Spaceteer, issue 1, August 1947
Page 4
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SPACETEER Page 4 SPACETEER SPEAKS Well, here it is at last! Spaceteer #1. After months of planning...we never thot it'd come out. But here it is, and in this editorial we're gonna fill in a few pertinent facts. Firstly, as to subscription rates, the mag is 10c per issues, one thin dime, the tenth part of a dollar, or if you are a practical soul, six consecutive issues for 50c. If you'd like to advertise in our sterling fanzine, it'll cost you 2 bucks per page and fractions thereof. Secondly, as to material. I have enough stories on hand for the next couple issues, but I could use articles, covers, poems, cartoons, ad infinitum. Next ish we'll have a letter column too...if we get letters, that is. Howsabout it? Since this is a non-profit undertaking (natch) no payment can be made for accepted material, 'cept a free copy of the rag. Sorry. Now to this issue. In order to make SPACETEER as well-rounded a zine as possible, we have a liberal quantity of fiction, short stories, poems, columns, reviews, dept's, and features. The short story by Kennedy should prove interesting, as well as the rest of the crud. We hope. We are incorporating a brand new feature in the mag, namely, "Gallery of BEM's", which is exactly what it sounds like, a gallery of various artists' versions of Bemania, drawn each issue by a different fan. This ish co-editor Lin Carter does the pic, next ish we have a swell one by John Cockroft. How about submitting some pix, you fan artists? Well, there you have it, boys and girls. Other fanzines have been worse, and others have been better. With your help and cooperation, it can develop into a right good mag...without your help and cooperation, it'll flop. Which way do you want it? --------THE EDITORS P.S. Send all material, subscriptions, letters and what-have-you to Lin Carter, please. P.P.S. Hope you like SPAT! SUB NOW TO SPACETEER!!!
SPACETEER Page 4 SPACETEER SPEAKS Well, here it is at last! Spaceteer #1. After months of planning...we never thot it'd come out. But here it is, and in this editorial we're gonna fill in a few pertinent facts. Firstly, as to subscription rates, the mag is 10c per issues, one thin dime, the tenth part of a dollar, or if you are a practical soul, six consecutive issues for 50c. If you'd like to advertise in our sterling fanzine, it'll cost you 2 bucks per page and fractions thereof. Secondly, as to material. I have enough stories on hand for the next couple issues, but I could use articles, covers, poems, cartoons, ad infinitum. Next ish we'll have a letter column too...if we get letters, that is. Howsabout it? Since this is a non-profit undertaking (natch) no payment can be made for accepted material, 'cept a free copy of the rag. Sorry. Now to this issue. In order to make SPACETEER as well-rounded a zine as possible, we have a liberal quantity of fiction, short stories, poems, columns, reviews, dept's, and features. The short story by Kennedy should prove interesting, as well as the rest of the crud. We hope. We are incorporating a brand new feature in the mag, namely, "Gallery of BEM's", which is exactly what it sounds like, a gallery of various artists' versions of Bemania, drawn each issue by a different fan. This ish co-editor Lin Carter does the pic, next ish we have a swell one by John Cockroft. How about submitting some pix, you fan artists? Well, there you have it, boys and girls. Other fanzines have been worse, and others have been better. With your help and cooperation, it can develop into a right good mag...without your help and cooperation, it'll flop. Which way do you want it? --------THE EDITORS P.S. Send all material, subscriptions, letters and what-have-you to Lin Carter, please. P.P.S. Hope you like SPAT! SUB NOW TO SPACETEER!!!
Hevelin Fanzines