Voice of the Imagination (VOM), v. 1, issue 1, whole no. 1, January 1939
Page 3
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VOICE OF MADGE 3 [circu]late among interested stfans. If a number were to club together it woud not b so dear; or woud that be considerd a violation of copyrite, & so illegal? Reading time to b ltd to such & such a period, or woud there b a great danger that many fans woud hang onto the thing as soon as they got it & not return it? Or maybe there's not nuf intrest in that particular item to make such a project feasible. Those Serviss works r generally considrd classics. I don't know what the practical possibilitys of such an idea r, U probably woud from your knowledge of the fan world..." (From my "nojl" of the fan world I shoud say plan is one of practical impossibilitys. It's kaput--it "won't work". --"d'mac") (d'm-1/2-bake: %!?:.~~/&-#) (?! 2U ! --Ty Pryter) Baker of BC (yes, he who just got thru writing) writes again: "Gentlemen: I understand that fan-mags are often published at a loss to their producers, that the subscription price doesn't cover the costs. If such be the case with Imagination please retain the subscrption I sent you; to lessen by that much the deficit." (Such did not b the case with Madge, but we did immensely much appreciate your gesture, brother Baker. Upon receipt of this pamflet U will still have 80c U see, readers, Robt really was being regular--or, rather, highly irregular!) WM SCHILLINGS, 79 New Mont-gomery, Frisco/Cal: "I read with a bit of sadness the last issue of 'Mage', reali-zing as I do, believe it or not, that you hated to see its demise. Was happy, however, to read the many nice things said about you and those who had carried the bur-den of its monthly preparation." J. HARVEY HAGGARD (who signs himself just "Harvey") adreses "Science Fiction Leage" from San Bernardino Cal: "Dear Editor: IMAGINATION was swell! Past tense. I see it's to be a figment of the Imagination from now on, where before you had to use your imagination to read the words. Very appropriately too. ~~ Von Voyage, Imagination! May your journey into the eternal spaces be sub-lime. Use any subscription rights I have to assist any further publications you at-tempt, which I'm certain you will. (Will what--use your sub-rights or attempt other pubs?) ~~ WAY OUT WEST was my favorite column. ~~ And incidently, when are sci-ence fiction fans going to get together? (Good Gernsback! (scientificationl synonym for grief)... is it possible U don't KNOW? Y...this yr...NYC...WORLD STF CONVENTION!) I visualize a magazine on the order of fraternal clubs, such as Eagles, Elks (howza-bout Skylarks?), Rotarian, etc., embracing nation-wide organizations. Reporters from each league section will write their own special columns. ~~ I have suggested that New Fandom try to get your column, Way Out West, which was of especial interest, and try to obtain similar columns from other chapters. ~~ In union there is strength. A single large magazine could have better print ing facilities, be a much larger maga-zine, create a greater profit (what was that last word?), and sustain much more in-terest for the fans. There'd be plenty of room to print all articles designed or de-sired. ~~ Anyway, it's merely a suggestion. ~~ Thankx, Imagination, for many restful moments, tucked away in your erratic lettering. If only you could have been that one all-embracing nation-wide magazine!" HARRY WARNER JR once more: "At long last here's my belated comments on the September MADGE---don't worry, you'll get them, no matter how late. Best in the issue was Believe It Ornate, which was way above the recent articles by Kuttner--so funny I actually laughed for the first time since the SPWSSTFM blew up. WOW was good as usual, Science Fiction Eye is good reading, but I couldn't make much sense out of The Pendulum. Dale Hart's Personality Parade breaks all existing records for alliteration, and while Wright's expose of Cumming's sle-plagiarism is interesting, it nevertheless gives me a terrible sense of futility at the end, for now I'll never rest until I find the issue containing the Three-Eyed Man, and I never can till I learn exactly which one it was. I don't suppose that he could be lured into telling, could he? I have some excellent methods to drag it out of him in case you're interested. Bradbury's article ("Mathematics Menace") is very similar to Block's method of attack---these isn't the possiblity of a pseudonym is
