Spaceways, v. 4, issue 5, whole no. 28, June 1942
Page 18
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18 SPACEWAYS FROM THE CONTROL ROOM The high ratings given to "Emergency Flare" last issue surprise no one more than me. Since Beacon Light will no longer be with us regularly (although occasional installments may appear when Doc Lowndes finds the time from his new job to do his co-ordinating), a new column is necessary. What is simpler than to write it myself? I in this way need not worry whether my columnist is going to send his stuff before deadline each issue, and no more outraged wails will go up because I've cut his pet items out of the latest installment for lack of room or their conflicting with Spaceways' infamous policy expressed each issue on page two. Further, the editorial as it has been in the past wasn't satisfactory to me. There wasn't room on one page to editorialize as I wanted to do, and yet some sort of department is necessary as a container for all those miscellaneous items relevant to the new issue of a fanzine that must see print somewhere. So, starting with this issue, this department has been expanded to three pages, and patterned after last issue's "Emergency Flair", but containing what the one page editorial usually said. If ratings continue high, it'll keep going indefinitely. If the ratings on it sink, it shrinks to one page and Ifind a new columnist. Fair enough? Incidentally, it's very hard to write this installment. The first twenty-seven issues of Spaceways contained editorials on page 3. I feel like a stranger here in the back of my own magazine! In the letter section this issue is a note from Chris Mulrain, who has just been promoted to corporal. Said note inspires the thought that his prozines and fanzines for soldiers is rapidly becoming as much discussed and as little acted upon a subject as the weather. It possibly should fall under the jurisdiction of the NFFF, but for the time being at least I'm willing to act as distributor. The plan is this: every fanzine publisher who wishes to help out should send me copies of his publications. At present, no more than ten copies of one issue will be needed, since there are only about that many U. S. and in the armed forces. If you can't spare that many, even two or three will be thoroughly welcome. If you don't care to send copies of each issue, send them whenever you can spare them. At the end of each month (or oftener, if enough donations come in) I'll divide the booty equally among the fans fighting in the army, navy, and air corps. I intend to ask for donations from the fanzine editors with whom I correspond, personally, but please don't wait me to do so. If you could spare some small amount to help out with postage when yousend some fanzines (a one-cent stamp for each copy would be plenty), it'd eas my task financially. Too, you'd better let me know which fans now in service already get your fanzine, so there will be no duplication. If too many copies should arrive and some be left over, they'll go to Cunningham for distribution in England through the BSFWRS[[?]]. Shroyer, Brazier, Mulrain, Kenealy, Burford, and a few more are at present eligible recipients; as a fan is drafted or volunteers he'll be added to the list. (I'd appreciate also the most recent addresses of certainfans, like Shroyer and Kenealy, or any others of whose locations you're certain.) The only obligation to the fans receiving the magazines will be an occasional postal to me saying that they're getting them, telling of any changes of address, and letting me know in case they lose all interest in fandom and stf. and no longer wish to be on the receiving list. So--how about it? Remember, fanzines only (no prozines; Cunningham is taking care of those), andfew or many will be welcomed. I'll send
18 SPACEWAYS FROM THE CONTROL ROOM The high ratings given to "Emergency Flare" last issue surprise no one more than me. Since Beacon Light will no longer be with us regularly (although occasional installments may appear when Doc Lowndes finds the time from his new job to do his co-ordinating), a new column is necessary. What is simpler than to write it myself? I in this way need not worry whether my columnist is going to send his stuff before deadline each issue, and no more outraged wails will go up because I've cut his pet items out of the latest installment for lack of room or their conflicting with Spaceways' infamous policy expressed each issue on page two. Further, the editorial as it has been in the past wasn't satisfactory to me. There wasn't room on one page to editorialize as I wanted to do, and yet some sort of department is necessary as a container for all those miscellaneous items relevant to the new issue of a fanzine that must see print somewhere. So, starting with this issue, this department has been expanded to three pages, and patterned after last issue's "Emergency Flair", but containing what the one page editorial usually said. If ratings continue high, it'll keep going indefinitely. If the ratings on it sink, it shrinks to one page and Ifind a new columnist. Fair enough? Incidentally, it's very hard to write this installment. The first twenty-seven issues of Spaceways contained editorials on page 3. I feel like a stranger here in the back of my own magazine! In the letter section this issue is a note from Chris Mulrain, who has just been promoted to corporal. Said note inspires the thought that his prozines and fanzines for soldiers is rapidly becoming as much discussed and as little acted upon a subject as the weather. It possibly should fall under the jurisdiction of the NFFF, but for the time being at least I'm willing to act as distributor. The plan is this: every fanzine publisher who wishes to help out should send me copies of his publications. At present, no more than ten copies of one issue will be needed, since there are only about that many U. S. and in the armed forces. If you can't spare that many, even two or three will be thoroughly welcome. If you don't care to send copies of each issue, send them whenever you can spare them. At the end of each month (or oftener, if enough donations come in) I'll divide the booty equally among the fans fighting in the army, navy, and air corps. I intend to ask for donations from the fanzine editors with whom I correspond, personally, but please don't wait me to do so. If you could spare some small amount to help out with postage when yousend some fanzines (a one-cent stamp for each copy would be plenty), it'd eas my task financially. Too, you'd better let me know which fans now in service already get your fanzine, so there will be no duplication. If too many copies should arrive and some be left over, they'll go to Cunningham for distribution in England through the BSFWRS[[?]]. Shroyer, Brazier, Mulrain, Kenealy, Burford, and a few more are at present eligible recipients; as a fan is drafted or volunteers he'll be added to the list. (I'd appreciate also the most recent addresses of certainfans, like Shroyer and Kenealy, or any others of whose locations you're certain.) The only obligation to the fans receiving the magazines will be an occasional postal to me saying that they're getting them, telling of any changes of address, and letting me know in case they lose all interest in fandom and stf. and no longer wish to be on the receiving list. So--how about it? Remember, fanzines only (no prozines; Cunningham is taking care of those), andfew or many will be welcomed. I'll send
Hevelin Fanzines