Voice of the Imagination (VOM), v. 2, issue 1, whole no. 5 April 1940
Page 4
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4 "VOM: I do like the cover page; ver' nice. ~~ Glad to see you come out hot and strong against the Exclusion Act (snappy titling), even tho it got SaM's easily roused back up. But Sam is an annoying person altogether, and you may tell him so from me. The first STUNNING SCIENTIFAN (wattaname!--) (parenths Youd's) has a thoroughly obnoxious article by him, in which he casts nasty slights on everyone from Tucker to 4SJ, via Wiggins, and praises himself up to where heaven would be if I weren't in atheistic company. Gentlemen, my considered opinion is --- he has disgraced the name of Samuel and is no longer worthy to be so called! As another Samuel I hereby christen him the Mosk-Rat, so to be named unto perpetuity! ~~ Ephless Elmer is--we hope-- a perennial feature in VOM from now on. 'Sfunny that some blokes can be so rib-shatteringly humerus (well--well--well!) in letters while others (comme je) /fergive the francois--I do not know my limitations/ (Sam speaking) can only express idiotic notions in uninspired notes. What, bithway, is that hieroglyph substanding El's letter? Can it be a signature!? (Possibly. Of an Arabian Knight. Or is that pun a bit Perduebious? Shaikh, pard! Egypt us. Allah carte. But it was cheap at half the Price.) ~~ So we don't get strate edges, uh? After 3/4 year of Fay, I sympathise with your laziness, but that raises an interesting point. Point is-- if it ain't worth the bother to make yor fanmag pretty, is it worth the b. to pub. it at all? I am seriously considering the latter alternative. (Even edges in The Voice are fundamentally impossible due to our unike policy. The majority of our correspondents space twice after a period; a few once; some nonce; yourself thrice. So we preserve your individual spacings & punctuations &c & present as nice an apearance as possible under the circumstances.) ~~ I can't comment individually on all the letters, becos, pleasant as that would prove, I haven't the time. I will say that if I had known you published all letters you receive (?) (O, we don't receive any letter: We make 'em all up ourselves!) I wouldn't have added that crack about the Convention (British). Ted (Carnell) took it like the what he is (always at our Service!) but he might have got annoyed with plenty of justification. It doesn't properly represent my feelings on the matter; I realise now that Ted and GKC (Chapman) (even if he still refuses to pass on the British Fans' Merry-Go-Round) made a grand job of conventioneering--and there weren't no excluding!! (No excluding?? Y, how positively unAmerican!) ~~ Not much to say further, but I simply can't resist letting you know that I was it who spotted that Miske was Star-Treader without being told by anyone!!! (Star-Treader: Spaceway's former anonymous author of column "Stardust".) And if you don't believe me, ask HWj (Harry Warner Jr, publisher). Dave (McIlwain) speaketh truly when he says he was promptly sat upon for trying to introduce akrmnz into his correspondence. I was one of the sitters so it is even more of a tragedy that I shud now find myself doing likewise. A sorta 'Ackamerican Tragedy', nicht wahr? Alan P. Roberts has hit th nail rite on the head, more comment in FuFa (Futuria Fantasia, to which Sam Youd has also submited a letter). ~~ After comparing recent issues of Science Fiction Progress & Fantasy News I wrote the enclosed. (Entitled W A R) You may like it for interest's sake, you may even use it; but whether you do or not, lemme say here and now that the LAers alone redeem American fandom. Carry on with the good work--and please consider at least the prop. set out in my articlette. ~~ ghuly yours," (Mr Youd's "prop." was LA sponsorship of a new, universal fan organization. He devoted 2 pgs to his reasons for ruling out existing organisations & considering LA alone qualifyd as HQs. Considerable discussion was given your prop., believe us, Sam; but it was decided, for reasons as lengthy as your article, such an undertaking woud be inadvisable. Come KUSLAN again, claiming "For FooFoo Is Our Savior!", saying: "Being home from collitch....., I looked over some of the mags that arrived and saw that the Voice had arrived sans comments from Kuslan. I know that I didn't write any anyhow, but I'll make up for it. ~~ Well, about the several fellows I've found up at the school who are interested in sf. One of them in particular, Joe Neiman's his name, is a very good writer (member of Pencraft, school literary club) and a real stf reader. I believe that he's subscribed to several fan mags after I argued with him for what seemed like hours. Heh-heh, as I said before, the
