Voice of the Imagination (VOM), v. 2, issue 1, whole no. 5 April 1940
Page 7
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7 VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION dam' nice guy. My favorite fan, incidently. ~~ The fruit of the peanut bush to the beloved Mr. Wolheim. Individuals are what make history. Men like Napoleon, Alexander, Ceasar. They set the 'trends and forces of social and world currents' going or guided them into the proper channels. World history is almost a succession of biographies. This individual did this, which in turn caused that individual to do something else, and so it went. And of all organiations stf., the fan circle that is, is the most individualistic. Individuals decide the fate of the fan circle. Individuals such as, unfortunately, Donald, Wolheim. God-sit down Mr. Shroyer, this is my clambake--knows what things would have been without Don's amiable brotherly love. But the trend would not have been downward, at any rate. ~~ 'Ray Marlin.' Hah" (See Lowndes' letter, pg 10) There was a chap named Bristol. Remember ? ~~~~~~ As for Speer, I can only say that I want a second part to that splendid history. Maybe at the chicon. ~~ And speaking of fanhistory, it seems to me that the fan circle just entering I940 is at the same time entering a new and tremendous decade at the same time. I don't know what lies ahead, but it will I believe be the greatest in the history of all fandom. That is if the war doesn't end everything. But don't mind me. I'm a most uncouth conglomeration of incurable pessimist and Wellsian idealist, and the combination often has a a rather peculiar effect. i'm keeping my fingers crossed and looking forward, though. Judging from 'Stardust' ("--the magazine Unique", fandom's printed semipro, 20c a throw from 2609 Argyle, Chicago) which arrived this morn- and floored me there's going to be a lot to look forward to. ~~ Dime for VoM enclosed of course. I think it's about time to close up now. So without further key slugging, I do so. S'long!" [signed] Milton A. Rothman [/signed] (DC standing for Disappointed Cynic, sez Milt) writes from the Capital (2020 F NW): "VoM: You win. Here is your slimy 2 bits. I presume that will bring me 3 issues of VoM, or its equivalent in ink spattered cellulose. And it had better be good. It is a phenomenon when Rothman actually subscribes to a fan mag. in fact, it hasn't been done since the time of Fantasy. He gets all his stuff free by writing articles for them, or by reading over other people's shoulders. But you can't write articles for VoM, so here you are." & proceeds to illustrate the point thusly, quarter attacht: [image: line drawing of quarter dollar coin making a splash or explosion surrounded by grenades and spears which have been displaced by it (?). Cartoon is signed MAR.]
7 VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION dam' nice guy. My favorite fan, incidently. ~~ The fruit of the peanut bush to the beloved Mr. Wolheim. Individuals are what make history. Men like Napoleon, Alexander, Ceasar. They set the 'trends and forces of social and world currents' going or guided them into the proper channels. World history is almost a succession of biographies. This individual did this, which in turn caused that individual to do something else, and so it went. And of all organiations stf., the fan circle that is, is the most individualistic. Individuals decide the fate of the fan circle. Individuals such as, unfortunately, Donald, Wolheim. God-sit down Mr. Shroyer, this is my clambake--knows what things would have been without Don's amiable brotherly love. But the trend would not have been downward, at any rate. ~~ 'Ray Marlin.' Hah" (See Lowndes' letter, pg 10) There was a chap named Bristol. Remember ? ~~~~~~ As for Speer, I can only say that I want a second part to that splendid history. Maybe at the chicon. ~~ And speaking of fanhistory, it seems to me that the fan circle just entering I940 is at the same time entering a new and tremendous decade at the same time. I don't know what lies ahead, but it will I believe be the greatest in the history of all fandom. That is if the war doesn't end everything. But don't mind me. I'm a most uncouth conglomeration of incurable pessimist and Wellsian idealist, and the combination often has a a rather peculiar effect. i'm keeping my fingers crossed and looking forward, though. Judging from 'Stardust' ("--the magazine Unique", fandom's printed semipro, 20c a throw from 2609 Argyle, Chicago) which arrived this morn- and floored me there's going to be a lot to look forward to. ~~ Dime for VoM enclosed of course. I think it's about time to close up now. So without further key slugging, I do so. S'long!" [signed] Milton A. Rothman [/signed] (DC standing for Disappointed Cynic, sez Milt) writes from the Capital (2020 F NW): "VoM: You win. Here is your slimy 2 bits. I presume that will bring me 3 issues of VoM, or its equivalent in ink spattered cellulose. And it had better be good. It is a phenomenon when Rothman actually subscribes to a fan mag. in fact, it hasn't been done since the time of Fantasy. He gets all his stuff free by writing articles for them, or by reading over other people's shoulders. But you can't write articles for VoM, so here you are." & proceeds to illustrate the point thusly, quarter attacht: [image: line drawing of quarter dollar coin making a splash or explosion surrounded by grenades and spears which have been displaced by it (?). Cartoon is signed MAR.]
Hevelin Fanzines