Spaceteer, issue 1, August 1947
Page 5
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SPACETEER Page 5 MY THOUGHTS AND WELCOME TO THEM By Norm Storer So I'm a columnist now. Don't ask me why...Lin just ups and sez "Will you do a column for SPACETEER?". And here I am. I'm given free rein over my subjects, so I shall try to pick out a few of the more interesting ones to talk about. Here goes. What about the N3F? As the average member, I guess my views are as good as any, and since most of them are printable, let's see them and find out what reaction we get. Another election is past, and new officers seem to be installed in their various offices without too much trouble. I think there was a slight row over Widner's occupying the presidency, but I didn't understand it and since it's settled now (I suppose) it's just so much water under the bridge. I have heard a number of complaints about it; viz: the inadequateness of the 00, the endless bickering over the constitution, and the performance of their duties by various members. As the 00 is nearly the only thing that binds the members together, I think something more of an official looking zine could and should be used instead of the puny little pint-sized issue lastime. I understand that it was "due to a series of mishaps" that this sad little zine appeared instead of one more worth of the N3F, but let's hope we get something a bit more dignified, with more material, and the long-awaited membership list nextime. (Note: this is being written on May 20, and if the 00 does come out before this sees print, you may credit my gripes to the Time Before TNFF Became A Decent Zine,). ((I hope)) Another gripe I have personally against the N3F is the new badge, or Emblem. This is, as I recall, a skull and a bolt of lightning, and not a sign of the science aspect of science-fantasy-fiction. It may be not be exactly that, but if it is, I remember it left a bad taste in my mouth. I'd rather have a space-ship and rocket pistol or something like that rather than the pure horror brand of fantasy suggested by the Emblem that we have now. But enough of the N3F. What about the Sunney Side of Fandom Column? One of my ideas of something interesting for a zine: How about running an article and then giving it to the person who could best answer it, before running it. They used to do it in Look Magazine, and I think that something like that in zines would be great. Put the comments in double parenthesis, maybe. Sneary's doubtful G-G did this in sort of a tongue-in-check fashion, but didn't develop it to the extent I would like to see. I don't think there's much to say about the Shaver Mystery, except that from where I sit, it looks as tho RAP is trying to drop the thing delicately without losing face. No sign of any big Shaver opus coming up, and if the letter column in Amazing slows down, there won't be much left to remind us of it, not counting those horrid puesdo-scientific articles. I won't miss him any, personally. The July ish was pretty good. Speaking of Shaver, does anybody want a copy of "Oahpse", the book they were playing up some while back? I found where to get it whilst (lovely word, that...whilst. Ahhh.) going thru a bunch of old ads in the attic. You can get it for the trifling sum of five bucks from the Kosmon Press, 2210 West IIth St., Los Angeles 6, Cal. You say you don't want it? I thot so. I guess my page is about gone, so I shall use the rest of my space to thank Lin for giving me this heaven-sent opportunity to vent my spleen what ever that is.) See you nextime, NORM STORER
SPACETEER Page 5 MY THOUGHTS AND WELCOME TO THEM By Norm Storer So I'm a columnist now. Don't ask me why...Lin just ups and sez "Will you do a column for SPACETEER?". And here I am. I'm given free rein over my subjects, so I shall try to pick out a few of the more interesting ones to talk about. Here goes. What about the N3F? As the average member, I guess my views are as good as any, and since most of them are printable, let's see them and find out what reaction we get. Another election is past, and new officers seem to be installed in their various offices without too much trouble. I think there was a slight row over Widner's occupying the presidency, but I didn't understand it and since it's settled now (I suppose) it's just so much water under the bridge. I have heard a number of complaints about it; viz: the inadequateness of the 00, the endless bickering over the constitution, and the performance of their duties by various members. As the 00 is nearly the only thing that binds the members together, I think something more of an official looking zine could and should be used instead of the puny little pint-sized issue lastime. I understand that it was "due to a series of mishaps" that this sad little zine appeared instead of one more worth of the N3F, but let's hope we get something a bit more dignified, with more material, and the long-awaited membership list nextime. (Note: this is being written on May 20, and if the 00 does come out before this sees print, you may credit my gripes to the Time Before TNFF Became A Decent Zine,). ((I hope)) Another gripe I have personally against the N3F is the new badge, or Emblem. This is, as I recall, a skull and a bolt of lightning, and not a sign of the science aspect of science-fantasy-fiction. It may be not be exactly that, but if it is, I remember it left a bad taste in my mouth. I'd rather have a space-ship and rocket pistol or something like that rather than the pure horror brand of fantasy suggested by the Emblem that we have now. But enough of the N3F. What about the Sunney Side of Fandom Column? One of my ideas of something interesting for a zine: How about running an article and then giving it to the person who could best answer it, before running it. They used to do it in Look Magazine, and I think that something like that in zines would be great. Put the comments in double parenthesis, maybe. Sneary's doubtful G-G did this in sort of a tongue-in-check fashion, but didn't develop it to the extent I would like to see. I don't think there's much to say about the Shaver Mystery, except that from where I sit, it looks as tho RAP is trying to drop the thing delicately without losing face. No sign of any big Shaver opus coming up, and if the letter column in Amazing slows down, there won't be much left to remind us of it, not counting those horrid puesdo-scientific articles. I won't miss him any, personally. The July ish was pretty good. Speaking of Shaver, does anybody want a copy of "Oahpse", the book they were playing up some while back? I found where to get it whilst (lovely word, that...whilst. Ahhh.) going thru a bunch of old ads in the attic. You can get it for the trifling sum of five bucks from the Kosmon Press, 2210 West IIth St., Los Angeles 6, Cal. You say you don't want it? I thot so. I guess my page is about gone, so I shall use the rest of my space to thank Lin for giving me this heaven-sent opportunity to vent my spleen what ever that is.) See you nextime, NORM STORER
Hevelin Fanzines