Southern Star, v. 1, issue 4, December 1941
Page 32
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"The Telecaster" SOUTHERN STAR Page 32 Harry Jenkins, Jr. of Jinx Press. The magazine will be issued under the Starlight Trilogy banner. It will be issued quarterly, and will sell for 10¢. Within its 20 pages will be found articles on the writing of science-fiction, tips for the amateur publisher, articles on vari-color mimeographing, announcements of forthcoming fanzines, and material in them. It will follow the same general material content as its professional namesake. A hearty 'hiya' welcomes Thomas Brackett of Louisiana to our organization. "Hiya, Tom!" Election days are ahead! Not many weeks after you receive this STAR, you'll receive the election ballots of the DFF for the year of 1942. For one year our club has been functioning and come January, we roll around to our first anniversary. With the coming of the new year we want to increase our activities and aid the NFFF in every way possible. And if any of you'all aren't members of the NFFF, write to Joseph Gilbert for full particulars Dixie Press, the South's own fan-publishing organization, had quite a sizeable bit of magazines in the last FAPA mailing. Joe Gilbert had his SOUND-FF!, Lee Eastman contributed LAST TESTAMENT, Harry Jenkins, Jr. came across with JINX and STF HASH, while Harry Warner accounted for the final contribution with his ever-popular HORIZONS. All in all, it almost beat the Futurians in the mailing before the last one. We had prepared a boo'ful Winchellian climax for this department, but lost it somewhere. Ho-hum! "Handwriting On the Wall", concluded from page 21. various different forms of artistic expression. This is combined with a good deal of finger skill -- an ability to control the pen -- though this skill does not seem to have been developed to any great extent. So there is imagination, eccentric tendencies in art, the desire to experiment and make an impression -- and those, unless combined with training in the fundamentals of art, are apt to lead to some bizarre results -- results that may gratify the writer but meet with some difference of opinion as to whether or not they actually constitute art. The writer does not like confining work, but wants change and variety and physical activity. He has an appreciation for gayety and fun. He likes to impress people and "puts on". But this is all on the surface. Actually, he is sincere, straight-forward, generous and even a bit ingenuous. He is on a pretty even keel regarding the important things. You won't want to miss the startling array of authors that are in ENDYMION -- Robert Moore Williams ("Seekers In the Night"), Joseph Gilbert ("Who Ghosts There?"), Bob Tucker ("Martians Preferred"), and Chester S. Geier ("Paradise Planet"). Wilfred Owen Morley and Robert Arthur's promised stories have not arrived as of yet. But you can't afford to miss this 50 page book which sells for only 15[[cent symbol]]! It's [[underline]]the[[end underline]] fan fiction magazine! It's a DIXIE PRESS publication and is edited by Harry Jenkins, Jr. 2409 Santee Avenue, Columbia, S. C. Join the Fourth World Science Fiction Convention Society. Membership is $1.00. Give your support to the Pacificon and help make it the greatest convention of them all! Receive an attractive membership card and the bi-weekly newssheet, PACIFICONEWS! Walter J. Daugherty, 6224 Leland Way, Hollywood, California. LA IN 1942!
"The Telecaster" SOUTHERN STAR Page 32 Harry Jenkins, Jr. of Jinx Press. The magazine will be issued under the Starlight Trilogy banner. It will be issued quarterly, and will sell for 10¢. Within its 20 pages will be found articles on the writing of science-fiction, tips for the amateur publisher, articles on vari-color mimeographing, announcements of forthcoming fanzines, and material in them. It will follow the same general material content as its professional namesake. A hearty 'hiya' welcomes Thomas Brackett of Louisiana to our organization. "Hiya, Tom!" Election days are ahead! Not many weeks after you receive this STAR, you'll receive the election ballots of the DFF for the year of 1942. For one year our club has been functioning and come January, we roll around to our first anniversary. With the coming of the new year we want to increase our activities and aid the NFFF in every way possible. And if any of you'all aren't members of the NFFF, write to Joseph Gilbert for full particulars Dixie Press, the South's own fan-publishing organization, had quite a sizeable bit of magazines in the last FAPA mailing. Joe Gilbert had his SOUND-FF!, Lee Eastman contributed LAST TESTAMENT, Harry Jenkins, Jr. came across with JINX and STF HASH, while Harry Warner accounted for the final contribution with his ever-popular HORIZONS. All in all, it almost beat the Futurians in the mailing before the last one. We had prepared a boo'ful Winchellian climax for this department, but lost it somewhere. Ho-hum! "Handwriting On the Wall", concluded from page 21. various different forms of artistic expression. This is combined with a good deal of finger skill -- an ability to control the pen -- though this skill does not seem to have been developed to any great extent. So there is imagination, eccentric tendencies in art, the desire to experiment and make an impression -- and those, unless combined with training in the fundamentals of art, are apt to lead to some bizarre results -- results that may gratify the writer but meet with some difference of opinion as to whether or not they actually constitute art. The writer does not like confining work, but wants change and variety and physical activity. He has an appreciation for gayety and fun. He likes to impress people and "puts on". But this is all on the surface. Actually, he is sincere, straight-forward, generous and even a bit ingenuous. He is on a pretty even keel regarding the important things. You won't want to miss the startling array of authors that are in ENDYMION -- Robert Moore Williams ("Seekers In the Night"), Joseph Gilbert ("Who Ghosts There?"), Bob Tucker ("Martians Preferred"), and Chester S. Geier ("Paradise Planet"). Wilfred Owen Morley and Robert Arthur's promised stories have not arrived as of yet. But you can't afford to miss this 50 page book which sells for only 15[[cent symbol]]! It's [[underline]]the[[end underline]] fan fiction magazine! It's a DIXIE PRESS publication and is edited by Harry Jenkins, Jr. 2409 Santee Avenue, Columbia, S. C. Join the Fourth World Science Fiction Convention Society. Membership is $1.00. Give your support to the Pacificon and help make it the greatest convention of them all! Receive an attractive membership card and the bi-weekly newssheet, PACIFICONEWS! Walter J. Daugherty, 6224 Leland Way, Hollywood, California. LA IN 1942!
Hevelin Fanzines