Voice of the Imagination (VOM), v. 1, issue 1, whole no. 1, January 1939
Page 9
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" 9 something else. I hadn't exactly expected a printed magazine shaped like 'Thrilling Wonder' or 'Astounding,' or any of the others, but I sure wasn't looking for anything like this. ~~ Hearld Hershey's article was very funny. ~~ I read 'The Voice of the Imagi-Nation' from one end to the other - by the way, is that a pun on the name of the magazine? - thinking that in the letters, at least, I would finding something I could understand, since I always have read the readers' departments of 'Wonder,' 'A-mazing', etc., but you have me beaten there, too. I'll simply have to keep getting the magazine until I can understand what's going on there. (Italicization ours) ~~ Eureka! I have just remember where I've seen spelling and so forth as emplyed in 'Imagination.' The reports of meetings in the Los Angeles SFL, of course!" From [signature] M. Crowley Bev'y Hills, Cal: "I am writing on behalf of the Author & Journa-list, the writer's magazine, to inquire regarding your manuscript needs, provided you use material from free lance writers. Any information you give will be published in the Literary Market Tips section of the magazine. I enclose a quiestionaire as a spossible convenience in replying, and a stamped self addressed envelope. ~~ Than-king you for any information you can give me, I am... ~~ P.S.- I enclose 10 [cents symbol] and would like to have you send me a copy of the magazine. If the price is more, I will send you the difference." HERBERT HAEUSSLER, Bismarkstrasse 13, Rechenback im Vogtland, Deutschland, employing the TransAtlantic Tonuge: "Jen du malgrandaj libre-resumej, kiuj, se al vi placas, servu, por Imaginations. Ridinde, ke iaj eble ne kredas, ke mi logas en Germanio. Eble publikigu mian adresen kaj jenaj nekredulej pevas alskribi min. Mi ciam prspondus. Mi audis pre la vizito de Martians en la U.S.A.-radio-stations." Which, translated by Erdstelulov, Hollywood Delegate of the Internationcia Esperanto-Ligo, or Inter-nat'l Esperanto Leag, reads: "Here 2 little bk-reviews which, if U r pleased, let serve for Imagination!. It is lafable that some possibly do not believe that I live in Germany. Possibly publish my adres & thos Doubting Thomases can write me. I shoud always respond. I heard about the Martians' visit in the USA radio stations." Herr Haeussler writes English, in evidence of which we offer the shorter of his 2 resumes. The other "Danger from the Universe" (by Rudolph Heinrich Daumann, author also of "Thin Like An Eggshell," "Power from the Sun"), we have sent to Moskowitz' Mss. Bureau, along with a lengthy one revd later "Blue Globe", reviewd in the Scientifictionalanguage, bk by Lok Myer, author of "Sun Koh", "Jan Mayon" &c... BK REVIEW FROM ABROAD: "The Stratosphere-flyer" by St. Bialkorvski (author of: War in Universe, Power of the unsightible star, Lightfire in the moon). Captain Groll rules by his airship "Eagle" driving by lightpower (!) the vast country of the air. On an isolated island in the Pacific is his little kingdom, from where he makes his aventural trips. Prof. Hagen thinks to have seen these island in his new television apparatus. He is forced to serve capt. Groll and and follows him. - Linda Strom, the niece of prof. Hagen solves the problem of the invi-sibility at her own corpse. With this unovercoming weapon she conquers for herself and their amazones an another island, where the airdiable - the opponent of capt. Crolls, with his gang - lifed. On Groll's island is no place for womens, but nether-less all amazones are elsewhere in connection with there. Both islands comes invol-untary in a war between U.S.A. and Japan. Amazonia island is conquered by Japan, there habitants captured, only Linda Strom not. During an earthquake they sucess to fly, but comes in arrest by the Queen of the Under-Sea. By help of her leader Linda Strom, who in her invisibility seams to be a great phantom to the Chinese, the es-cape, but they are captured by japanese ships. Now capt. Groll comes and his help is successful, if also his island is not more, because they self by a great ex-ploxive destructs it, for they don't want to gave theirs enemies the misteries. End.