4 "VOM: I do like the cover page; ver' nice. ~~ Glad to see you come out hot and strong against the Exclusion Act (snappy titling), even tho it got SaM's easily roused back up. But Sam is an annoying person altogether, and you may tell him so from me. The first STUNNING SCIENTIFAN (wattaname!--) (parenths Youd's) has a thoroughly obnoxious article by him, in which he casts nasty slights on everyone from Tucker to 4SJ, via Wiggins, and praises himself up to where heaven would be if I weren't in atheistic company. Gentlemen, my considered opinion is --- he has disgraced the name of Samuel and is no longer worthy to be so called! As another Samuel I hereby christen him the Mosk-Rat, so to be named unto perpetuity! ~~ Ephless Elmer is--we hope-- a perennial feature in VOM from now on. 'Sfunny that some blokes can be so rib-shatteringly humerus (well--well--well!) in letters while others (comme je) /fergive the francois--I do not know my limitations/ (Sam speaking) can only express idiotic notions in uninspired notes. What, bithway, is that hieroglyph substanding El's letter? Can it be a signature!? (Possibly. Of an Arabian Knight. Or is that pun a bit Perduebious? Shaikh, pard! Egypt us. Allah carte. But it was cheap at half the Price.) ~~ So we don't get strate edges, uh? After 3/4 year of Fay, I sympathise with your laziness, but that raises an interesting point. Point is-- if it ain't worth the bother to make yor fanmag pretty, is it worth the b. to pub. it at all? I am seriously considering the latter alternative. (Even edges in The Voice are fundamentally impossible due to our unike policy. The majority of our correspondents space twice after a period; a few once; some nonce; yourself thrice. So we preserve your individual spacings & punctuations &c & present as nice an apearance as possible under the circumstances.) ~~ I can't comment individually on all the letters, becos, pleasant as that would prove, I haven't the time. I will say that if I had known you published all letters you receive (?) (O, we don't receive any letter: We make 'em all up ourselves!) I wouldn't have added that crack about the Convention (British). Ted (Carnell) took it like the what he is (always at our Service!) but he might have got annoyed with plenty of justification. It doesn't properly represent my feelings on the matter; I realise now that Ted and GKC (Chapman) (even if he still refuses to pass on the British Fans' Merry-Go-Round) made a grand job of conventioneering--and there weren't no excluding!! (No excluding?? Y, how positively unAmerican!) ~~ Not much to say further, but I simply can't resist letting you know that I was it who spotted that Miske was Star-Treader without being told by anyone!!! (Star-Treader: Spaceway's former anonymous author of column "Stardust".) And if you don't believe me, ask HWj (Harry Warner Jr, publisher). Dave (McIlwain) speaketh truly when he says he was promptly sat upon for trying to introduce akrmnz into his correspondence. I was one of the sitters so it is even more of a tragedy that I shud now find myself doing likewise. A sorta 'Ackamerican Tragedy', nicht wahr? Alan P. Roberts has hit th nail rite on the head, more comment in FuFa (Futuria Fantasia, to which Sam Youd has also submited a letter). ~~ After comparing recent issues of Science Fiction Progress & Fantasy News I wrote the enclosed. (Entitled W A R) You may like it for interest's sake, you may even use it; but whether you do or not, lemme say here and now that the LAers alone redeem American fandom. Carry on with the good work--and please consider at least the prop. set out in my articlette. ~~ ghuly yours," (Mr Youd's "prop." was LA sponsorship of a new, universal fan organization. He devoted 2 pgs to his reasons for ruling out existing organisations & considering LA alone qualifyd as HQs. Considerable discussion was given your prop., believe us, Sam; but it was decided, for reasons as lengthy as your article, such an undertaking woud be inadvisable. Come KUSLAN again, claiming "For FooFoo Is Our Savior!", saying: "Being home from collitch....., I looked over some of the mags that arrived and saw that the Voice had arrived sans comments from Kuslan. I know that I didn't write any anyhow, but I'll make up for it. ~~ Well, about the several fellows I've found up at the school who are interested in sf. One of them in particular, Joe Neiman's his name, is a very good writer (member of Pencraft, school literary club) and a real stf reader. I believe that he's subscribed to several fan mags after I argued with him for what seemed like hours. Heh-heh, as I said before, the
Hevelin Fanzines