Voice of the Imagination (VOM), v. 2, issue 1, whole no. 5 April 1940
Page 10
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10 Doc LOWNDES, also of the Ivory Tower, kaj kiun ni amas tre kare ankau, skribas: "To start things off by giving my little words of wisdom anent one Marlin upon whom you wish votes -- I cannot tell you anything definite, but from consultation with R. W. Wood, who is the Arch-deacon and Ghardinal of New Canaan, Overlord of the Eyeless Cats, Keeper of the Sacred Virgins (New England Branch) and various & sundry other gholy offices pertaining to our lord Ghu Ghu I gather that aforementioned 'Marlin' is not a 'Ray' but a 'Kay'. That signature does look something like an 'R' (we herewith reproduce it from #4) [image: Kay] but Dick (Wood) says that Kay always signs her name that way -- supposed to be a small 'k'. Also, the lady's full name is apparently Mrs Nicholas Marlin. Outside of that I can tell you nothing. The gal may exist, y'know, but that still doesn't prove she wrote that letter. At any rate, it's a most interesting letter-personality, and I, for one, hope that, phoney or no, 'kay' writes you some more. Yes, as Dick mentions, I found Joe Gilbert's letter. By the by, it's really customary, Msieu Gilbert, to type one space after a comma and two after periods. Incidently, I obtained many a chuckle over the latter part of your letter. Being in constant touch with Wollheim (two l's please) I've as yet failed to note any outstanding symptoms of that 'bitter, rankling' etc that is supposed to seethe within him. Also, there must be one hell of a lot of unpleasant memories if the innumerbale enjoyable experiences in fandom he and I alone have shared are going to be overbalanced properly as you describe in your letter Joe. By the way, if you could have seen the broad grins on all of our faces when we read Speer's accounts of the Wollheimosities you might have slightly different ideas on the subject. We all agree that Jack's 'Up to Now' is a superb bit of fan-fiction. Don thanks you for your sorrow, by the by. While you're at it, shed a few tears for Fojak -- we understand that he's had a tough time of it since Moskowitz drove him out of fandom. (Vide Fantasy-News after Jan. '40.) As for Michael -- who is he? I've heard of a bloke named John B. Michael, of course -- who hasn't. But Michael is a new one to me. As for Pohl, he just got a richly deserved boot in the posterior and now is out of fandom -- yes, Fred's an editor now. The moral is obvious, what? Pardon me, Joe, while I widen my sleeves for a bit of plain and fancy laughing up. Anent the Wollheim feuds -- all I can add to Don's letter is that, back in 1936 when I first met the gang, Will Sykora was the accepted leader and that was that. It wasn't until Will resigned abruptly from the ISA (Internat'l Scientific Assn) that Don began to take the lead. Might add that the notes above Don being a YCLer way back in 1936 or 37 is so much bull and Jack has made an ass of himself by giving the W communist motives before he had them. Fact is that DAW and I joined the YCL the same night -- in March 1937 (my error - April). However, years have passed since then and one has to renew to retain membership. And, as you know, since we are planning to join Technocracy, that rules out membership in any political body etc. No need to draw diagrams, I trust. Now, back to Juffus' (Jack Speer's) letter: Who said I believe that anyone who makes money on a thing must be entirely mercenary etc? Jack's wish, again, is father to the thought. The fact that most of the pro stf editors are that way doesn't make it a perequisite to being an stf editor, But the fact remains, that, whether or not, by some mystic quirk they must be so, most of them are. Honorable exceptions occur in almost everything, but the rule usually holds good. And I see Jack is indulging in his love of irrelevancies in bringing up Asimov: I was not discussing newly-arrived stf authors. Again, people do not 'suddenly' become inhuman beasts: they either are that way potentially until somethign brings it out, or they aren't that way potentially. Sometimes they are forced into beastly actions by circumstances In brief: wipe off sham and ronts. People do not, however, 'suddently' make lightning changes. Things just do not move that way despite Hollywood. Hasta la vista -- and I hope 'kay' sends you another letter soon." [signed: Dale] HART, that smart fellow from Texas way (Bx 1361, Highlands) hashish to say (that shouldnt be a difficult bun to dope out): "Got VOM a few days ago. Haven't read it
