Voice of the Imagination (VOM), whole no. 10, December 1940
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Letter from 2J40yr (10-X-40), 1836 - 39, OKland, Cali4nia; or, if U're allergic to algebra (& we woudnt particularly blame U), the translation reads: JJ Fortier (a fan, who rote us a letter on the 10th of October, 1940) from Avenue 39, Number 1836, Oakland, California; stating: "Dear Maggy; I was sciencerely impressed with the latest issue of your daughter. I thought that the spirit fotos were quite full of Stf spirit and all such stuff which makes apparent hoaxes a lot of fun. ~~ I suppose that all have heard about the increased enrollment in Star-light Publications. Perhaps many have not as yet, so here are the interesting facts: Low Martin is now a member publishing The Alchemist & The Denventioneer. Walter J. Daugherty is also a new member with his Rocket & Shangri-LA. (Fortier typs in green, emfasizes with brown. We emfasize that such a color combination is buyable for your typryter fo $1 ppd from our mailing adres.) We are nobly gunning for Damon knight to complete our circuit of the top magazines and fans. We sincerely hope to have Snide under our wing by the time this is published and, perhaps, we may. The Comet, The California Mercury, The Cometeer, Dawn, Speed Devils, and, maybe, The Oscillator, The Starlighter, scheduled to appear sometime this year, will give complete details of what is going on. ~~ The Golden Gate Cometeers are completely organized now, that name being thought more suitable than the former Northern California Futurians insofar as Futurians binds us by name to the New York gang who persist in advocating such things as Techocracy, Michelism, the new movement, etc. ~~ I actually begin to believe that Northern California is becoming truly active in the sense of the word that Southern California applies to it. I almost forgot to say that Nicholas E. Kenealy is a new member of both groups and will publish The Cometeer as a supplement of TCM as he is Publicity Manager of the GGC. ~~ I hope to see much more of Stf-ette -- will I? (It all depends: Will Pogo stick?) I believe it too valuable for the Stfandom world to lose, what say fan-friends? Originality counts and here it is. If she is interested (Pogo, I mean) contact either Tom or myself concerning Starlight Publications. ~~ Is there anyone who is fully acquainted with the ins and outs of science fiction, one who is an old-timer, one who has money to invest, and one who has unlimited time as well as a valuable resource of English. I can answer all qualifications but the oldness, money, and time. Time is especially rare to me. I sincerely want to have someone contact me who is willing to take the most responsibility on this venture. It is: A SCIENCE~FICTION~FANTASY COMBINED DICTIONARY & ENCYCLOPEDIA. Okay, so I am crazy! (Rnt we all? It's the prime requisite of being a stfan--They Say. We hope your Dream Fan comes your way!) -- I would like to mention that DAWN is coming along very nicely except for the fact that we could certainly use a few more ads, any autograft foto-autobiogs available and all short material that is good! -- I hope that everyone shows up at this Denvention for I feel strongly that it will be the finest ever staged. I can say that there are five of the eight members of our club going already. We have several more members lined up for the second meeting and believe that many may pledge themselves to come to the Denvention in '41! We favor July Fourth!!!" Sunday: October 20th, 1940: "I continue this rather lengthy letter with more interesting items for all to hear. Well, anyway, I enjoy them. ~~ I have never seen anything nervier than the classification of Strange Stories with Science fiction. It is the most nauseating thing I have ever set eves on. Up until now I had presumed that it was a magazine on a par with Weird Tales or some such, but it certainly is not after once looking at it. I notice that certain fanks keen buying this magazine for their files. Certainly they know that such support is going to keep the magazine going. I suggest abolishing it from the Science fiction classification and letting it glide by without any Stfan support. It should soon drop the Stf angle, or completely fold up. Then again, it might reform! ~~ I'm afraid that this letter will never see print after a hasty second glance, so I close being, A fellow scientifan," (Another letter from FORTIER in The Denventioneer VOM) From the Secy of the Solaroid Club, Co-Ed Sun Spots, Ed Stf Scout; Mem SFL, SF'eers, Solaroids, Newark SFL, Intellectual Brotherhood of Pro-Scientists, Futurian Leag, Tex Fantasy Fictioneers; "and, what more do you want?" (and. A letter to VOM) a comunication dated 4 Oct 40, from 9 Bogert P1, Westwood, NJ: "Just finished reading the October issue of VOM, which was sent in exchange for that 'Super Magazine -- Sun Spots? 'Yep, I read the whole 9 pages in one evening! Quite an accomlishment. It was really only 8 pages, since I just skimmed through the cover, I'd write this
