Voice of the Imagination (VOM), v. 1, issue 1, whole no. 1, January 1939
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SHEP'S SHOP--the Store that Gives U MORE for Your Money - that is actually interested in Stf, now sponsors: The HOLLYWOOD Chapter! S F L Meeting 2d & 4th Wednesdays--eves--8 o'cl at the St Fran--cis Hotel. Stop 'n' shop at Shep's --super--stock of stf, fantasy & the weird, profeshnal & fan; borrow bks from the centaday lending libe with its many classics (such as The Moon Pool, Columbus of Space, Last-First Men, The Golden Blite, Purple Cloud &c); see the stills; see the Argosy excerpts, early Science-Inventions, &c. The adres is 5518 H'wood Blvd. Then steop just across the st. to St. Francis Hotel where U will find the Director (Henderson) has hired hall in which all sffans r assured of an unusual evenin's entertainment! &--out of towners : Send your want-lists & an sae (stampt-adrest enve-lope) for our quotations on the co-pys of those particular AmSs or WTs or whatnots U're shy. Don't b shy! SHEP'S SHOP--the Store that Gives U MORE for Your Money - that is actually interested in Stf! SCOOP! Has Science Fiction A Future? askt by The Editor of "Science FIction" **** "Extremes & Extremitys" by "Dart" Hale **** "Scienti-faction" by T Bruce Yerke **** "Sabina, of the White Cylinder" by Forrest J~ Ackerman (dedicated to Joe Hatch) All for 5c. Order now from us. ~~~~ We r interested in provocative pieces for future publications. Read our requirements in....The Author & Journalist, Jan 39, pg 19. Rush a nickel to "Nell" at 86-10-- 117 St, Richmond Hill, NY, for immense Anniversary Is-sue carrying our full-page ad., with complete details on unique new prize-pamf contest! LASFL. ONE ALONE - As I write in exile--exiled on Asparagus (see Jno B Harris-story in WSQ 33 WIN)--I reflect on the ridiculousness of taking some things too seriously. At least, this is one (Acker)man's opinion... I have been banisht to this planetoid by the LASFL for the bad taste of pleading for the publication of "A Tale Which Hath No Ti-tle". "ATWHNT" was a 1000 word "thing" written in relay a yr or so ago by 6 or 8 of the then-mems of the SFLLA. It was fantastic, foolish & futile, perhaps, inasmuch as it never even had an ending; but what the thing as a memento for the mems, with a few for sale to fandom at 5c. Smatrtact, I innocently announced it as our next publication, when lo! by Fort! (to paraphrase Al Huxley) one member threatend to tear up the stencils if I went ahead with it! As it was patently not within the province of one person to dictate what shoud b done with a ms. authord by many, the "?" was given an impartial re-reading at the last leag meeting & then put to a vote in which everyone seemd to be again it. If one or 2 made assenting motions, I didnt notice; the opposition was so overwhelming. So, it seems now U will never know about the evil nepo-hate, the queer little loyal Keenobill, Ogle-thrope & Argle-thrope (the 2 moons of Zothar); for Ellay Esseffell has the dignity of her roster to consider 7 "her" opus was too suggestive of a monster in it (the ms. not the roster), a ferocious forty foot beast, the Stinkumafulus..... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This is An LASFL PUB, Bx 6475 Metropolitan Sta., Los Angeles/California
SHEP'S SHOP--the Store that Gives U MORE for Your Money - that is actually interested in Stf, now sponsors: The HOLLYWOOD Chapter! S F L Meeting 2d & 4th Wednesdays--eves--8 o'cl at the St Fran--cis Hotel. Stop 'n' shop at Shep's --super--stock of stf, fantasy & the weird, profeshnal & fan; borrow bks from the centaday lending libe with its many classics (such as The Moon Pool, Columbus of Space, Last-First Men, The Golden Blite, Purple Cloud &c); see the stills; see the Argosy excerpts, early Science-Inventions, &c. The adres is 5518 H'wood Blvd. Then steop just across the st. to St. Francis Hotel where U will find the Director (Henderson) has hired hall in which all sffans r assured of an unusual evenin's entertainment! &--out of towners : Send your want-lists & an sae (stampt-adrest enve-lope) for our quotations on the co-pys of those particular AmSs or WTs or whatnots U're shy. Don't b shy! SHEP'S SHOP--the Store that Gives U MORE for Your Money - that is actually interested in Stf! SCOOP! Has Science Fiction A Future? askt by The Editor of "Science FIction" **** "Extremes & Extremitys" by "Dart" Hale **** "Scienti-faction" by T Bruce Yerke **** "Sabina, of the White Cylinder" by Forrest J~ Ackerman (dedicated to Joe Hatch) All for 5c. Order now from us. ~~~~ We r interested in provocative pieces for future publications. Read our requirements in....The Author & Journalist, Jan 39, pg 19. Rush a nickel to "Nell" at 86-10-- 117 St, Richmond Hill, NY, for immense Anniversary Is-sue carrying our full-page ad., with complete details on unique new prize-pamf contest! LASFL. ONE ALONE - As I write in exile--exiled on Asparagus (see Jno B Harris-story in WSQ 33 WIN)--I reflect on the ridiculousness of taking some things too seriously. At least, this is one (Acker)man's opinion... I have been banisht to this planetoid by the LASFL for the bad taste of pleading for the publication of "A Tale Which Hath No Ti-tle". "ATWHNT" was a 1000 word "thing" written in relay a yr or so ago by 6 or 8 of the then-mems of the SFLLA. It was fantastic, foolish & futile, perhaps, inasmuch as it never even had an ending; but what the thing as a memento for the mems, with a few for sale to fandom at 5c. Smatrtact, I innocently announced it as our next publication, when lo! by Fort! (to paraphrase Al Huxley) one member threatend to tear up the stencils if I went ahead with it! As it was patently not within the province of one person to dictate what shoud b done with a ms. authord by many, the "?" was given an impartial re-reading at the last leag meeting & then put to a vote in which everyone seemd to be again it. If one or 2 made assenting motions, I didnt notice; the opposition was so overwhelming. So, it seems now U will never know about the evil nepo-hate, the queer little loyal Keenobill, Ogle-thrope & Argle-thrope (the 2 moons of Zothar); for Ellay Esseffell has the dignity of her roster to consider 7 "her" opus was too suggestive of a monster in it (the ms. not the roster), a ferocious forty foot beast, the Stinkumafulus..... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This is An LASFL PUB, Bx 6475 Metropolitan Sta., Los Angeles/California
Hevelin Fanzines