Science Fiction Weekly, v. 1, issue 1, February 18, 1940
Page 4
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ADVERTISEMENT Dear Doc: - I understand every time U receive a 75c ad U guarantee an extra pg of reading in the Wkly. Very well, here's 6-bits to help make SFW #1 a swell introductory ish. TO SCIENCE FICTION FANDOM I SUGGEST 1. Join the American Rocket Society Dues $3 yrly (includes printed, illustrated journal, "Astronautics"). Jr memships available for hi-school students & others under 18. Write the Sec'y, Rm 382, 50 Church St., NYC, for further details, application form. Let's make that lunar - flite a reality in our lifetimes: "To the Moon bfor 2000!" 2. Support of the Illini Fantasy Fictioneers. 50c to Mr Rim, 3156 Cambridge Ave, Chi, makes U a subsidizer of this yr's Stf Convention. 3. Send any old stf mags or bks U won't miss either to the British Boys c/o Edward John Carnell, 17 Burwash Road, Plumstead S.E. 18, London, England, or France's fan, Georges A. Gallet, 338 Cie Auto de Q.G., Seetor Postale 224, France. Postage to Europe is quite cheap. Help keep our mental-mates abroad supplyd with "food for thot" during their troublous times. 4. Mail specimens of your stickers, stationary & any miscellany such as calling cards etc ... I am going to make a lithograficollection for one & all. 5. Finally, drop a dime to Bx 6475Mot Sta, Los Angeles, Cal, for #5 Voice-of-the-Imagination", the all-letter mag- which carrys correspondence from Ray J. Sicnklewicz, Jos Gilbert, MARothman, Mark Reinsberg, Arthur L Widner Jr, Dick Wilson Harry Warner, Louis Kuslan, JJ Fortier, CS Youd, Ted Carnell, et autros, with running comments by the co-eds MOROJO & Forrest J Ackerman "Fantascience Field" 236 1/2 N New Hampshire HOLLYWOOD
ADVERTISEMENT Dear Doc: - I understand every time U receive a 75c ad U guarantee an extra pg of reading in the Wkly. Very well, here's 6-bits to help make SFW #1 a swell introductory ish. TO SCIENCE FICTION FANDOM I SUGGEST 1. Join the American Rocket Society Dues $3 yrly (includes printed, illustrated journal, "Astronautics"). Jr memships available for hi-school students & others under 18. Write the Sec'y, Rm 382, 50 Church St., NYC, for further details, application form. Let's make that lunar - flite a reality in our lifetimes: "To the Moon bfor 2000!" 2. Support of the Illini Fantasy Fictioneers. 50c to Mr Rim, 3156 Cambridge Ave, Chi, makes U a subsidizer of this yr's Stf Convention. 3. Send any old stf mags or bks U won't miss either to the British Boys c/o Edward John Carnell, 17 Burwash Road, Plumstead S.E. 18, London, England, or France's fan, Georges A. Gallet, 338 Cie Auto de Q.G., Seetor Postale 224, France. Postage to Europe is quite cheap. Help keep our mental-mates abroad supplyd with "food for thot" during their troublous times. 4. Mail specimens of your stickers, stationary & any miscellany such as calling cards etc ... I am going to make a lithograficollection for one & all. 5. Finally, drop a dime to Bx 6475Mot Sta, Los Angeles, Cal, for #5 Voice-of-the-Imagination", the all-letter mag- which carrys correspondence from Ray J. Sicnklewicz, Jos Gilbert, MARothman, Mark Reinsberg, Arthur L Widner Jr, Dick Wilson Harry Warner, Louis Kuslan, JJ Fortier, CS Youd, Ted Carnell, et autros, with running comments by the co-eds MOROJO & Forrest J Ackerman "Fantascience Field" 236 1/2 N New Hampshire HOLLYWOOD
Hevelin Fanzines