Voice of the Imagination (VOM), v. 2, issue 1, whole no. 5 April 1940
Page 3
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VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION 3 my last letter. Murder mines and increased air activity, of course, but they are all part of the lethal machinery, but, shut away in this vault of a city, we don't hear or see a thing. In fact, so rare is an aeroplane these days that I got a crick in the neck peering up at a gull rapidly flapping its wings for exercise the other day. Cheerio," Esperanto fan "Luiske", or LOUIS KUSLAN, reports his reactions to the stfield after having had to drop participation for awhile & then checking up. He may be reacht at Bx 76, U. of Conn., Storrs, Ct. "I'm willing to bet that you're rather surprised to hear from me, but, anyway, here I am. Just came home over the Christmas holidays, and am brushing up on science-fiction fandom thru looking over the mountain of fan mags which have accumulated during my absence, and also in writing to some of my more fondly remembered correspondents. ~~ The only s-f I looked at while at school was Fantasy News and a mailing of the FAPA. So you can see that I was quite out of touch with a great many of the things which have happened and are still happening since last September. It seems to me that the fan world is turning topsy turvy. New fans are pouring into the field in droves. Some of the old familiar names are gone. For instance, Dale Hart. New fan magazines are springing up by the hundreds, seemingly, and dying. Old fans are cutting their activities in half, giving way to younger blood. By the way, some of the fan mags are rather good, but some....... ouch! ~~ To return to collitch, the Campus, student paper, gave my stfal activities quite a write-up in a recent issue, and I've interested a few fellows who had previously been reading some s-f in forming, perhaps, a club. This is extremely tentative, of course. ~~ Yours for fewer and better pro mags." & from "Little [signature] JOE [/signature] FORTIER (1836 - 39 Ave, Oakland, Cal) whose Smashing Publications recently s-m-a-s-h-t: "I liked MADGE very much. But the latter letters were a little boring. If there are no mor good letters than that, cut the size down a bit, or put in an editorial of suitable size. One page shud be the least. ~~ Spraking of SM's creation New Fandom, I just got word form Sam. Seem's he's plenty burnt, because I got a little tired of waiting over six months for word of my membership. He mailed me some moth-eaten ms., and all that. Called me several things, like 'Piece of brainless machinery', 'idiotic slow-motion thinker', 'Traitor to NF', etc., because of your lack of finances or something like that-there. ~~ That new ASTONISHING is quite good. ~~ I have just finished reading the GALAPURRED FORSENDYKE (Futuria Fantasia #2) and can only say that leaves lafter, amazment, and finally stupidity written all over my pan. I'm completely perplexed. What's the big idea. And who wrote it? Did Forrest? (Nope; initials given were the author's: HVB. But not Howard V Brown, tho he is an artist!) It's good, but entirely out of my class of fantasy! But maybe my brain is getting less adept. Crazier than THE HUNGRY CHIMAERA. ~~ So until nextime, Yours till the Martians start imvasion," RAY J. SIENKIEWICZ, who emphasizes his initial (can't imagine Y), & signs himself "Yours imaginatively," adresses his first letter to Vom, from 312 E Elm St, Seranton, Pa, having this to say, "I meant to sent you this subscription to VoM sooner but lent it out (what, the subscription?) and it was just returned to me the other day. ~~ The issue I have, the September one, is real good. There aren't many things to comment about but I will say the cover is pretty good. Nice paper, nice lettering, and nice border. ~~ I noticed that you have your own way of writing the English language. How come and what are the rules you go by? (We go by ALL the rules.) ~~ As for your (club's) reaction to the 'Exclusion Act' at the 'First World Science Fiction Convention' I agree with you. It is an act against the democratic principles which our forefathers fought for and as you say 'Must never be repeated!'" [signature] CSYoud C S YOUD, "Father of Fantast", 214 Deaborough Rd, Eastleigh, Hants., England, [illegible]
VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION 3 my last letter. Murder mines and increased air activity, of course, but they are all part of the lethal machinery, but, shut away in this vault of a city, we don't hear or see a thing. In fact, so rare is an aeroplane these days that I got a crick in the neck peering up at a gull rapidly flapping its wings for exercise the other day. Cheerio," Esperanto fan "Luiske", or LOUIS KUSLAN, reports his reactions to the stfield after having had to drop participation for awhile & then checking up. He may be reacht at Bx 76, U. of Conn., Storrs, Ct. "I'm willing to bet that you're rather surprised to hear from me, but, anyway, here I am. Just came home over the Christmas holidays, and am brushing up on science-fiction fandom thru looking over the mountain of fan mags which have accumulated during my absence, and also in writing to some of my more fondly remembered correspondents. ~~ The only s-f I looked at while at school was Fantasy News and a mailing of the FAPA. So you can see that I was quite out of touch with a great many of the things which have happened and are still happening since last September. It seems to me that the fan world is turning topsy turvy. New fans are pouring into the field in droves. Some of the old familiar names are gone. For instance, Dale Hart. New fan magazines are springing up by the hundreds, seemingly, and dying. Old fans are cutting their activities in half, giving way to younger blood. By the way, some of the fan mags are rather good, but some....... ouch! ~~ To return to collitch, the Campus, student paper, gave my stfal activities quite a write-up in a recent issue, and I've interested a few fellows who had previously been reading some s-f in forming, perhaps, a club. This is extremely tentative, of course. ~~ Yours for fewer and better pro mags." & from "Little [signature] JOE [/signature] FORTIER (1836 - 39 Ave, Oakland, Cal) whose Smashing Publications recently s-m-a-s-h-t: "I liked MADGE very much. But the latter letters were a little boring. If there are no mor good letters than that, cut the size down a bit, or put in an editorial of suitable size. One page shud be the least. ~~ Spraking of SM's creation New Fandom, I just got word form Sam. Seem's he's plenty burnt, because I got a little tired of waiting over six months for word of my membership. He mailed me some moth-eaten ms., and all that. Called me several things, like 'Piece of brainless machinery', 'idiotic slow-motion thinker', 'Traitor to NF', etc., because of your lack of finances or something like that-there. ~~ That new ASTONISHING is quite good. ~~ I have just finished reading the GALAPURRED FORSENDYKE (Futuria Fantasia #2) and can only say that leaves lafter, amazment, and finally stupidity written all over my pan. I'm completely perplexed. What's the big idea. And who wrote it? Did Forrest? (Nope; initials given were the author's: HVB. But not Howard V Brown, tho he is an artist!) It's good, but entirely out of my class of fantasy! But maybe my brain is getting less adept. Crazier than THE HUNGRY CHIMAERA. ~~ So until nextime, Yours till the Martians start imvasion," RAY J. SIENKIEWICZ, who emphasizes his initial (can't imagine Y), & signs himself "Yours imaginatively," adresses his first letter to Vom, from 312 E Elm St, Seranton, Pa, having this to say, "I meant to sent you this subscription to VoM sooner but lent it out (what, the subscription?) and it was just returned to me the other day. ~~ The issue I have, the September one, is real good. There aren't many things to comment about but I will say the cover is pretty good. Nice paper, nice lettering, and nice border. ~~ I noticed that you have your own way of writing the English language. How come and what are the rules you go by? (We go by ALL the rules.) ~~ As for your (club's) reaction to the 'Exclusion Act' at the 'First World Science Fiction Convention' I agree with you. It is an act against the democratic principles which our forefathers fought for and as you say 'Must never be repeated!'" [signature] CSYoud C S YOUD, "Father of Fantast", 214 Deaborough Rd, Eastleigh, Hants., England, [illegible]
Hevelin Fanzines