Voice of the Imagination (VOM), v. 1, issue 1, whole no. 1, January 1939
Page 8
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8 ter; and in particular a letter in the voice of I! by Elmer Perdue, who from all appearances can really write, and I strongly recommend that you print more letters by him (Wit' pleasure!) Incidentally--and this is away off the subject--I'm making a compilation of varieties of de Lulli's 'Chopsticks.' If any of you lads and lassies know any variants of it, I'd appreciate your sending them to me, and I'll send you another variant in exchange. Thanx. And a couple of little things: I should havea bit of credit with you. So I'll take a couple of back issues out of it (Nos. 4 & 6--I think there's enough to cover them) and leave the rest on deposit for some more of your spasmodically appearing publications. And--for God's sake--whenever it runs out warn me. I keep no books, and would hate to miss anything of yours. Don't forget that nickle pamphlet you advertise, either, or I'll come out there after it. Just as a matter of curiosity, which of my verses was slated for the ill-fated October anni-versary !mag!nat!on!?" ("Madhouse") This is the letter we've been waiting for. We take it as a new fan's typical reaction. We r indebted for this direct analysis to JNO A BRISTOL of 5134 Conduit Rd, Wn/DC, who seems to we to b a goodnatured guy &, from what we gather from several sources, on his way up as an enthusiast: "Well, I have 'Imagination.' The magazine, I mean. ~~ I am completely bewildered. I had intended to investigate several of the magazines listed in the department in Start-ling Stories. I probably shall yet, but if they are all like 'Imagination,' I wonder if my mentality will stand it. To judge from most of the writings in 'Imagination,' none of the authors' mentalities did. ~~ Upon breaking the seals on the magazine, I found it temporarily hidden by the sheet advertising the Robert E. Howard Memorial Volume. I only looked it over briefly (35 [cents symbol] for it is enclosed, however), but later was to attach great significance to the statement that it is in 'legitimate English.' ~~But, as I said, I brushed that sheet aside - and looked at the cover. ~~ Five minutes later (approximately), I turned the first page, and saw, "ANNIVERSARYARN.' I couldn't make heads or tails of the word at first, so I read down. 'Forecastale,' 'so to telescope,' 'Thrill-packt,' 'pgs--' did that mean 'pigs'? ~~ I finally de-cided that it couldn't be mere mistyping - that there must be some method behind it all. But I still don't see it. ~~ On third reading, however, I noticed that it was speaking of an October issue, supposed to be - or have been - out October 1. I en-close 10 [cents symbol] for that, but if the November issue is out now, as it should be, send it instead. ~~ Well, I'll stop telling of my first reactions to everything. Upon se-cond or third reading, I began to make some sense out of what was being said, so I'll comment on that. ~~ 'Way Out West' probably is interesting to people that know the persons that are being talked about. It didn't mean much to me. ~~ 'The Science Fiction Eye' is good. Don't you have a department, though, that will give the com-plete line-up for issues to come? (See Science Fiction Fan or Fantasy News) ~~ An-other shipment came in this morning, and I've just been typing an hour or an hour and a half on subjects connected with that, and have sort of lost the tread of my let-ter. The Smithsonian is an interesting place to work for, but the work and slack periods are very irregular. ~~ 'Among Ours Moms' is about the same as 'Way Out West,' as far as I am concerned. ~~ 'The Pendulum' wasn't interesting, but the au-thor's name was. Wasn't the Managing Editor of Wonder Stories named Charles Hornig, or Hornig, anyway? (Uh-huh; & he now edits SCIENCE FICTION. In conjuction with this it will b interesting to read an article written by him, which we shall b pub-lishing soon: "Has Science Fiction A Future?") ~~ 'Believe It Ornate' and 'Mathematica Menace' deserve the same comments I gave the cover. In fact, the whole magazine's contents fall into two groups - the things I understood and liked, and the things I didn't understand. 'Personality Parade' falls under the latter heading. ~~ Page 7, with 'Fantascience FIlm Art' and 'Resurrection,' was the most interesting a-mong the 20 or so in the magazine. While I think of it, I was quite surprised at the appearance of the magazine, aside from the changing of type from little to big and
