Southern Star, v. 1, issue 4, December 1941
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Fantasia Despite all claims to the contrary, FANTASIA will be continued, bot on an irregular schedule. If you're not already acquainted with this fanzine, you jest ain't eddicated. 'Cause you are missing the best reporduction, best artwork, and best fiction in the whole darn field. Take it from us that FANTASIA is swell. You won't want to miss L. Russell Chauvenet's excellent bit of fiction, "Zenith"; and article on handwriting by Graph Waldeyer; more of that fine fiction by the ed; and -- those incomparable comments from that dopey little dapper, Mickey Finn! And -- if you're still in doubt, a mere glance at those lithographed pictures and those lino-block headings will thoroughly convince you! Honestly, you ain't a fan unless you subscribe to F A N T A S I A ! 10[[cent symbol]] each from Lou Goldstone 269 Sixteenth Ave. San Francisco, California TWILIGHT TWILIGHT, scheduled Joe J. Fortier for Jan. 1, will 1836 39th Ave. boast a new Tomaiden Oakland, Calif. cover .. the best to date. The fanmag of pure and modern fantasy costs but 15[[cent symbol]]; it's a semi-annual. Get it! [[underline]]WANTED[[end underline]] First issue of [[underline]]Nepenthe[[end underline]]; willing to pay 15[[cent symbol]] for it. Lee B. Eastman, c/o Joseph Gilbert, 908 Lloyd Court, Columbia, SC. First issue of the SOUTHERN STAR. Will give 10[[cent symbol]] and a copy of any future STAR for same. W. S. Houston, 116 Church St., Greensboro, N. C. Don't forget the Pacificon! ADS [[underline]]FFF's[[end underline]] NYCON REVIEW A limited edition of 50 copies only 50[[cent symbol]] each -- 25 picked fotos depicting the most interesting events in the [[underline]]conferences[[end underline]] preceding the Nycon and Nycon itself. *** You can't afford to miss this booklet. It is full, complete, and authentic. Accounts are by the Nycon committee: Skyora, Moskowitz, and Taurasi; and by MadleUnger, and Lowndes. Fotos supplied by Wollheim, Ackerman and Moskowitz -- cover design by damon knight -- silkscreening by fandom's silkscreen artist, Johny B. Michel. It's only 50[[cent symbol]] -- but 50[[cent symbol]] is hardly enough to pay for the cost of the fotos! And besides that, there's expense involved in stencils, paper, ink, envelopes, stamps, etc. So -- NYCON REVIEW is going to try to raise some of the extra-expense dough from booster-ads. If you're interested in helping finance this and the two following booklets, here is how you can do it. [[underline]]For the Fans, individually[[end underline]]: -- 25[[cent symbol]] for your name and address in the Nycon Review. 50[[cent symbol]] now will purchase booster ads in all three booklets. [[underline]]For Stf Organizations and Fanzines[[end underline]]: -- $1 for a quarter-page ad in the Nycon Review. $2 now will by you 1/4 page ads in all three booklets. [[underline]]For the professionals[[end underline]]: -- $2 for a full page in the Nycon Review. $5 now will buy you full page ads in all three booklets. Checks or Money Orders -- no stamps please. Make checks out to [[underline]]Julius Unber[[end underline]], 1702 Dahill Road, Brooklyn, New York.
Fantasia Despite all claims to the contrary, FANTASIA will be continued, bot on an irregular schedule. If you're not already acquainted with this fanzine, you jest ain't eddicated. 'Cause you are missing the best reporduction, best artwork, and best fiction in the whole darn field. Take it from us that FANTASIA is swell. You won't want to miss L. Russell Chauvenet's excellent bit of fiction, "Zenith"; and article on handwriting by Graph Waldeyer; more of that fine fiction by the ed; and -- those incomparable comments from that dopey little dapper, Mickey Finn! And -- if you're still in doubt, a mere glance at those lithographed pictures and those lino-block headings will thoroughly convince you! Honestly, you ain't a fan unless you subscribe to F A N T A S I A ! 10[[cent symbol]] each from Lou Goldstone 269 Sixteenth Ave. San Francisco, California TWILIGHT TWILIGHT, scheduled Joe J. Fortier for Jan. 1, will 1836 39th Ave. boast a new Tomaiden Oakland, Calif. cover .. the best to date. The fanmag of pure and modern fantasy costs but 15[[cent symbol]]; it's a semi-annual. Get it! [[underline]]WANTED[[end underline]] First issue of [[underline]]Nepenthe[[end underline]]; willing to pay 15[[cent symbol]] for it. Lee B. Eastman, c/o Joseph Gilbert, 908 Lloyd Court, Columbia, SC. First issue of the SOUTHERN STAR. Will give 10[[cent symbol]] and a copy of any future STAR for same. W. S. Houston, 116 Church St., Greensboro, N. C. Don't forget the Pacificon! ADS [[underline]]FFF's[[end underline]] NYCON REVIEW A limited edition of 50 copies only 50[[cent symbol]] each -- 25 picked fotos depicting the most interesting events in the [[underline]]conferences[[end underline]] preceding the Nycon and Nycon itself. *** You can't afford to miss this booklet. It is full, complete, and authentic. Accounts are by the Nycon committee: Skyora, Moskowitz, and Taurasi; and by MadleUnger, and Lowndes. Fotos supplied by Wollheim, Ackerman and Moskowitz -- cover design by damon knight -- silkscreening by fandom's silkscreen artist, Johny B. Michel. It's only 50[[cent symbol]] -- but 50[[cent symbol]] is hardly enough to pay for the cost of the fotos! And besides that, there's expense involved in stencils, paper, ink, envelopes, stamps, etc. So -- NYCON REVIEW is going to try to raise some of the extra-expense dough from booster-ads. If you're interested in helping finance this and the two following booklets, here is how you can do it. [[underline]]For the Fans, individually[[end underline]]: -- 25[[cent symbol]] for your name and address in the Nycon Review. 50[[cent symbol]] now will purchase booster ads in all three booklets. [[underline]]For Stf Organizations and Fanzines[[end underline]]: -- $1 for a quarter-page ad in the Nycon Review. $2 now will by you 1/4 page ads in all three booklets. [[underline]]For the professionals[[end underline]]: -- $2 for a full page in the Nycon Review. $5 now will buy you full page ads in all three booklets. Checks or Money Orders -- no stamps please. Make checks out to [[underline]]Julius Unber[[end underline]], 1702 Dahill Road, Brooklyn, New York.
Hevelin Fanzines