Voice of the Imagination (VOM), v. 1, issue 1, whole no. 1, January 1939
Page 5
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THE VOICE 5 [odd-to]-say-the-least poetry. Please tender Lady Nan my sincere regrets at having been un-able to unearth her the operating table she is owed. I have, however, by devious means snaffled on to ('I Have Been Here Before'!) a rather snorky time-table, the which awaits the arrival of Enneff in a brass-bound box, upon which are carven mystic symbols, given me by a merman named Joe. (Any relation to Ethel?) It's here next time she cares to climb Richmond Hill. ~~ A dime for the two bklts mentioned on p 7 of MPM." We hear from HARVEY again: "One Vote for Bob Tucker's digging The Book Of The Dead out of the grave. ~~ I understand that he is an authority on the subject. Long Live The Undead! ~~ Can it be that in his now life he has a distaste for chew-ing gum? ~~ The article is so good it deserves another. Why not solicit another entitled 'My Venture into the Netherland and how I threw the half-crocodile, half-hippopotamus.' (No bull?) ~~ But that unique fan with the finest sense of humor in science fictiondom certainly deserves first place." J. CHAPMAN MISKE, author of "A-thane", laments Madge's passing in a letter from 5000 Train Av. Cleveland/O: "I'm really sorry that 'Madge' is to be discontinued. It has been an important part of my entry into fantasy. The magazine progressed as I, too, progressed, and now that I have reached my present state of minor insignificance, it's somehow making things seem empty to realize that from here on there'll be no Madge. It holds many fond mem-ories for me. I can look back and visualize all my connections -- all the friends brought by it -- all the acquaintances -- the happy incidents in connection with it. And now that it's all over, I'd like to know that we're parting friends. Please don't ruin one of my fondest memories. And I hope you're able to renew publication in the future----- Au revoir." JACK (FONEPOLE) SPEER, 1812 R NW/Wn/DC (adres deciferd upon receipt of 3c stamp): "Madgicians-- There being no Voice to spur me to an immediate reply, and many affairs in this mundane world having claimed much of my time, I have delayed until now to comment on the quality of the contents possible, nor, in fact, is there much point in so doing. So I shall simply set down some thots actuated by items her & there in Madge. ~~ As for my sub, of course use it for future LA pubs. I see the four nominees for the $ are to be printed soon, and, being in it, of course I don't want to miss that. This resignation of Daw & Co is something I didn't foresee in the crystal, by the way. ~~ Spose the thing to be by me in Verse of the I-m was 'Warning of St. Harry'. Too bad. Almost everything skeded looked good. Outstanding exception was Michel's thing that someone argued the readers into making for. Lowndes on Michelism is good. Evon Wollheim can be intristing at times. But Pohl and Michel--so steeped in dogma and warped to the world, are simply disgusting. ~~ The scientificrossword puzzle wasn't, strickly speaking, that, being more a word square. Anyhow, I scooped you and Startling Stories by a year, in Science Fiction News. ~~ Uh, oh. If Ted Carnell is panning fans, I know I can get set for finding out once again just how insignificant, conceited, misinformed, etc I am. Ah, well. ~~ Was Miske's manuscript returned unread? (It was: by stf we swear't.) ~~ I see that in missing two Madges (don't you have any back #?) I also missed a chance to get the Shreyerejection. However, it may not yet be too late. Take touta my sub. (Hokay) ~~ You're wrong, you're wrong, you're wrong. You are not Michelists! Neither you nor the gentlemen across the water. No more than I. To explain: A word--any word--means what it's used to mean, non? 'Neighbor' used to mean a nearby farmer, y'know, but nowadays it means someone living near you, either urban or rural, because it's used to mean that. Mi-chelism, as used by fandom generally, means Communist fans, and you can't get away from it. The founders may have originally intended it to mean sociologically minded fans, but it never came into general use as meaning that, and hence does not mean it. And now Michel admits that the object of the movement is Communism. Lowndes has a-bandoned it--or said he did, and I suggest that you, also, cease to call yourselves something you aren't. It leads to nothing but misunderstanding, and there is now
