Spatium, issue 5, September 1949
Page 9
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SPATIUM LETTERS FROM READERS LETTERS FROM OUR BETTERS Dear Sirs: I wish to thank you for the copy of SPATIUM which you sent to us. We of the Golden Gate Futurian Society enjoyed it very much, unfortunately as we have not yet succeeded in obtaining printing or duplicating equipment, we have not been able to put out a fan-mag. I am planning on borrowing the use of a duplicating machine, however, printing a fanzine annul of my own. I will probably release it sometime in November at which time I will send you ten copies for distribution in your organization. Pres. GGFS Yours for science fiction, William D. Knapheide, San Francisco, Cal Thanks a lot for the kind words, we hope that this issue will bring you even more interesting reading. We're looking forward to that annual, we're sure it will be a hit. Editor Greetings: A short epistle to acknowledge receipt of SPATIUM #4, which arrived July 8. The Thames S-F society is at present in a state of moratorium, which may soon relapse into a state of decease. I represent President, Secretary, Treasurer, Vice-President, and complete membership of the society in abscence of the only other member, BCStonehill. Under these conditions, I fear that I have no club organ to donate to you in return; the situation, in words of one syllable is grim. Notes re: SPATIUM. Spelling on the first couple of pages was vile: Wholey, juviniles, and jewls strike me immediately. The remainder of the mag was acceptable, however. (I'm ignoring typing errors). Stories: RETROSPECT has been done often, and better. MUTOTH (see table of contents), MUTHOTH (see page 5), and MYHOYH (see page 9, line 23) were all good stories. The last two lines, however, were unnecessary, anti-climactic, and confusing. BEYOND THE LAST STAR was pretty good; THE TIME MACHINE ETC was pointless. Dik Hollister's autobiography, was as he said, dry and dull. Attempts at humor failed; POET OF ISHTAR, however was good (I'm pro-Merritt too). Cover, fair to good; reproduction, very good. Value of mag -- 5 cents. It's only 10 pages long; Croutch now deals out his Light -- 12 pages of general-interest stuff (No club-news) for a jit. Sincerely Sam W. McCoy London, Ontario We would advise optimism on your society. Before Ron Stone started whipping the fans of the Utica, N.Y, area together, the idea of an active fan club in a city of this size (102,000) seemed impossible to us. We look foreard to a stronger Thames SF Society. About Spelling, why should we be different from the average fazine in that respect? Dik meant what he said in his autobiog, there was not attempt at humor. This issue runs 16 pages, and has little of limited club interest. Editor PAGE -(9)-
SPATIUM LETTERS FROM READERS LETTERS FROM OUR BETTERS Dear Sirs: I wish to thank you for the copy of SPATIUM which you sent to us. We of the Golden Gate Futurian Society enjoyed it very much, unfortunately as we have not yet succeeded in obtaining printing or duplicating equipment, we have not been able to put out a fan-mag. I am planning on borrowing the use of a duplicating machine, however, printing a fanzine annul of my own. I will probably release it sometime in November at which time I will send you ten copies for distribution in your organization. Pres. GGFS Yours for science fiction, William D. Knapheide, San Francisco, Cal Thanks a lot for the kind words, we hope that this issue will bring you even more interesting reading. We're looking forward to that annual, we're sure it will be a hit. Editor Greetings: A short epistle to acknowledge receipt of SPATIUM #4, which arrived July 8. The Thames S-F society is at present in a state of moratorium, which may soon relapse into a state of decease. I represent President, Secretary, Treasurer, Vice-President, and complete membership of the society in abscence of the only other member, BCStonehill. Under these conditions, I fear that I have no club organ to donate to you in return; the situation, in words of one syllable is grim. Notes re: SPATIUM. Spelling on the first couple of pages was vile: Wholey, juviniles, and jewls strike me immediately. The remainder of the mag was acceptable, however. (I'm ignoring typing errors). Stories: RETROSPECT has been done often, and better. MUTOTH (see table of contents), MUTHOTH (see page 5), and MYHOYH (see page 9, line 23) were all good stories. The last two lines, however, were unnecessary, anti-climactic, and confusing. BEYOND THE LAST STAR was pretty good; THE TIME MACHINE ETC was pointless. Dik Hollister's autobiography, was as he said, dry and dull. Attempts at humor failed; POET OF ISHTAR, however was good (I'm pro-Merritt too). Cover, fair to good; reproduction, very good. Value of mag -- 5 cents. It's only 10 pages long; Croutch now deals out his Light -- 12 pages of general-interest stuff (No club-news) for a jit. Sincerely Sam W. McCoy London, Ontario We would advise optimism on your society. Before Ron Stone started whipping the fans of the Utica, N.Y, area together, the idea of an active fan club in a city of this size (102,000) seemed impossible to us. We look foreard to a stronger Thames SF Society. About Spelling, why should we be different from the average fazine in that respect? Dik meant what he said in his autobiog, there was not attempt at humor. This issue runs 16 pages, and has little of limited club interest. Editor PAGE -(9)-
Hevelin Fanzines