Voice of the Imagination (VOM), v. 1, issue 1, whole no. 1, January 1939
Page 10
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10 Ansring an ad, ELMER DUEPER: "Dear Phoojak: Notice in 'Madge' that you've got a phamplet by Lovecrapht, 'The History uv the Necronomicon, phor sale. Sounds inter-esting. You'll phind phiphteen cents enclosed phor it. The ad appeared under the name uv 'Weaver Wright,' which I understand is one uv your pseudonyms, so I'm sending the order, such as it is, direct to you. ~~ My apologies phor the appearance uv this letter; but the 'F' key on the typewriter is temporarily out ov order:--I reckon I'll have to start a new system uv my own--the 'phoolish' or something..." (Phamous idea! Y not translate "Pharkenstein" or "The Hazy Hord" by Phrancis Phlagg?) GERTRUDE HEMKIN: "Dear Madge--(wot's left o' yuh). Tho't it high time I send my 3[cents symbol] worth of comments re your very lastest issue. ~~ Weep? - Yes indeedy! -- Such a funs it was to read -- and now not to ready any more--I am still saddened. ~~ Insmuch (shorthand sp.) as I have still 90[cents symbol] wuth coming - I'll take the 2nd out - leave my sub for future pubs, if any. Is kinda nice to keep in tuch with youse peepuls--- ~~ Naow - I'm gonna rare up! -- Caroline Fibbler (7 underscorings), indeed. D'yo know my maternal grammaw will riz up an' ha'nt ye.) ~~ Naow, I'm gonna quiet down and extened my apologies to Heinrich Kuttner for all the means things that abcut him -- comin' tow Chicago an' not even lettin' me know -- until Bill Sprenger offered an eggsplantation. So sorrow, HK -- Sat. afts. are a bad time to get me home. ~~ Any-hoo -- I am still grieved at Madge's demise and will look forward to any pub. you may issue from time to time. ~~ Tata and Season's Grittinx -- toikee and crumbrees." [Signature: R.S. Vichers?] of 626 Constance Ave., Victoria/BC, flys in the face of facts (enthusiastic readers in Canada, England, Australia--), saying: "It certainly is a mighty good fan magazine. But sad to say I find it to be written solely for the Los Angeles Chapter. Not cosmopolitan enough for anyone a thousand or so miles off. (Our italix) so I guess I'll have to look around some more. (Happy hunting!) BRISTOL is back (3000 miles away--& contrast his case with that directly above): "I have received the last 'Imagination' from you... ~~ It may seem a little odd, but I enjoyed the last 'Imagination' quite as much as the other one I got, though for a dif-ferent reason. Your recollections of previous issues, as given in 'Way Out West,' as well as other information about the history of the magazine, besides simply having two issues to go by, enabled me to understand quite a lot about it that I hadn't been able to understand before. The readers' section was also somewhat easier to under-stand; and I was able to grasp the abbreviated spelling on first reading. ~~ Need-less to say, I'm sorry the magazine has to cease publication, just as I was getting to know it. There isn't much to say. (I'm sorry, too; just as I was getting to know U. --Madge) Sacre nom de fromage vert! as the mereurial m'sieu de Grandin woud expostulate; we have completely neglected to present the signature of our new stfan: [Centered on page] Welcome! [Signature of John A. Bristol underlined with ~~~] Welcome! AMONG OUR MEMS: Ray Foulkes--inordinately interested in Excerpts--amazed us all when we recently learnt--after having him with us for nrly a yr now--that, tho he is too boyish to believe it, he is married and has a dawter 7 & boy 5! He is anxious that both shoud b intrested in stf. This is one way to insure recruits for the roster... Russ Hodgkins & Fred Shreyer, between them, have recently added 200 bks to their fan-tasy shelves. Vodoso recently recognized Karloff & Crabbe in the flesh on the ave. Pogo picking up Esperante in sparetime. Henderson of Hollywood to form Cinema City Chapt. of SFL. Brucke Yerke commissiond as Royal Rolipoli of FooFoo. The J visited by bro. Alden. Morojo "markets" homemade glassmat ad of LASFL to downtown newstand.