VOICE OF MADGE 3 [circu]late among interested stfans. If a number were to club together it woud not b so dear; or woud that be considerd a violation of copyrite, & so illegal? Reading time to b ltd to such & such a period, or woud there b a great danger that many fans woud hang onto the thing as soon as they got it & not return it? Or maybe there's not nuf intrest in that particular item to make such a project feasible. Those Serviss works r generally considrd classics. I don't know what the practical possibilitys of such an idea r, U probably woud from your knowledge of the fan world..." (From my "nojl" of the fan world I shoud say plan is one of practical impossibilitys. It's kaput--it "won't work". --"d'mac") (d'm-1/2-bake: %!?:.~~/&-#) (?! 2U ! --Ty Pryter) Baker of BC (yes, he who just got thru writing) writes again: "Gentlemen: I understand that fan-mags are often published at a loss to their producers, that the subscription price doesn't cover the costs. If such be the case with Imagination please retain the subscrption I sent you; to lessen by that much the deficit." (Such did not b the case with Madge, but we did immensely much appreciate your gesture, brother Baker. Upon receipt of this pamflet U will still have 80c U see, readers, Robt really was being regular--or, rather, highly irregular!) WM SCHILLINGS, 79 New Mont-gomery, Frisco/Cal: "I read with a bit of sadness the last issue of 'Mage', reali-zing as I do, believe it or not, that you hated to see its demise. Was happy, however, to read the many nice things said about you and those who had carried the bur-den of its monthly preparation." J. HARVEY HAGGARD (who signs himself just "Harvey") adreses "Science Fiction Leage" from San Bernardino Cal: "Dear Editor: IMAGINATION was swell! Past tense. I see it's to be a figment of the Imagination from now on, where before you had to use your imagination to read the words. Very appropriately too. ~~ Von Voyage, Imagination! May your journey into the eternal spaces be sub-lime. Use any subscription rights I have to assist any further publications you at-tempt, which I'm certain you will. (Will what--use your sub-rights or attempt other pubs?) ~~ WAY OUT WEST was my favorite column. ~~ And incidently, when are sci-ence fiction fans going to get together? (Good Gernsback! (scientificationl synonym for grief)... is it possible U don't KNOW? Y...this yr...NYC...WORLD STF CONVENTION!) I visualize a magazine on the order of fraternal clubs, such as Eagles, Elks (howza-bout Skylarks?), Rotarian, etc., embracing nation-wide organizations. Reporters from each league section will write their own special columns. ~~ I have suggested that New Fandom try to get your column, Way Out West, which was of especial interest, and try to obtain similar columns from other chapters. ~~ In union there is strength. A single large magazine could have better print ing facilities, be a much larger maga-zine, create a greater profit (what was that last word?), and sustain much more in-terest for the fans. There'd be plenty of room to print all articles designed or de-sired. ~~ Anyway, it's merely a suggestion. ~~ Thankx, Imagination, for many restful moments, tucked away in your erratic lettering. If only you could have been that one all-embracing nation-wide magazine!" HARRY WARNER JR once more: "At long last here's my belated comments on the September MADGE---don't worry, you'll get them, no matter how late. Best in the issue was Believe It Ornate, which was way above the recent articles by Kuttner--so funny I actually laughed for the first time since the SPWSSTFM blew up. WOW was good as usual, Science Fiction Eye is good reading, but I couldn't make much sense out of The Pendulum. Dale Hart's Personality Parade breaks all existing records for alliteration, and while Wright's expose of Cumming's sle-plagiarism is interesting, it nevertheless gives me a terrible sense of futility at the end, for now I'll never rest until I find the issue containing the Three-Eyed Man, and I never can till I learn exactly which one it was. I don't suppose that he could be lured into telling, could he? I have some excellent methods to drag it out of him in case you're interested. Bradbury's article ("Mathematics Menace") is very similar to Block's method of attack---these isn't the possiblity of a pseudonym is
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