Voice of the Imagination (VOM), v. 1, issue 1, whole no. 1, January 1939
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[All text in left-hand column] PS Just when we get all thru we hear from DALE HART. Adresing Morojo he says: "This letter is written to tie up a lot of loose ends... ~~ I receieved the last L.A. PUB some time back. Very nifty. Bradbury even better than usual. Bremmer excellent--a denunciation covering new ground with old facts and devastating log-ic. Barnes' bit quite clever and inter-esting. ~~ Morojo, I do not need to tell you how I miss Madge. When I heard the news, I was shocked--I mean really jarred. I began to feel hollow in the region of my stomach......or maybe it was my heart. I even shed a coupla tears. Me, a cynical Texan of 18 years! How the whole thing must have affected you, For-rie, and the others!! However, it must be a satisfaction to know that Madge's girlist wiles enamored every fan who saw her, and that the hearts of ardent suit-ers broke and bled on that sad day when the siren waved a coquettish farewell..." Which we consider a very touching tribute &, sotto vece, Madge confides she wants to send U a kiss for that, Dale, only regretting that I kiss thru the mail is like a straw hat: N e i t h e r is felt! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well, how did U like VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION? Do U think it's strong e-nuf to stand on its own? Woud U like to see a 2d edition? a 3d? possibly quarter-ly publication? to take the place of Cal-fornia's ill-fated SCIENCE FICTION COM-MENT & Jack Speer's abandond FORUM? Let us have your letters, then; yes Yuandyu! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WAY OUT WEST Russ Hodgkins has ye imagi-natives all a-dither displaying the new pro mag Science Fiction on Jan 6--be-fore even the Easterners have oggled it! ~~Morojo & the J puzld by the latest pub-lisht IPO reports revealing no Michelists on the Pacificoast! when ofcourse they both sent Speer a card affirming the fact that their sympathys r with the movement. ~~ Chas. Henderson of "Shep's Shop" char-tering the Cinema City Chapter of the SFL--an early event at which will b the pre-sentation of a rented recording of "WOW", only this time we mean WAR OF THE WORLDS! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [Centered] FORREST J ACKERMAN NYC & '39 MRYTLE R DOUGLAS [Address appears in top right column] Bx 6475 Met Sta Los Angeles Cal Return Post Gtd
[All text in left-hand column] PS Just when we get all thru we hear from DALE HART. Adresing Morojo he says: "This letter is written to tie up a lot of loose ends... ~~ I receieved the last L.A. PUB some time back. Very nifty. Bradbury even better than usual. Bremmer excellent--a denunciation covering new ground with old facts and devastating log-ic. Barnes' bit quite clever and inter-esting. ~~ Morojo, I do not need to tell you how I miss Madge. When I heard the news, I was shocked--I mean really jarred. I began to feel hollow in the region of my stomach......or maybe it was my heart. I even shed a coupla tears. Me, a cynical Texan of 18 years! How the whole thing must have affected you, For-rie, and the others!! However, it must be a satisfaction to know that Madge's girlist wiles enamored every fan who saw her, and that the hearts of ardent suit-ers broke and bled on that sad day when the siren waved a coquettish farewell..." Which we consider a very touching tribute &, sotto vece, Madge confides she wants to send U a kiss for that, Dale, only regretting that I kiss thru the mail is like a straw hat: N e i t h e r is felt! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well, how did U like VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION? Do U think it's strong e-nuf to stand on its own? Woud U like to see a 2d edition? a 3d? possibly quarter-ly publication? to take the place of Cal-fornia's ill-fated SCIENCE FICTION COM-MENT & Jack Speer's abandond FORUM? Let us have your letters, then; yes Yuandyu! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WAY OUT WEST Russ Hodgkins has ye imagi-natives all a-dither displaying the new pro mag Science Fiction on Jan 6--be-fore even the Easterners have oggled it! ~~Morojo & the J puzld by the latest pub-lisht IPO reports revealing no Michelists on the Pacificoast! when ofcourse they both sent Speer a card affirming the fact that their sympathys r with the movement. ~~ Chas. Henderson of "Shep's Shop" char-tering the Cinema City Chapter of the SFL--an early event at which will b the pre-sentation of a rented recording of "WOW", only this time we mean WAR OF THE WORLDS! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [Centered] FORREST J ACKERMAN NYC & '39 MRYTLE R DOUGLAS [Address appears in top right column] Bx 6475 Met Sta Los Angeles Cal Return Post Gtd
Hevelin Fanzines