James A. Van Allen journal, October 1955-March 1958
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At 4:58 Dick Porter called. He confirmed that the velocity was apparently subnormal. De Bey at BRL and NRL had both tracked and agreed on sub-normal burn out velocity. I informed him about the tape recorder matter and emphasized that it was the receiver not the tape recorder which was the element at fault! --------- He (Porter) is holding up press relations pending General Medaris' report. --
At 4:58 Dick Porter called. He confirmed that the velocity was apparently subnormal. De Bey at BRL and NRL had both tracked and agreed on sub-normal burn out velocity. I informed him about the tape recorder matter and emphasized that it was the receiver not the tape recorder which was the element at fault! --------- He (Porter) is holding up press relations pending General Medaris' report. --
Van Allen Papers