Voice of the Imagination (VOM), v. 2, issue 1, whole no. 5 April 1940
Page 2
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2 Like last issue, it hapns we have a letter from the Continent of the Southern Cross with which to open our columns. Secly of the Futurian Soc'y of Australia, he stresses fact his middle name is "NOT FRANK". Employing strate edges on his letter, he forces us to do likewise, in adherence to our policy. His adres: 274 Edgecliff Rd, Woollahra, Sydney, NSW, Australia. His name we shall withhold from U no longer: [signature] Eric F Russell "As soon as I saw VOM I thought (pardon this) that it was SPACEWAYS (No apologies necessary: SpACEways is our favourite mag.) but on a closer look 'th supa clossal VOM' its swell! Bfor I forget what about an exchange btween ULTRA and VOM? But when U see U-No 2. I guess y'll think twice! - - its carbon copied!! (Series of steady thuds as bodies fall rapidly in faints - or is it.) (So long as the carbon isnt too faint, we won't.) Anyhow, glad news - With the help of William D. Veney, Edward H. Russell (brother), & bert Castellari I have been able to share the cost of a mimeo with them- so U-No 3 will be mimeod, quarto - pica type (Say, what kind of type do you use bsides leet?) (Vogue pica) Front cover and scienti ficti fun back cover, and 14 pages (7 - seven leaves) - price 10 cents. ~~ Material will include fiction by Hoy Ping Pong, William D. Veney, and others include Edward H., Bert Castellari and possibly some more Americans (maybe Hwarnerjr.) ~~ ULTRA exchanges with LE ZOMBIE and will soon with SPACEWAYS, and if u-say-so VOM. (We'd like to, Vom much!) ~~ If possible I'd like an article from T. Bruce Yerke on AMAZING & FanHACKtic oops- Fantastic, because I entirely agree with him. In fact I've written a couple of letters telling Palmer to get out and give the chair back to Doc Sloane, and also I demanded the comet-tail back!! Krupa and Fuqua and Jackson, S - T - IN - K so does H. R. Hammond!!&! ~~ After reading SPACEWAYS and all about Futuria & that libellious lot who write THE STAR TREADER we decided to form a FUTURIAN SOCIETY OF SYDNEY and its now going in full swing - by the way - It has no connection with and is absolutely independent of Futurian House! Director is W. D. Veney, secretary - self - and we have 8 members so far. Bill Veney, and Bert Castellari are together going to bring out THE FUTURIAN OBSERVER, official organ of the club (LE ZOMBIE in Australia!) -It will be mainly news and one long essay perissue something after the style of SCIENCE FICTION PROGRESS. Price 2d per copy ( or US price 4c - this price may be changed). ~~ On a foolscap page - mimeod on both sides, and later it will get a bit larger ~~ Well I guess thats all now and until Palmer gets some s-f sense I remain yours sincerely, P.S. Could you tell me if Crawfords Marvel TALES has come out again cos I heard sommat about it in LeZ? Or is it M.S.S. under a new name as one Sydney fan said?" (As U now now, twas the Erisman Marvel & not a revival of Crawford's.) [signature] Ted Carnell Editor NEW WORLDS in an airmailetter from 17 Burwash Rd, Plumstead SE18, London, England, "airs" the following: "I have decided against sending letters by air all the way. 'Smatter of fact, I'm convinced that even when paid for as such they only go from New York. Fred Pohl mentions that my last air-mail letter took fourteen days to reach him, which sounds as if it floated across on the tide. ~~ There seems to be a sad lack of news all round these days, both personal, war and fan. Re the letter, the Chapman's Temple's and Carnells had a re-union recently, in which there was much hearty laughter, wordy bandinage and elbow raising, after which there was a universal creep home in the dark. ~~ Speaking of the dark, we've only had two really black nights, and only about three perfect evenings when one could really study the stars. And until you've lived in a city devoid of lighting after dark, you'll never know how eerie and creepy things can appear. Some of you...ought to be living here now, it would treble your output of weird and fantastic stories, for the settings are made-to-measure after dark. ~~ Of no importance -- I had a 'vision' -- the war will end on the 162nd day. It is now the 85th (25 Nov 39). In case you want to scoff (and I'm scoffing myself), I am naturally adapted for telepathy. If I could sit on a 50,000 volt cable long enough I could transmit quite comfortably to Mars or any other planet you would like to visit. ~~ Getting round to the war again, though it's a subject which doesn't give much scope for conversation, very little has happened since
