Spacewarp, v. 3, issue 4, July 1948
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fandom's op monthly Volume III - No. 4 -- July, 1948 -- (Whole Number: 16) Ten Cents per copy three Months - 25¢ One buck per year. specialatorconreportforuspecial CONTENTS Timber: ............. r-tRapp 3 TORCON Daze ......... r-tRapp 4 The Great STF Broadcast -- PART SIX .......... Wally Weber 9 Bottstory: The Lost Chord .......... r-tRapp 17 ALL HECTOPIX IN THIS ISH .......... Robert L. Stein ILLUSTRATION ON PAGE 11 ............. Radell Nelson SPACEWARP Published by Arthur H. Rapp 2120 Bay Street Saginaw, Michigan PRINTED MATTER ONLY Return Postage Guaranteed FREE SAMPLE WHY NOT SUB ? SPACEWARP -- it's a Technopolarian Publication for Science- Fiction, Fantasy, and Weird Fiction fans. Publisher: ARTHUR H. RAPP 2120 Bay Street Saginaw, Michigan Assistant Editor: BILL GROOVER 113 N. Porter St. Saginaw, Michigan "Sapiens Dominabitur Astris" ADVERTISE IN SPACEWARP 60¢ per page (50¢ if u cut stencil) 30¢ per half-page 20¢ per third-page TO: C.L.BARRETT 119 S. Madriver Bellefontaine, Ohio
fandom's op monthly Volume III - No. 4 -- July, 1948 -- (Whole Number: 16) Ten Cents per copy three Months - 25¢ One buck per year. specialatorconreportforuspecial CONTENTS Timber: ............. r-tRapp 3 TORCON Daze ......... r-tRapp 4 The Great STF Broadcast -- PART SIX .......... Wally Weber 9 Bottstory: The Lost Chord .......... r-tRapp 17 ALL HECTOPIX IN THIS ISH .......... Robert L. Stein ILLUSTRATION ON PAGE 11 ............. Radell Nelson SPACEWARP Published by Arthur H. Rapp 2120 Bay Street Saginaw, Michigan PRINTED MATTER ONLY Return Postage Guaranteed FREE SAMPLE WHY NOT SUB ? SPACEWARP -- it's a Technopolarian Publication for Science- Fiction, Fantasy, and Weird Fiction fans. Publisher: ARTHUR H. RAPP 2120 Bay Street Saginaw, Michigan Assistant Editor: BILL GROOVER 113 N. Porter St. Saginaw, Michigan "Sapiens Dominabitur Astris" ADVERTISE IN SPACEWARP 60¢ per page (50¢ if u cut stencil) 30¢ per half-page 20¢ per third-page TO: C.L.BARRETT 119 S. Madriver Bellefontaine, Ohio
Hevelin Fanzines