" 9 something else. I hadn't exactly expected a printed magazine shaped like 'Thrilling Wonder' or 'Astounding,' or any of the others, but I sure wasn't looking for anything like this. ~~ Hearld Hershey's article was very funny. ~~ I read 'The Voice of the Imagi-Nation' from one end to the other - by the way, is that a pun on the name of the magazine? - thinking that in the letters, at least, I would finding something I could understand, since I always have read the readers' departments of 'Wonder,' 'A-mazing', etc., but you have me beaten there, too. I'll simply have to keep getting the magazine until I can understand what's going on there. (Italicization ours) ~~ Eureka! I have just remember where I've seen spelling and so forth as emplyed in 'Imagination.' The reports of meetings in the Los Angeles SFL, of course!" From [signature] M. Crowley Bev'y Hills, Cal: "I am writing on behalf of the Author & Journa-list, the writer's magazine, to inquire regarding your manuscript needs, provided you use material from free lance writers. Any information you give will be published in the Literary Market Tips section of the magazine. I enclose a quiestionaire as a spossible convenience in replying, and a stamped self addressed envelope. ~~ Than-king you for any information you can give me, I am... ~~ P.S.- I enclose 10 [cents symbol] and would like to have you send me a copy of the magazine. If the price is more, I will send you the difference." HERBERT HAEUSSLER, Bismarkstrasse 13, Rechenback im Vogtland, Deutschland, employing the TransAtlantic Tonuge: "Jen du malgrandaj libre-resumej, kiuj, se al vi placas, servu, por Imaginations. Ridinde, ke iaj eble ne kredas, ke mi logas en Germanio. Eble publikigu mian adresen kaj jenaj nekredulej pevas alskribi min. Mi ciam prspondus. Mi audis pre la vizito de Martians en la U.S.A.-radio-stations." Which, translated by Erdstelulov, Hollywood Delegate of the Internationcia Esperanto-Ligo, or Inter-nat'l Esperanto Leag, reads: "Here 2 little bk-reviews which, if U r pleased, let serve for Imagination!. It is lafable that some possibly do not believe that I live in Germany. Possibly publish my adres & thos Doubting Thomases can write me. I shoud always respond. I heard about the Martians' visit in the USA radio stations." Herr Haeussler writes English, in evidence of which we offer the shorter of his 2 resumes. The other "Danger from the Universe" (by Rudolph Heinrich Daumann, author also of "Thin Like An Eggshell," "Power from the Sun"), we have sent to Moskowitz' Mss. Bureau, along with a lengthy one revd later "Blue Globe", reviewd in the Scientifictionalanguage, bk by Lok Myer, author of "Sun Koh", "Jan Mayon" &c... BK REVIEW FROM ABROAD: "The Stratosphere-flyer" by St. Bialkorvski (author of: War in Universe, Power of the unsightible star, Lightfire in the moon). Captain Groll rules by his airship "Eagle" driving by lightpower (!) the vast country of the air. On an isolated island in the Pacific is his little kingdom, from where he makes his aventural trips. Prof. Hagen thinks to have seen these island in his new television apparatus. He is forced to serve capt. Groll and and follows him. - Linda Strom, the niece of prof. Hagen solves the problem of the invi-sibility at her own corpse. With this unovercoming weapon she conquers for herself and their amazones an another island, where the airdiable - the opponent of capt. Crolls, with his gang - lifed. On Groll's island is no place for womens, but nether-less all amazones are elsewhere in connection with there. Both islands comes invol-untary in a war between U.S.A. and Japan. Amazonia island is conquered by Japan, there habitants captured, only Linda Strom not. During an earthquake they sucess to fly, but comes in arrest by the Queen of the Under-Sea. By help of her leader Linda Strom, who in her invisibility seams to be a great phantom to the Chinese, the es-cape, but they are captured by japanese ships. Now capt. Groll comes and his help is successful, if also his island is not more, because they self by a great ex-ploxive destructs it, for they don't want to gave theirs enemies the misteries. End.
Hevelin Fanzines