Southern Star, v. 1, issue 4, December 1941
Page 31
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DIXIE FANTASY FEDERATION EARLE BARR HANSON President 7 HARRY JENKINS Treasurer JOSEPH GILBERT Secretary [[underline]]THE TELECASTER[[end underline]] S o u t h e r n f a n n e w s ADVISORY BOARD ----------------------- FRED W. FISCHER HARRY WARNER, Jr. ART R. SEHNERT JACK SPEER W. B. McQUEEN "--Oh, the Martins and the Coys, And those reckless Dixie boys --" And so, to the lilting strains of a hillbilly tune slightly distorted, we begin this number of the Telecaster. Stale News Travels Fast Dept.: D. B. Thompson, the erstwhile sage of Salt Creek, is now a Dixie Fan. As if all you guys 'n gals didn't know it already, D. B. now lives in Alexandria, Louisiana. And -- he's a DFF member! And if you're wondering why Don hasn't followed up his initial success in ASTOUNDING, the reason is that his jobisn't very conductive to writing. What with off to work at [[underline]]6[[end underline]]:45 and returning at 6:15 we can't blame him much. How fleet is time, er sumpin. This month's award of a genuwine 5[[cent symbol]] lollypop goes to the editor of the STAR, Joseph Gilbert by name, who pulled a beeg boner. Well, it's not [[underline]]so[[end underline]] big, but it could be worse! Joe, as you probably know, took the dough which he received from "The Man Who Knew Roger Stanley" ((See January, 1942 ASTONISHING STORIES for that sooper saga of the space-lanes, HJ)) and went zoopin' off up to Washington to visit Speer, Milty and Lester del Ray. During the three days that he was there he talked not once of the important DFF affairs that he was supposed to. But after careful investigation by our undercover agent deluxe, Snooperman, we find that Gilbert and the boys in Washington talked about anything but fandom. So, with utmost reluctance we pardon him from the terrible fate of reading CAPTAIN FUTURE. And speakin' o' Speer, Juffus has dreamed up a coat-of-arms for the DFF and as soon as the design is completed, it will be presented to the faithful. All heil Juffus! Research is a four letter word starting with H which one can't use in polite society. That sentence is just to prepare you for this little statement: David Miller, DFF member in Georgia has completed his monograph on witchcraft and other phases of black magic. All he lacks now is a few pictures. And, with special reference to that first sentence, we congratulate Dave. At the last report, Raymond Washington, Jr. was experiencing the first difficulties of fanzine editors. He was enveloped in the throes of the Mighty God Money, and was repeating violent phrases over the price of stencils. We mumble encouragement, but shamble over to our little hermitage and contemplate the infinite --And the rising cost of mimeograph paper. However, we wish Raym all the luck in the world with SCIENTIFUN. In case you haven't glanced at the contents page, we'll just sorta kinda slyly hint that Raymond Washington, Jr. has "The History of A Fan" coming up in the next STAR. In SCI-FIC VARIETY ((FAPA publication of Hoy the Pong. HJ)), Bob of Bloomington professed a desire to see the fulfillment of a niche in the fan publishing field. That gap was sort of a [[underline]]fan[[end underline]] EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. Note the past tense in that last sentence, for there [[underline]]is[[end underline]] a FAN EDITOR AND PUBLISHER! The editors are Joe Fortier of Futuria Press and
DIXIE FANTASY FEDERATION EARLE BARR HANSON President 7 HARRY JENKINS Treasurer JOSEPH GILBERT Secretary [[underline]]THE TELECASTER[[end underline]] S o u t h e r n f a n n e w s ADVISORY BOARD ----------------------- FRED W. FISCHER HARRY WARNER, Jr. ART R. SEHNERT JACK SPEER W. B. McQUEEN "--Oh, the Martins and the Coys, And those reckless Dixie boys --" And so, to the lilting strains of a hillbilly tune slightly distorted, we begin this number of the Telecaster. Stale News Travels Fast Dept.: D. B. Thompson, the erstwhile sage of Salt Creek, is now a Dixie Fan. As if all you guys 'n gals didn't know it already, D. B. now lives in Alexandria, Louisiana. And -- he's a DFF member! And if you're wondering why Don hasn't followed up his initial success in ASTOUNDING, the reason is that his jobisn't very conductive to writing. What with off to work at [[underline]]6[[end underline]]:45 and returning at 6:15 we can't blame him much. How fleet is time, er sumpin. This month's award of a genuwine 5[[cent symbol]] lollypop goes to the editor of the STAR, Joseph Gilbert by name, who pulled a beeg boner. Well, it's not [[underline]]so[[end underline]] big, but it could be worse! Joe, as you probably know, took the dough which he received from "The Man Who Knew Roger Stanley" ((See January, 1942 ASTONISHING STORIES for that sooper saga of the space-lanes, HJ)) and went zoopin' off up to Washington to visit Speer, Milty and Lester del Ray. During the three days that he was there he talked not once of the important DFF affairs that he was supposed to. But after careful investigation by our undercover agent deluxe, Snooperman, we find that Gilbert and the boys in Washington talked about anything but fandom. So, with utmost reluctance we pardon him from the terrible fate of reading CAPTAIN FUTURE. And speakin' o' Speer, Juffus has dreamed up a coat-of-arms for the DFF and as soon as the design is completed, it will be presented to the faithful. All heil Juffus! Research is a four letter word starting with H which one can't use in polite society. That sentence is just to prepare you for this little statement: David Miller, DFF member in Georgia has completed his monograph on witchcraft and other phases of black magic. All he lacks now is a few pictures. And, with special reference to that first sentence, we congratulate Dave. At the last report, Raymond Washington, Jr. was experiencing the first difficulties of fanzine editors. He was enveloped in the throes of the Mighty God Money, and was repeating violent phrases over the price of stencils. We mumble encouragement, but shamble over to our little hermitage and contemplate the infinite --And the rising cost of mimeograph paper. However, we wish Raym all the luck in the world with SCIENTIFUN. In case you haven't glanced at the contents page, we'll just sorta kinda slyly hint that Raymond Washington, Jr. has "The History of A Fan" coming up in the next STAR. In SCI-FIC VARIETY ((FAPA publication of Hoy the Pong. HJ)), Bob of Bloomington professed a desire to see the fulfillment of a niche in the fan publishing field. That gap was sort of a [[underline]]fan[[end underline]] EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. Note the past tense in that last sentence, for there [[underline]]is[[end underline]] a FAN EDITOR AND PUBLISHER! The editors are Joe Fortier of Futuria Press and
Hevelin Fanzines