10 Doc LOWNDES, also of the Ivory Tower, kaj kiun ni amas tre kare ankau, skribas: "To start things off by giving my little words of wisdom anent one Marlin upon whom you wish votes -- I cannot tell you anything definite, but from consultation with R. W. Wood, who is the Arch-deacon and Ghardinal of New Canaan, Overlord of the Eyeless Cats, Keeper of the Sacred Virgins (New England Branch) and various & sundry other gholy offices pertaining to our lord Ghu Ghu I gather that aforementioned 'Marlin' is not a 'Ray' but a 'Kay'. That signature does look something like an 'R' (we herewith reproduce it from #4) [image: Kay] but Dick (Wood) says that Kay always signs her name that way -- supposed to be a small 'k'. Also, the lady's full name is apparently Mrs Nicholas Marlin. Outside of that I can tell you nothing. The gal may exist, y'know, but that still doesn't prove she wrote that letter. At any rate, it's a most interesting letter-personality, and I, for one, hope that, phoney or no, 'kay' writes you some more. Yes, as Dick mentions, I found Joe Gilbert's letter. By the by, it's really customary, Msieu Gilbert, to type one space after a comma and two after periods. Incidently, I obtained many a chuckle over the latter part of your letter. Being in constant touch with Wollheim (two l's please) I've as yet failed to note any outstanding symptoms of that 'bitter, rankling' etc that is supposed to seethe within him. Also, there must be one hell of a lot of unpleasant memories if the innumerbale enjoyable experiences in fandom he and I alone have shared are going to be overbalanced properly as you describe in your letter Joe. By the way, if you could have seen the broad grins on all of our faces when we read Speer's accounts of the Wollheimosities you might have slightly different ideas on the subject. We all agree that Jack's 'Up to Now' is a superb bit of fan-fiction. Don thanks you for your sorrow, by the by. While you're at it, shed a few tears for Fojak -- we understand that he's had a tough time of it since Moskowitz drove him out of fandom. (Vide Fantasy-News after Jan. '40.) As for Michael -- who is he? I've heard of a bloke named John B. Michael, of course -- who hasn't. But Michael is a new one to me. As for Pohl, he just got a richly deserved boot in the posterior and now is out of fandom -- yes, Fred's an editor now. The moral is obvious, what? Pardon me, Joe, while I widen my sleeves for a bit of plain and fancy laughing up. Anent the Wollheim feuds -- all I can add to Don's letter is that, back in 1936 when I first met the gang, Will Sykora was the accepted leader and that was that. It wasn't until Will resigned abruptly from the ISA (Internat'l Scientific Assn) that Don began to take the lead. Might add that the notes above Don being a YCLer way back in 1936 or 37 is so much bull and Jack has made an ass of himself by giving the W communist motives before he had them. Fact is that DAW and I joined the YCL the same night -- in March 1937 (my error - April). However, years have passed since then and one has to renew to retain membership. And, as you know, since we are planning to join Technocracy, that rules out membership in any political body etc. No need to draw diagrams, I trust. Now, back to Juffus' (Jack Speer's) letter: Who said I believe that anyone who makes money on a thing must be entirely mercenary etc? Jack's wish, again, is father to the thought. The fact that most of the pro stf editors are that way doesn't make it a perequisite to being an stf editor, But the fact remains, that, whether or not, by some mystic quirk they must be so, most of them are. Honorable exceptions occur in almost everything, but the rule usually holds good. And I see Jack is indulging in his love of irrelevancies in bringing up Asimov: I was not discussing newly-arrived stf authors. Again, people do not 'suddenly' become inhuman beasts: they either are that way potentially until somethign brings it out, or they aren't that way potentially. Sometimes they are forced into beastly actions by circumstances In brief: wipe off sham and ronts. People do not, however, 'suddently' make lightning changes. Things just do not move that way despite Hollywood. Hasta la vista -- and I hope 'kay' sends you another letter soon." [signed: Dale] HART, that smart fellow from Texas way (Bx 1361, Highlands) hashish to say (that shouldnt be a difficult bun to dope out): "Got VOM a few days ago. Haven't read it
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