Spaceways, v. 4, issue 5, whole no. 28, June 1942
Page 25
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SPACEWAYS 26 THE READERS ALWAYS WRITE L̲e̲o̲n̲a̲r̲d̲ ̲J̲.̲ ̲M̲o̲f̲f̲a̲t̲t̲: In my article, you quote me as saying that Tarzan was the first great stf. character—What I really said or at least meant in the original article I sent was that Tarzan was one of the first great stf. characters!. Savvy? I suggest you rectify this mistake in your next ish, as some fans are gonna gripe about that, I betcha! E̲d̲w̲a̲r̲d̲ ̲C̲.̲ ̲C̲o̲n̲n̲o̲r̲: I have gathered that Singleton is Yngvi's twin brother. Has anyone put E. S. through the grill as to why he hoaxed fandom the way he did? You know that he could have swung his suicide in an above-board manner, as a joke. He did not. It is regrettable that you are beginning to plug him. L̲o̲r̲e̲n̲ ̲L̲.̲ ̲S̲i̲n̲n̲: If I Werewolf is interesting, but not humorous. Suggest you would tell your authors to try inject a little satire. ...Wish your special column would appear regularly. It has S. F. Cynic beat. Hope you lift your ban on fiction soon. "What They Are About" is of interest to English fans only as we can't get those books in U. S. Rocket Society page is better this time. S̲h̲e̲r̲m̲a̲n̲ ̲S̲c̲h̲u̲l̲t̲z̲: That was the most magnificent job of stencil cutting and mimeoing on the front cover that I have ever had the pleasure of gazing on. Now Donnell is what I would call an artist. Geeze. My puny efforts look like crow tracks in comparison. No kidding. The detail and idea were what I call a really good combination. Golly. I just sit here and look at it and wish that I could do half as well. ..... Can't get over that cover. Beautifui: Has a Finlay touch that isn't a copy. Paul Spencer...I love you. Such nice things you said about my effort. Geeeee. C̲o̲r̲p̲.̲ ̲C̲h̲r̲i̲s̲ ̲B̲.̲ ̲M̲u̲l̲r̲a̲i̲n̲.̲ ̲J̲r̲.̲ Headquarters Squadron, 34th Air Depot Group, San Bernardino, Calif.: Bob Tucker's idea of sending prozines to fans in the service is a good idea but I think it would be better to send fanzines. I can get all the pros here in the post exchange but fanzines come few and far between. (S̲e̲e̲ ̲e̲d̲i̲t̲o̲r̲i̲a̲l̲. KU) H̲a̲r̲r̲y̲ ̲J̲e̲n̲k̲i̲n̲s̲,̲ ̲J̲r̲.̲: "If I Werewolf" has its best installment to date. Not that a part of it that concerns Jenkins has anything to do with it ....harrumph! . .but— It is that swell elegant Widner humor. Give it a 9. Dammit, so Widner sez I'm an octopus, eh? Well, just wait 'til Joe or I get hold of that thing...just wait. Now we're shuddering in fear of what Elmer will do to us. We seem to have a sort of mutual dislike for each other and... P̲o̲l̲l̲ ̲R̲e̲s̲u̲l̲t̲s̲; Eighteen of you sent ratings on last issue; thanks to Chauvenet, Brown, Raines, Bridges, Schultz, Moffatt, Connor, Spencer, Boggs, Wright, Senour, Schwartz, Wollheim, Tucker, Sinn, Gergen, Croutch, and Jenkins. Issue rated 6.88, which was .01 lower than the preceding one. Individual items: Emergency Flare finished first, with 8.6. Second was the front cover, 8.3, which is the highest any cover, front or back, has rated. Let's hope Mr. Donnell does another soon! Third: the letter section, 7.75—incidentally, this department hasn't finished lower than fourth in any issue since vol. 2, no. 8. Following: ABC—STF, 7.65. Moot Point, 7.5, the highest for any poem since vol. 3, no. 5, Let's Swap Efficiently, 7.4. If I Werewolf and From the Control Room were in an exact tie, with an even 7. What They Are About, 6.6. Altur, the Avenger, 6.5. Moffatt's article: 6.0. Where?: 5.6. Back cover: 4.4—which really doesn't count because the stenciling ruined the drawing. Ratings on this issue, please! ADVERTISEMENTS The world's most stirring times are beginning—NOW! All about you are new frontiers. Plastics, alloys, vitamins and vast social changes are building the civilization of tomorrow. SPACE TRAVEL IS INEVITABLE! Join the United States Rocket Society. One-year Charter membership: $1.00. United States Rocket Society 781 Riford Road Glen Ellyn, Illinois. WHY NOT TRY SOMETHING NEW FOR A CHANGE? Why not try S̲c̲i̲e̲n̲t̲i̲f̲u̲n̲? The worst that can happen is the mag going bust and not returning your subscription, but—it won't! Humor, columns, and a good cover each issue. Jenkins, Shaw, Schmarje, Mofffatt, Raym. It's refreshing, no less. Different. Amusing. The material is swell, presented in attractive fashion, and the whole thing is designed for reader enjoyment. A dime brings you issues. 2 & 3. From Ray Washington, Jr., Live Oak, Florida