2 Like last issue, it hapns we have a letter from the Continent of the Southern Cross with which to open our columns. Secly of the Futurian Soc'y of Australia, he stresses fact his middle name is "NOT FRANK". Employing strate edges on his letter, he forces us to do likewise, in adherence to our policy. His adres: 274 Edgecliff Rd, Woollahra, Sydney, NSW, Australia. His name we shall withhold from U no longer: [signature] Eric F Russell "As soon as I saw VOM I thought (pardon this) that it was SPACEWAYS (No apologies necessary: SpACEways is our favourite mag.) but on a closer look 'th supa clossal VOM' its swell! Bfor I forget what about an exchange btween ULTRA and VOM? But when U see U-No 2. I guess y'll think twice! - - its carbon copied!! (Series of steady thuds as bodies fall rapidly in faints - or is it.) (So long as the carbon isnt too faint, we won't.) Anyhow, glad news - With the help of William D. Veney, Edward H. Russell (brother), & bert Castellari I have been able to share the cost of a mimeo with them- so U-No 3 will be mimeod, quarto - pica type (Say, what kind of type do you use bsides leet?) (Vogue pica) Front cover and scienti ficti fun back cover, and 14 pages (7 - seven leaves) - price 10 cents. ~~ Material will include fiction by Hoy Ping Pong, William D. Veney, and others include Edward H., Bert Castellari and possibly some more Americans (maybe Hwarnerjr.) ~~ ULTRA exchanges with LE ZOMBIE and will soon with SPACEWAYS, and if u-say-so VOM. (We'd like to, Vom much!) ~~ If possible I'd like an article from T. Bruce Yerke on AMAZING & FanHACKtic oops- Fantastic, because I entirely agree with him. In fact I've written a couple of letters telling Palmer to get out and give the chair back to Doc Sloane, and also I demanded the comet-tail back!! Krupa and Fuqua and Jackson, S - T - IN - K so does H. R. Hammond!!&! ~~ After reading SPACEWAYS and all about Futuria & that libellious lot who write THE STAR TREADER we decided to form a FUTURIAN SOCIETY OF SYDNEY and its now going in full swing - by the way - It has no connection with and is absolutely independent of Futurian House! Director is W. D. Veney, secretary - self - and we have 8 members so far. Bill Veney, and Bert Castellari are together going to bring out THE FUTURIAN OBSERVER, official organ of the club (LE ZOMBIE in Australia!) -It will be mainly news and one long essay perissue something after the style of SCIENCE FICTION PROGRESS. Price 2d per copy ( or US price 4c - this price may be changed). ~~ On a foolscap page - mimeod on both sides, and later it will get a bit larger ~~ Well I guess thats all now and until Palmer gets some s-f sense I remain yours sincerely, P.S. Could you tell me if Crawfords Marvel TALES has come out again cos I heard sommat about it in LeZ? Or is it M.S.S. under a new name as one Sydney fan said?" (As U now now, twas the Erisman Marvel & not a revival of Crawford's.) [signature] Ted Carnell Editor NEW WORLDS in an airmailetter from 17 Burwash Rd, Plumstead SE18, London, England, "airs" the following: "I have decided against sending letters by air all the way. 'Smatter of fact, I'm convinced that even when paid for as such they only go from New York. Fred Pohl mentions that my last air-mail letter took fourteen days to reach him, which sounds as if it floated across on the tide. ~~ There seems to be a sad lack of news all round these days, both personal, war and fan. Re the letter, the Chapman's Temple's and Carnells had a re-union recently, in which there was much hearty laughter, wordy bandinage and elbow raising, after which there was a universal creep home in the dark. ~~ Speaking of the dark, we've only had two really black nights, and only about three perfect evenings when one could really study the stars. And until you've lived in a city devoid of lighting after dark, you'll never know how eerie and creepy things can appear. Some of you...ought to be living here now, it would treble your output of weird and fantastic stories, for the settings are made-to-measure after dark. ~~ Of no importance -- I had a 'vision' -- the war will end on the 162nd day. It is now the 85th (25 Nov 39). In case you want to scoff (and I'm scoffing myself), I am naturally adapted for telepathy. If I could sit on a 50,000 volt cable long enough I could transmit quite comfortably to Mars or any other planet you would like to visit. ~~ Getting round to the war again, though it's a subject which doesn't give much scope for conversation, very little has happened since
Hevelin Fanzines