Science Fiction Weekly, v. 2, issue 2, May 26, 1940
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page six . THEIR OWN PETARD by H. C. KOENIG [illegible] RCM "PLANET OF BLACK TERROR" IN [illegible] Amazing Stories. Volume 14, No. 6: [illegible] (Jay Jackson: There's an artist with imagination or somethin! Take a look at his illustration for Repp's story. Ice and snow -- lots of it. And, yet the cute little trick with violet eyes was wondering around dressed in shoes, panties, and arope. Of course, that may be stylish in Valgaria but for rambling around Mt. Shasta -- well, all can say is "Some Gal!" And that lasso stunt sure is a wow! Rapp tells us, that Clark Erick "was sliding feet first into a gleaming blut slot. - - - Twisting, he managedto catch the edge by hands, elbows, & chin and hang there. - - - Momentarily - - blinded, he suddenly felt a rope fall across his shoulders, tighten around him." The illustration shows the rope around Erick's waist. Assming that th e rope was an opportune part of the pal's attire, I wish Nessers Jackson and Repp would give me a blow-by-blow description of that rope trick.) From "Treachery on Planetoid 41) in Amazing Stories, Volume 14, No. 6. "The pain in his legs, though, prevented him from walking from case to case and searching. He was patting the burns, holding his hands gently over them to keep off the tormenting air. A metallic click startled him. Ryan swung around." (The artist apparently didn't think the pain was quite so bad; note that the illustration shows Ryan doing a neat job of searching.) and "A space-suited giant stood at the closed air-lock, a gamma gun in each huge hand. Ryan [flashed], for the enormous man contemplatively put the gun back in his belt and began to remove his suit." (An author loses himself and one gun in two consecutive sentences. Plural or singular -- with the accnt o n the latter.) D.B. Thompson sends in the following howler with very appropriate comments. From the [summer] number of Captain Future." " - - - Solar fish, that stay always on the sunlit side of Neptune - -" (That would require swimming at the speed of, roughly. 6000 miles per hour. They must be made of impervium, and powered with atomic motors.) And here's one spotted by Chauvenet (wish an assist credit to Swisher) in Sun-Spots, Vol 2, No, ]. "I shall begin this column with a summary of the glaring mistakes present in the last issue. First, I wish to apologise for the spelling, especially in the Editorial. They were inexcusable and there will not be that many again. In other parts of the mag. spelling was to be found and again I apologise." (Say, what is this? What kind of racket are you boys running? Don't you think your subscribers are entitled to just a wee bit of spelling? I'll admit many of the fan magazines are pretty terrible -- but things have reached a sorry state of affairs when an Editor has to apologise for putting some spelling in his magazine.) Swisher also scores a direct hit with a statement by Olon F. Wiggins in Sun Spots, Vol. 2 No. 1. "All fan mags or at least some of them, have spelling mistakes, so don't let that bother you. Most fans are used tothis and if they aren't, they will be after awhile." (At leat they will be, Olon, if they ever get your Science Fiction Fan regularly.) SNIDE WINS FANTASY FIELD CONTEST 519 Christopher St, Brooklyn, May 15: - Julius Unger, sponsor of the bi-monthly Fantasy Field contest f or the best fanmag and best item within a fanmag announced today that Damon Knight's Snide has won the award for the best fanmag, while Erle Korshak's "Swanson of an Stf Dealer" had been selected To Damon Knight will go a copy of "The Monster of Mu", by Owen Rutter, a rare British stf book, while Ted Dikty, in whose Fantasy Digest the winning article by Korshak (in collaboration with Frederick Shreyer) appeared, is being sent a complete set of the British magazine "Fantasy". The new contest starts immediately; any and all fans are invited to send in their nominations for best fanmag & best single item within a fanmag. page six
page six . THEIR OWN PETARD by H. C. KOENIG [illegible] RCM "PLANET OF BLACK TERROR" IN [illegible] Amazing Stories. Volume 14, No. 6: [illegible] (Jay Jackson: There's an artist with imagination or somethin! Take a look at his illustration for Repp's story. Ice and snow -- lots of it. And, yet the cute little trick with violet eyes was wondering around dressed in shoes, panties, and arope. Of course, that may be stylish in Valgaria but for rambling around Mt. Shasta -- well, all can say is "Some Gal!" And that lasso stunt sure is a wow! Rapp tells us, that Clark Erick "was sliding feet first into a gleaming blut slot. - - - Twisting, he managedto catch the edge by hands, elbows, & chin and hang there. - - - Momentarily - - blinded, he suddenly felt a rope fall across his shoulders, tighten around him." The illustration shows the rope around Erick's waist. Assming that th e rope was an opportune part of the pal's attire, I wish Nessers Jackson and Repp would give me a blow-by-blow description of that rope trick.) From "Treachery on Planetoid 41) in Amazing Stories, Volume 14, No. 6. "The pain in his legs, though, prevented him from walking from case to case and searching. He was patting the burns, holding his hands gently over them to keep off the tormenting air. A metallic click startled him. Ryan swung around." (The artist apparently didn't think the pain was quite so bad; note that the illustration shows Ryan doing a neat job of searching.) and "A space-suited giant stood at the closed air-lock, a gamma gun in each huge hand. Ryan [flashed], for the enormous man contemplatively put the gun back in his belt and began to remove his suit." (An author loses himself and one gun in two consecutive sentences. Plural or singular -- with the accnt o n the latter.) D.B. Thompson sends in the following howler with very appropriate comments. From the [summer] number of Captain Future." " - - - Solar fish, that stay always on the sunlit side of Neptune - -" (That would require swimming at the speed of, roughly. 6000 miles per hour. They must be made of impervium, and powered with atomic motors.) And here's one spotted by Chauvenet (wish an assist credit to Swisher) in Sun-Spots, Vol 2, No, ]. "I shall begin this column with a summary of the glaring mistakes present in the last issue. First, I wish to apologise for the spelling, especially in the Editorial. They were inexcusable and there will not be that many again. In other parts of the mag. spelling was to be found and again I apologise." (Say, what is this? What kind of racket are you boys running? Don't you think your subscribers are entitled to just a wee bit of spelling? I'll admit many of the fan magazines are pretty terrible -- but things have reached a sorry state of affairs when an Editor has to apologise for putting some spelling in his magazine.) Swisher also scores a direct hit with a statement by Olon F. Wiggins in Sun Spots, Vol. 2 No. 1. "All fan mags or at least some of them, have spelling mistakes, so don't let that bother you. Most fans are used tothis and if they aren't, they will be after awhile." (At leat they will be, Olon, if they ever get your Science Fiction Fan regularly.) SNIDE WINS FANTASY FIELD CONTEST 519 Christopher St, Brooklyn, May 15: - Julius Unger, sponsor of the bi-monthly Fantasy Field contest f or the best fanmag and best item within a fanmag announced today that Damon Knight's Snide has won the award for the best fanmag, while Erle Korshak's "Swanson of an Stf Dealer" had been selected To Damon Knight will go a copy of "The Monster of Mu", by Owen Rutter, a rare British stf book, while Ted Dikty, in whose Fantasy Digest the winning article by Korshak (in collaboration with Frederick Shreyer) appeared, is being sent a complete set of the British magazine "Fantasy". The new contest starts immediately; any and all fans are invited to send in their nominations for best fanmag & best single item within a fanmag. page six
Hevelin Fanzines