SPACEWAYS 26 THE READERS ALWAYS WRITE L̲e̲o̲n̲a̲r̲d̲ ̲J̲.̲ ̲M̲o̲f̲f̲a̲t̲t̲: In my article, you quote me as saying that Tarzan was the first great stf. character—What I really said or at least meant in the original article I sent was that Tarzan was one of the first great stf. characters!. Savvy? I suggest you rectify this mistake in your next ish, as some fans are gonna gripe about that, I betcha! E̲d̲w̲a̲r̲d̲ ̲C̲.̲ ̲C̲o̲n̲n̲o̲r̲: I have gathered that Singleton is Yngvi's twin brother. Has anyone put E. S. through the grill as to why he hoaxed fandom the way he did? You know that he could have swung his suicide in an above-board manner, as a joke. He did not. It is regrettable that you are beginning to plug him. L̲o̲r̲e̲n̲ ̲L̲.̲ ̲S̲i̲n̲n̲: If I Werewolf is interesting, but not humorous. Suggest you would tell your authors to try inject a little satire. ...Wish your special column would appear regularly. It has S. F. Cynic beat. Hope you lift your ban on fiction soon. "What They Are About" is of interest to English fans only as we can't get those books in U. S. Rocket Society page is better this time. S̲h̲e̲r̲m̲a̲n̲ ̲S̲c̲h̲u̲l̲t̲z̲: That was the most magnificent job of stencil cutting and mimeoing on the front cover that I have ever had the pleasure of gazing on. Now Donnell is what I would call an artist. Geeze. My puny efforts look like crow tracks in comparison. No kidding. The detail and idea were what I call a really good combination. Golly. I just sit here and look at it and wish that I could do half as well. ..... Can't get over that cover. Beautifui: Has a Finlay touch that isn't a copy. Paul Spencer...I love you. Such nice things you said about my effort. Geeeee. C̲o̲r̲p̲.̲ ̲C̲h̲r̲i̲s̲ ̲B̲.̲ ̲M̲u̲l̲r̲a̲i̲n̲.̲ ̲J̲r̲.̲ Headquarters Squadron, 34th Air Depot Group, San Bernardino, Calif.: Bob Tucker's idea of sending prozines to fans in the service is a good idea but I think it would be better to send fanzines. I can get all the pros here in the post exchange but fanzines come few and far between. (S̲e̲e̲ ̲e̲d̲i̲t̲o̲r̲i̲a̲l̲. KU) H̲a̲r̲r̲y̲ ̲J̲e̲n̲k̲i̲n̲s̲,̲ ̲J̲r̲.̲: "If I Werewolf" has its best installment to date. Not that a part of it that concerns Jenkins has anything to do with it ....harrumph! . .but— It is that swell elegant Widner humor. Give it a 9. Dammit, so Widner sez I'm an octopus, eh? Well, just wait 'til Joe or I get hold of that thing...just wait. Now we're shuddering in fear of what Elmer will do to us. We seem to have a sort of mutual dislike for each other and... P̲o̲l̲l̲ ̲R̲e̲s̲u̲l̲t̲s̲; Eighteen of you sent ratings on last issue; thanks to Chauvenet, Brown, Raines, Bridges, Schultz, Moffatt, Connor, Spencer, Boggs, Wright, Senour, Schwartz, Wollheim, Tucker, Sinn, Gergen, Croutch, and Jenkins. Issue rated 6.88, which was .01 lower than the preceding one. Individual items: Emergency Flare finished first, with 8.6. Second was the front cover, 8.3, which is the highest any cover, front or back, has rated. Let's hope Mr. Donnell does another soon! Third: the letter section, 7.75—incidentally, this department hasn't finished lower than fourth in any issue since vol. 2, no. 8. Following: ABC—STF, 7.65. Moot Point, 7.5, the highest for any poem since vol. 3, no. 5, Let's Swap Efficiently, 7.4. If I Werewolf and From the Control Room were in an exact tie, with an even 7. What They Are About, 6.6. Altur, the Avenger, 6.5. Moffatt's article: 6.0. Where?: 5.6. Back cover: 4.4—which really doesn't count because the stenciling ruined the drawing. Ratings on this issue, please! ADVERTISEMENTS The world's most stirring times are beginning—NOW! All about you are new frontiers. Plastics, alloys, vitamins and vast social changes are building the civilization of tomorrow. SPACE TRAVEL IS INEVITABLE! Join the United States Rocket Society. One-year Charter membership: $1.00. United States Rocket Society 781 Riford Road Glen Ellyn, Illinois. WHY NOT TRY SOMETHING NEW FOR A CHANGE? Why not try S̲c̲i̲e̲n̲t̲i̲f̲u̲n̲? The worst that can happen is the mag going bust and not returning your subscription, but—it won't! Humor, columns, and a good cover each issue. Jenkins, Shaw, Schmarje, Mofffatt, Raym. It's refreshing, no less. Different. Amusing. The material is swell, presented in attractive fashion, and the whole thing is designed for reader enjoyment. A dime brings you issues. 2 & 3. From Ray Washington, Jr., Live Oak, Florida
Hevelin Fanzines