Letter from 2J40yr (10-X-40), 1836 - 39, OKland, Cali4nia; or, if U're allergic to algebra (& we woudnt particularly blame U), the translation reads: JJ Fortier (a fan, who rote us a letter on the 10th of October, 1940) from Avenue 39, Number 1836, Oakland, California; stating: "Dear Maggy; I was sciencerely impressed with the latest issue of your daughter. I thought that the spirit fotos were quite full of Stf spirit and all such stuff which makes apparent hoaxes a lot of fun. ~~ I suppose that all have heard about the increased enrollment in Star-light Publications. Perhaps many have not as yet, so here are the interesting facts: Low Martin is now a member publishing The Alchemist & The Denventioneer. Walter J. Daugherty is also a new member with his Rocket & Shangri-LA. (Fortier typs in green, emfasizes with brown. We emfasize that such a color combination is buyable for your typryter fo $1 ppd from our mailing adres.) We are nobly gunning for Damon knight to complete our circuit of the top magazines and fans. We sincerely hope to have Snide under our wing by the time this is published and, perhaps, we may. The Comet, The California Mercury, The Cometeer, Dawn, Speed Devils, and, maybe, The Oscillator, The Starlighter, scheduled to appear sometime this year, will give complete details of what is going on. ~~ The Golden Gate Cometeers are completely organized now, that name being thought more suitable than the former Northern California Futurians insofar as Futurians binds us by name to the New York gang who persist in advocating such things as Techocracy, Michelism, the new movement, etc. ~~ I actually begin to believe that Northern California is becoming truly active in the sense of the word that Southern California applies to it. I almost forgot to say that Nicholas E. Kenealy is a new member of both groups and will publish The Cometeer as a supplement of TCM as he is Publicity Manager of the GGC. ~~ I hope to see much more of Stf-ette -- will I? (It all depends: Will Pogo stick?) I believe it too valuable for the Stfandom world to lose, what say fan-friends? Originality counts and here it is. If she is interested (Pogo, I mean) contact either Tom or myself concerning Starlight Publications. ~~ Is there anyone who is fully acquainted with the ins and outs of science fiction, one who is an old-timer, one who has money to invest, and one who has unlimited time as well as a valuable resource of English. I can answer all qualifications but the oldness, money, and time. Time is especially rare to me. I sincerely want to have someone contact me who is willing to take the most responsibility on this venture. It is: A SCIENCE~FICTION~FANTASY COMBINED DICTIONARY & ENCYCLOPEDIA. Okay, so I am crazy! (Rnt we all? It's the prime requisite of being a stfan--They Say. We hope your Dream Fan comes your way!) -- I would like to mention that DAWN is coming along very nicely except for the fact that we could certainly use a few more ads, any autograft foto-autobiogs available and all short material that is good! -- I hope that everyone shows up at this Denvention for I feel strongly that it will be the finest ever staged. I can say that there are five of the eight members of our club going already. We have several more members lined up for the second meeting and believe that many may pledge themselves to come to the Denvention in '41! We favor July Fourth!!!" Sunday: October 20th, 1940: "I continue this rather lengthy letter with more interesting items for all to hear. Well, anyway, I enjoy them. ~~ I have never seen anything nervier than the classification of Strange Stories with Science fiction. It is the most nauseating thing I have ever set eves on. Up until now I had presumed that it was a magazine on a par with Weird Tales or some such, but it certainly is not after once looking at it. I notice that certain fanks keen buying this magazine for their files. Certainly they know that such support is going to keep the magazine going. I suggest abolishing it from the Science fiction classification and letting it glide by without any Stfan support. It should soon drop the Stf angle, or completely fold up. Then again, it might reform! ~~ I'm afraid that this letter will never see print after a hasty second glance, so I close being, A fellow scientifan," (Another letter from FORTIER in The Denventioneer VOM) From the Secy of the Solaroid Club, Co-Ed Sun Spots, Ed Stf Scout; Mem SFL, SF'eers, Solaroids, Newark SFL, Intellectual Brotherhood of Pro-Scientists, Futurian Leag, Tex Fantasy Fictioneers; "and, what more do you want?" (and. A letter to VOM) a comunication dated 4 Oct 40, from 9 Bogert P1, Westwood, NJ: "Just finished reading the October issue of VOM, which was sent in exchange for that 'Super Magazine -- Sun Spots? 'Yep, I read the whole 9 pages in one evening! Quite an accomlishment. It was really only 8 pages, since I just skimmed through the cover, I'd write this
Hevelin Fanzines