10 Ansring an ad, ELMER DUEPER: "Dear Phoojak: Notice in 'Madge' that you've got a phamplet by Lovecrapht, 'The History uv the Necronomicon, phor sale. Sounds inter-esting. You'll phind phiphteen cents enclosed phor it. The ad appeared under the name uv 'Weaver Wright,' which I understand is one uv your pseudonyms, so I'm sending the order, such as it is, direct to you. ~~ My apologies phor the appearance uv this letter; but the 'F' key on the typewriter is temporarily out ov order:--I reckon I'll have to start a new system uv my own--the 'phoolish' or something..." (Phamous idea! Y not translate "Pharkenstein" or "The Hazy Hord" by Phrancis Phlagg?) GERTRUDE HEMKIN: "Dear Madge--(wot's left o' yuh). Tho't it high time I send my 3[cents symbol] worth of comments re your very lastest issue. ~~ Weep? - Yes indeedy! -- Such a funs it was to read -- and now not to ready any more--I am still saddened. ~~ Insmuch (shorthand sp.) as I have still 90[cents symbol] wuth coming - I'll take the 2nd out - leave my sub for future pubs, if any. Is kinda nice to keep in tuch with youse peepuls--- ~~ Naow - I'm gonna rare up! -- Caroline Fibbler (7 underscorings), indeed. D'yo know my maternal grammaw will riz up an' ha'nt ye.) ~~ Naow, I'm gonna quiet down and extened my apologies to Heinrich Kuttner for all the means things that abcut him -- comin' tow Chicago an' not even lettin' me know -- until Bill Sprenger offered an eggsplantation. So sorrow, HK -- Sat. afts. are a bad time to get me home. ~~ Any-hoo -- I am still grieved at Madge's demise and will look forward to any pub. you may issue from time to time. ~~ Tata and Season's Grittinx -- toikee and crumbrees." [Signature: R.S. Vichers?] of 626 Constance Ave., Victoria/BC, flys in the face of facts (enthusiastic readers in Canada, England, Australia--), saying: "It certainly is a mighty good fan magazine. But sad to say I find it to be written solely for the Los Angeles Chapter. Not cosmopolitan enough for anyone a thousand or so miles off. (Our italix) so I guess I'll have to look around some more. (Happy hunting!) BRISTOL is back (3000 miles away--& contrast his case with that directly above): "I have received the last 'Imagination' from you... ~~ It may seem a little odd, but I enjoyed the last 'Imagination' quite as much as the other one I got, though for a dif-ferent reason. Your recollections of previous issues, as given in 'Way Out West,' as well as other information about the history of the magazine, besides simply having two issues to go by, enabled me to understand quite a lot about it that I hadn't been able to understand before. The readers' section was also somewhat easier to under-stand; and I was able to grasp the abbreviated spelling on first reading. ~~ Need-less to say, I'm sorry the magazine has to cease publication, just as I was getting to know it. There isn't much to say. (I'm sorry, too; just as I was getting to know U. --Madge) Sacre nom de fromage vert! as the mereurial m'sieu de Grandin woud expostulate; we have completely neglected to present the signature of our new stfan: [Centered on page] Welcome! [Signature of John A. Bristol underlined with ~~~] Welcome! AMONG OUR MEMS: Ray Foulkes--inordinately interested in Excerpts--amazed us all when we recently learnt--after having him with us for nrly a yr now--that, tho he is too boyish to believe it, he is married and has a dawter 7 & boy 5! He is anxious that both shoud b intrested in stf. This is one way to insure recruits for the roster... Russ Hodgkins & Fred Shreyer, between them, have recently added 200 bks to their fan-tasy shelves. Vodoso recently recognized Karloff & Crabbe in the flesh on the ave. Pogo picking up Esperante in sparetime. Henderson of Hollywood to form Cinema City Chapt. of SFL. Brucke Yerke commissiond as Royal Rolipoli of FooFoo. The J visited by bro. Alden. Morojo "markets" homemade glassmat ad of LASFL to downtown newstand.
Hevelin Fanzines