W. Earl Hall correspondence, 1940-1945
1943-07-12 SSGT L.L. Austin to W. Earl Hall
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7-12-43 Dear Boss: Well, sorry to bother you again about addresses but as you notice I am now with another outfit. So my complete address is: S/Sgt L. L. Austin 20761193 153rd Liaison Sq. A.P.O. 638 c/o P.M. New York, N.Y. Will appreciate it if you will change address on newspapers. Thanks a lot. think new setup will be better. Feeling fine and still flapping my wings around England. War news sure sounds good so may be my guess about Christmas will come true - I hope. Keep the home fires burning and don't let U.S.A. change too much. As ever - Shusty
7-12-43 Dear Boss: Well, sorry to bother you again about addresses but as you notice I am now with another outfit. So my complete address is: S/Sgt L. L. Austin 20761193 153rd Liaison Sq. A.P.O. 638 c/o P.M. New York, N.Y. Will appreciate it if you will change address on newspapers. Thanks a lot. think new setup will be better. Feeling fine and still flapping my wings around England. War news sure sounds good so may be my guess about Christmas will come true - I hope. Keep the home fires burning and don't let U.S.A. change too much. As ever - Shusty
World War II Diaries and Letters