Southern Star, v. 1, issue 4, December 1941
Page 40
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From The Passenger Lounge SOUTHERN STAR Page 40 well in other writings. Try it. ((You mean I should keep all my violent opinions to myself? Good idea. You can't hold a government job unless you do precisely that. Not that I could hold a government job; I don't know my alphabet well enuf. JG)) Regarding Fischer, I'd hate to try to run a fan mag without him. ((Heh! So would I! JG)). Might add that he's the best letter writer I've ever known. As to "Space Pirate Stories", I'm mighty glad to give this lad a hand. You know I'm not much on enthusiasm, Joe, but I'd like to say right out loud that I think this "doggerel" is very good indeed. Once, a long time ago, I tried my hand at writing verse. I couldn't make it click, but I learned something about it. I learned that the more pains you take, the less likely you are to be acclimated by the average reader. I learned what an effort is required to get the right word in the right place. I saw what a nicety of perception is necessary. It takes a knack, Joe, a gift, and inspiration. It is not easy to write [[underline]]any[[end underline]] kind of poetry. You have to be patient, methodical. I don't know just how much (or how little) Phil Schumann labored over this "doggerel," but even if it was sorta accidental it's still good. Good, in the sense that he did a swell job of what he had in mind. Hell, I'd rather read good "doggerel" than poor "poetry". When you read piece and decide that you couldn't improve it by changing or moving a single word, then you begin to suspect somebody of knowing a little about what he was doing. Expect to see you next weekend, me lad. Tell the Camp to spare the treasury --- I'll bring my own Pepsi-Cola. Consider me, Suh, your humble servent, ( o. Car). --[[underline]]PANURGE[[end underline]] ------- AND SOME LIKE IT COLD! That's done it! The Aug Ish of the SOUTHERN ASTERISK tops SPACEWAYS with me, and U can print that ryt in your Lozenger[[?]] Passage Dept. So U aint so neat as the 'Ace' & U probly havent got enuf pics spotted thruout for the allaround mag Daugherty would require to make it the md (medal deserver); but to me, the columns overweigh everything else to make the mag tops. (Color's no drawback, either!). Tucker and Panurge good for los with their respective Mumblings & Panorama. Starport only a little less this time, say 7. Don't know whether Fischer'd clasify it in Unknown Lands, Subterranean Adventure or The Future --- tis all 3 -- but to me "The World Below" is a classic in each division. I'll take "The Sunken World" for subseadventure; agree on "I. Robot"; can't seem to think up any favorite Futures just now -- O Holy Kau, what am I talking about -- LAST AND FIRST MEN, naturlich!; ...then I'll take "Finality Unltd" for superscience (or was it seudoscience?);...Horror: a brand new one -- Asimov's "Nitefall" ...the damn thing's pretty near got me scared of the dark!, also "Hell! Said the Duchess";...Oddities, "To Walk The Nite", and "Fully Drest In His Rite Mind", and "Spawn". Is there no place for Supermen & Funtasys, tho? No. "Slan!" isnt first on my list; it follows "Odd Jno" & "Star-Begotten" in that order; then "The New Adam". Altho I suggested the Funtasy Classification, I offer no titles at this time, as I am not in the mood for so much listing; which involves too much thot and research to get any resemblence of a truly representative listing now, turning to Speer's Mutant article. "Tim P'Nautisshan": I take this as a subtly altered seudonym for Temponautix, one of the science (?) of time travel, but must admit that I didn't quite catch on to it from after the 2d "T". Is "isshan" sposed to be fonetik spelling by any chance of "isian"? Temponauti-
From The Passenger Lounge SOUTHERN STAR Page 40 well in other writings. Try it. ((You mean I should keep all my violent opinions to myself? Good idea. You can't hold a government job unless you do precisely that. Not that I could hold a government job; I don't know my alphabet well enuf. JG)) Regarding Fischer, I'd hate to try to run a fan mag without him. ((Heh! So would I! JG)). Might add that he's the best letter writer I've ever known. As to "Space Pirate Stories", I'm mighty glad to give this lad a hand. You know I'm not much on enthusiasm, Joe, but I'd like to say right out loud that I think this "doggerel" is very good indeed. Once, a long time ago, I tried my hand at writing verse. I couldn't make it click, but I learned something about it. I learned that the more pains you take, the less likely you are to be acclimated by the average reader. I learned what an effort is required to get the right word in the right place. I saw what a nicety of perception is necessary. It takes a knack, Joe, a gift, and inspiration. It is not easy to write [[underline]]any[[end underline]] kind of poetry. You have to be patient, methodical. I don't know just how much (or how little) Phil Schumann labored over this "doggerel," but even if it was sorta accidental it's still good. Good, in the sense that he did a swell job of what he had in mind. Hell, I'd rather read good "doggerel" than poor "poetry". When you read piece and decide that you couldn't improve it by changing or moving a single word, then you begin to suspect somebody of knowing a little about what he was doing. Expect to see you next weekend, me lad. Tell the Camp to spare the treasury --- I'll bring my own Pepsi-Cola. Consider me, Suh, your humble servent, ( o. Car). --[[underline]]PANURGE[[end underline]] ------- AND SOME LIKE IT COLD! That's done it! The Aug Ish of the SOUTHERN ASTERISK tops SPACEWAYS with me, and U can print that ryt in your Lozenger[[?]] Passage Dept. So U aint so neat as the 'Ace' & U probly havent got enuf pics spotted thruout for the allaround mag Daugherty would require to make it the md (medal deserver); but to me, the columns overweigh everything else to make the mag tops. (Color's no drawback, either!). Tucker and Panurge good for los with their respective Mumblings & Panorama. Starport only a little less this time, say 7. Don't know whether Fischer'd clasify it in Unknown Lands, Subterranean Adventure or The Future --- tis all 3 -- but to me "The World Below" is a classic in each division. I'll take "The Sunken World" for subseadventure; agree on "I. Robot"; can't seem to think up any favorite Futures just now -- O Holy Kau, what am I talking about -- LAST AND FIRST MEN, naturlich!; ...then I'll take "Finality Unltd" for superscience (or was it seudoscience?);...Horror: a brand new one -- Asimov's "Nitefall" ...the damn thing's pretty near got me scared of the dark!, also "Hell! Said the Duchess";...Oddities, "To Walk The Nite", and "Fully Drest In His Rite Mind", and "Spawn". Is there no place for Supermen & Funtasys, tho? No. "Slan!" isnt first on my list; it follows "Odd Jno" & "Star-Begotten" in that order; then "The New Adam". Altho I suggested the Funtasy Classification, I offer no titles at this time, as I am not in the mood for so much listing; which involves too much thot and research to get any resemblence of a truly representative listing now, turning to Speer's Mutant article. "Tim P'Nautisshan": I take this as a subtly altered seudonym for Temponautix, one of the science (?) of time travel, but must admit that I didn't quite catch on to it from after the 2d "T". Is "isshan" sposed to be fonetik spelling by any chance of "isian"? Temponauti-
Hevelin Fanzines