Southern Star, v. 1, issue 4, December 1941
Page 41
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From The Passenger Lounge SOUTHERN STAR Page 41 sian? Or, praps I'm clearing up my own question as I think on. "Isian" is reserved for inhabitants of places, I believ; Temponautician woud be betr. Time-Travler? Peutetre. Anyway, 10 for Juffus. "[[underline]]Space Pirate Storys" I didnt care for at all but feel constraind to report Ed Chamberlain one of the Angeleno imagi-natives, thot it was quite the stuff in thumbing thru my copy[[end underline]]. ((Awfully sorry to cut 4e short in the midst of his long and interesting letter but the mag is bulging at the seams now, and blank spaces in it are rarer than swimming pools in the Sahara. JG)). And with these...thots, I,the #1 Fa(r)ce, bid U one and all a Norweigian [[underline]]adjo[[end underline]]. If U're out by the Pacific in '42, drop in. . . . . . . . ---FORREST J ACKERMAN Ah, now the STAR...Dual Controls: 9. Very good. Mumblings: 10. What's this about cutting out sex? Shame on you. FANTASIA is more broad-minded. Anything that'll go through the mails is okay by us. Listening, Bob? ((We have no objection to sex; it can exist if it wants to. (Loud cries of "such generosity, what a magnamious broad-mindedness!"). In fact, we're rather indebted to it for being here at all. Neither are we prudish in our outlook; in our more daring moments, we have had, even, the temerity to wonder where storks come from. But the question, quite seriously, is not one of prudishness or outlook. In any of our other publications, you can tell the Farmer's Daughter, Traveling Salesman classic with the most hair-raising variations without fear of censor. but this is not a personal magazine; it is the organ of the DIXIE FANTASY FEDERATION, and goes into the homes of many, many new fans and the impression they -- and, more important, their families --- get from it is also their impression of fandom. And, by Foo, as long as we have anything to do with this mag, we'll continue to do our damndest to make that impression favorable! Selah. JG)). Conversation: 8. Haven't read it yet, but I'm in a generous mood. Handwriting: 9. You must analyze me some day. Live Everlasting:8. Gaaah! What fatalism! O'Nautis--shann: 10! Yow! How like Uncle Hugo! Autobiog: 8. Interesting as usual. [[underline]]Pirate stories: 5. Drivel; mere drivel. I suspect you had to fill up two pages. Well, I've done the same.[[end underline]] Munsey Panorama: 10! When the series is done, you should publish it separately between two covers. ((We're going to; the first will appear as soon as all issues of the Cavalier are reviewed. JG)). New York: 7. Mild. Letters 8. Good. --[[underline]]LOU GOLDSTONE[[end underline]] We regret the short letter section this time, fellows, but it is, as you can see, essential. We'll have a particularly big Lounge next time to make up for this one, even if we have to have fifty pages to do it; and we probably will. No ratings this time or from now on, please; they're far too inaccurate for a goodly number of reasons, and 'sides we're just frankly sick of seeing the Warner-Youd system so overused. Thanks, anyway, to everyone who sent in the ratings. First return results were stunningly high, with Panorama taking first place again. Don't forget to write and tell us how you liked this issue, won't you, Chums? Listen, my Children, and you shall hear, Of the Midnight ride of Paul Revere; He jumped in his Rocket, and slammed on the gas, The bottom blew out, and he slid on the grass. --Old Martian Folk Song.
From The Passenger Lounge SOUTHERN STAR Page 41 sian? Or, praps I'm clearing up my own question as I think on. "Isian" is reserved for inhabitants of places, I believ; Temponautician woud be betr. Time-Travler? Peutetre. Anyway, 10 for Juffus. "[[underline]]Space Pirate Storys" I didnt care for at all but feel constraind to report Ed Chamberlain one of the Angeleno imagi-natives, thot it was quite the stuff in thumbing thru my copy[[end underline]]. ((Awfully sorry to cut 4e short in the midst of his long and interesting letter but the mag is bulging at the seams now, and blank spaces in it are rarer than swimming pools in the Sahara. JG)). And with these...thots, I,the #1 Fa(r)ce, bid U one and all a Norweigian [[underline]]adjo[[end underline]]. If U're out by the Pacific in '42, drop in. . . . . . . . ---FORREST J ACKERMAN Ah, now the STAR...Dual Controls: 9. Very good. Mumblings: 10. What's this about cutting out sex? Shame on you. FANTASIA is more broad-minded. Anything that'll go through the mails is okay by us. Listening, Bob? ((We have no objection to sex; it can exist if it wants to. (Loud cries of "such generosity, what a magnamious broad-mindedness!"). In fact, we're rather indebted to it for being here at all. Neither are we prudish in our outlook; in our more daring moments, we have had, even, the temerity to wonder where storks come from. But the question, quite seriously, is not one of prudishness or outlook. In any of our other publications, you can tell the Farmer's Daughter, Traveling Salesman classic with the most hair-raising variations without fear of censor. but this is not a personal magazine; it is the organ of the DIXIE FANTASY FEDERATION, and goes into the homes of many, many new fans and the impression they -- and, more important, their families --- get from it is also their impression of fandom. And, by Foo, as long as we have anything to do with this mag, we'll continue to do our damndest to make that impression favorable! Selah. JG)). Conversation: 8. Haven't read it yet, but I'm in a generous mood. Handwriting: 9. You must analyze me some day. Live Everlasting:8. Gaaah! What fatalism! O'Nautis--shann: 10! Yow! How like Uncle Hugo! Autobiog: 8. Interesting as usual. [[underline]]Pirate stories: 5. Drivel; mere drivel. I suspect you had to fill up two pages. Well, I've done the same.[[end underline]] Munsey Panorama: 10! When the series is done, you should publish it separately between two covers. ((We're going to; the first will appear as soon as all issues of the Cavalier are reviewed. JG)). New York: 7. Mild. Letters 8. Good. --[[underline]]LOU GOLDSTONE[[end underline]] We regret the short letter section this time, fellows, but it is, as you can see, essential. We'll have a particularly big Lounge next time to make up for this one, even if we have to have fifty pages to do it; and we probably will. No ratings this time or from now on, please; they're far too inaccurate for a goodly number of reasons, and 'sides we're just frankly sick of seeing the Warner-Youd system so overused. Thanks, anyway, to everyone who sent in the ratings. First return results were stunningly high, with Panorama taking first place again. Don't forget to write and tell us how you liked this issue, won't you, Chums? Listen, my Children, and you shall hear, Of the Midnight ride of Paul Revere; He jumped in his Rocket, and slammed on the gas, The bottom blew out, and he slid on the grass. --Old Martian Folk Song.
Hevelin Fanzines