8 ter; and in particular a letter in the voice of I! by Elmer Perdue, who from all appearances can really write, and I strongly recommend that you print more letters by him (Wit' pleasure!) Incidentally--and this is away off the subject--I'm making a compilation of varieties of de Lulli's 'Chopsticks.' If any of you lads and lassies know any variants of it, I'd appreciate your sending them to me, and I'll send you another variant in exchange. Thanx. And a couple of little things: I should havea bit of credit with you. So I'll take a couple of back issues out of it (Nos. 4 & 6--I think there's enough to cover them) and leave the rest on deposit for some more of your spasmodically appearing publications. And--for God's sake--whenever it runs out warn me. I keep no books, and would hate to miss anything of yours. Don't forget that nickle pamphlet you advertise, either, or I'll come out there after it. Just as a matter of curiosity, which of my verses was slated for the ill-fated October anni-versary !mag!nat!on!?" ("Madhouse") This is the letter we've been waiting for. We take it as a new fan's typical reaction. We r indebted for this direct analysis to JNO A BRISTOL of 5134 Conduit Rd, Wn/DC, who seems to we to b a goodnatured guy &, from what we gather from several sources, on his way up as an enthusiast: "Well, I have 'Imagination.' The magazine, I mean. ~~ I am completely bewildered. I had intended to investigate several of the magazines listed in the department in Start-ling Stories. I probably shall yet, but if they are all like 'Imagination,' I wonder if my mentality will stand it. To judge from most of the writings in 'Imagination,' none of the authors' mentalities did. ~~ Upon breaking the seals on the magazine, I found it temporarily hidden by the sheet advertising the Robert E. Howard Memorial Volume. I only looked it over briefly (35 [cents symbol] for it is enclosed, however), but later was to attach great significance to the statement that it is in 'legitimate English.' ~~But, as I said, I brushed that sheet aside - and looked at the cover. ~~ Five minutes later (approximately), I turned the first page, and saw, "ANNIVERSARYARN.' I couldn't make heads or tails of the word at first, so I read down. 'Forecastale,' 'so to telescope,' 'Thrill-packt,' 'pgs--' did that mean 'pigs'? ~~ I finally de-cided that it couldn't be mere mistyping - that there must be some method behind it all. But I still don't see it. ~~ On third reading, however, I noticed that it was speaking of an October issue, supposed to be - or have been - out October 1. I en-close 10 [cents symbol] for that, but if the November issue is out now, as it should be, send it instead. ~~ Well, I'll stop telling of my first reactions to everything. Upon se-cond or third reading, I began to make some sense out of what was being said, so I'll comment on that. ~~ 'Way Out West' probably is interesting to people that know the persons that are being talked about. It didn't mean much to me. ~~ 'The Science Fiction Eye' is good. Don't you have a department, though, that will give the com-plete line-up for issues to come? (See Science Fiction Fan or Fantasy News) ~~ An-other shipment came in this morning, and I've just been typing an hour or an hour and a half on subjects connected with that, and have sort of lost the tread of my let-ter. The Smithsonian is an interesting place to work for, but the work and slack periods are very irregular. ~~ 'Among Ours Moms' is about the same as 'Way Out West,' as far as I am concerned. ~~ 'The Pendulum' wasn't interesting, but the au-thor's name was. Wasn't the Managing Editor of Wonder Stories named Charles Hornig, or Hornig, anyway? (Uh-huh; & he now edits SCIENCE FICTION. In conjuction with this it will b interesting to read an article written by him, which we shall b pub-lishing soon: "Has Science Fiction A Future?") ~~ 'Believe It Ornate' and 'Mathematica Menace' deserve the same comments I gave the cover. In fact, the whole magazine's contents fall into two groups - the things I understood and liked, and the things I didn't understand. 'Personality Parade' falls under the latter heading. ~~ Page 7, with 'Fantascience FIlm Art' and 'Resurrection,' was the most interesting a-mong the 20 or so in the magazine. While I think of it, I was quite surprised at the appearance of the magazine, aside from the changing of type from little to big and
Hevelin Fanzines