THE VOICE 5 [odd-to]-say-the-least poetry. Please tender Lady Nan my sincere regrets at having been un-able to unearth her the operating table she is owed. I have, however, by devious means snaffled on to ('I Have Been Here Before'!) a rather snorky time-table, the which awaits the arrival of Enneff in a brass-bound box, upon which are carven mystic symbols, given me by a merman named Joe. (Any relation to Ethel?) It's here next time she cares to climb Richmond Hill. ~~ A dime for the two bklts mentioned on p 7 of MPM." We hear from HARVEY again: "One Vote for Bob Tucker's digging The Book Of The Dead out of the grave. ~~ I understand that he is an authority on the subject. Long Live The Undead! ~~ Can it be that in his now life he has a distaste for chew-ing gum? ~~ The article is so good it deserves another. Why not solicit another entitled 'My Venture into the Netherland and how I threw the half-crocodile, half-hippopotamus.' (No bull?) ~~ But that unique fan with the finest sense of humor in science fictiondom certainly deserves first place." J. CHAPMAN MISKE, author of "A-thane", laments Madge's passing in a letter from 5000 Train Av. Cleveland/O: "I'm really sorry that 'Madge' is to be discontinued. It has been an important part of my entry into fantasy. The magazine progressed as I, too, progressed, and now that I have reached my present state of minor insignificance, it's somehow making things seem empty to realize that from here on there'll be no Madge. It holds many fond mem-ories for me. I can look back and visualize all my connections -- all the friends brought by it -- all the acquaintances -- the happy incidents in connection with it. And now that it's all over, I'd like to know that we're parting friends. Please don't ruin one of my fondest memories. And I hope you're able to renew publication in the future----- Au revoir." JACK (FONEPOLE) SPEER, 1812 R NW/Wn/DC (adres deciferd upon receipt of 3c stamp): "Madgicians-- There being no Voice to spur me to an immediate reply, and many affairs in this mundane world having claimed much of my time, I have delayed until now to comment on the quality of the contents possible, nor, in fact, is there much point in so doing. So I shall simply set down some thots actuated by items her & there in Madge. ~~ As for my sub, of course use it for future LA pubs. I see the four nominees for the $ are to be printed soon, and, being in it, of course I don't want to miss that. This resignation of Daw & Co is something I didn't foresee in the crystal, by the way. ~~ Spose the thing to be by me in Verse of the I-m was 'Warning of St. Harry'. Too bad. Almost everything skeded looked good. Outstanding exception was Michel's thing that someone argued the readers into making for. Lowndes on Michelism is good. Evon Wollheim can be intristing at times. But Pohl and Michel--so steeped in dogma and warped to the world, are simply disgusting. ~~ The scientificrossword puzzle wasn't, strickly speaking, that, being more a word square. Anyhow, I scooped you and Startling Stories by a year, in Science Fiction News. ~~ Uh, oh. If Ted Carnell is panning fans, I know I can get set for finding out once again just how insignificant, conceited, misinformed, etc I am. Ah, well. ~~ Was Miske's manuscript returned unread? (It was: by stf we swear't.) ~~ I see that in missing two Madges (don't you have any back #?) I also missed a chance to get the Shreyerejection. However, it may not yet be too late. Take touta my sub. (Hokay) ~~ You're wrong, you're wrong, you're wrong. You are not Michelists! Neither you nor the gentlemen across the water. No more than I. To explain: A word--any word--means what it's used to mean, non? 'Neighbor' used to mean a nearby farmer, y'know, but nowadays it means someone living near you, either urban or rural, because it's used to mean that. Mi-chelism, as used by fandom generally, means Communist fans, and you can't get away from it. The founders may have originally intended it to mean sociologically minded fans, but it never came into general use as meaning that, and hence does not mean it. And now Michel admits that the object of the movement is Communism. Lowndes has a-bandoned it--or said he did, and I suggest that you, also, cease to call yourselves something you aren't. It leads to nothing but misunderstanding, and there is now
Hevelin Fanzines