page 4
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TORCON DAZE or GHOD, SINGER, and the MSFS Now let's see...what was the outstanding thing about the TORCON - aside fromthe Tucker Report, that is? Singer and the Birthday Suit? Singer and the Explosive Telephone? Singer and the International Incident? Singer and the Alum? (I will tell of Singer and Alum, though it means getting SPACEWARP barred from the mails, perchance!) Not to mention Singer and the Rabbi.... Oh, well, let's tackle this vast mass of data in chronological order. It all began last Thursday, with Martin Alger and r-tRapp shuffing weezily along the streets of downtown Detroit in what Alger laughingly insists is an automobile. According to frenzied last-minute postcards, we were to meet about nine Michifen in front of the City Hall shortly before midnight. Came the City Hall. Came zero hour. Came no fen. Hours passed, while Martin walked the downtown area looking for the absentees, and I reposed confortably in the auto, alternately observing the legs of passing girls and speculating on what a pleasure it would be to have all unpunctual stfen in the Army under my supervision - a feindish concept first voiced by Martin. By one a.m., Martin decided to take onle last look before giving up until morning and a suitable hour for phoning. Presently he returned, towing one Benjamin Singer, who, it turned out, did not agree with George Young about where the fen were supposed to meet. Shortly afterward, Young himself arrived, delayed by a frenzied and unsuccessful effort to get UNITED FANDOM hectoed before taking off. The rest of the Michifen couldn't make it - but Ed Kuss, Steve Metchetto, and Erwin Stirmweis folloowed separately next day. It developed that Singer had been passing time while he waited by discussing religion (of course) with a passing rabbi. This gentleman was also on his way to Toronto, and since only four of us were in Martins car, he was allowed to accompany us, thus spreding the per-capita expense a bit thinner. Yes. And so, through the blackness of Canadian night we hurtled toward Toronto, the Mecca of all good stfen. Argumnet filled the car, but being half asleep at the time, I remember nothing but the Rabbi's polite incrdulity that anyone could believe in deros. We reached Toronto at 8:00 a.m. on Friday, 2 July. In passing, let me say that roadside billboards seem to be prohibited in Canada, leaving nothing to look at except trees, houses, hills, rivers, and suchlike scenery. Backward country, isn't it? With many cheerful admonitions to devote less time to religion, the rabbi was helped to get his luggage from the trunk by Singer, who was so absorbed in this bandinage that he forgot to collect any dough for the trip. Is this sufficient to get him expelled from the American Association for the Advancement of Atheism?
TORCON DAZE or GHOD, SINGER, and the MSFS Now let's see...what was the outstanding thing about the TORCON - aside fromthe Tucker Report, that is? Singer and the Birthday Suit? Singer and the Explosive Telephone? Singer and the International Incident? Singer and the Alum? (I will tell of Singer and Alum, though it means getting SPACEWARP barred from the mails, perchance!) Not to mention Singer and the Rabbi.... Oh, well, let's tackle this vast mass of data in chronological order. It all began last Thursday, with Martin Alger and r-tRapp shuffing weezily along the streets of downtown Detroit in what Alger laughingly insists is an automobile. According to frenzied last-minute postcards, we were to meet about nine Michifen in front of the City Hall shortly before midnight. Came the City Hall. Came zero hour. Came no fen. Hours passed, while Martin walked the downtown area looking for the absentees, and I reposed confortably in the auto, alternately observing the legs of passing girls and speculating on what a pleasure it would be to have all unpunctual stfen in the Army under my supervision - a feindish concept first voiced by Martin. By one a.m., Martin decided to take onle last look before giving up until morning and a suitable hour for phoning. Presently he returned, towing one Benjamin Singer, who, it turned out, did not agree with George Young about where the fen were supposed to meet. Shortly afterward, Young himself arrived, delayed by a frenzied and unsuccessful effort to get UNITED FANDOM hectoed before taking off. The rest of the Michifen couldn't make it - but Ed Kuss, Steve Metchetto, and Erwin Stirmweis folloowed separately next day. It developed that Singer had been passing time while he waited by discussing religion (of course) with a passing rabbi. This gentleman was also on his way to Toronto, and since only four of us were in Martins car, he was allowed to accompany us, thus spreding the per-capita expense a bit thinner. Yes. And so, through the blackness of Canadian night we hurtled toward Toronto, the Mecca of all good stfen. Argumnet filled the car, but being half asleep at the time, I remember nothing but the Rabbi's polite incrdulity that anyone could believe in deros. We reached Toronto at 8:00 a.m. on Friday, 2 July. In passing, let me say that roadside billboards seem to be prohibited in Canada, leaving nothing to look at except trees, houses, hills, rivers, and suchlike scenery. Backward country, isn't it? With many cheerful admonitions to devote less time to religion, the rabbi was helped to get his luggage from the trunk by Singer, who was so absorbed in this bandinage that he forgot to collect any dough for the trip. Is this sufficient to get him expelled from the American Association for the Advancement of Atheism?
Hevelin Fanzines