Voice of the Imagination (VOM), whole no. 10, December 1940
Page 10
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Scientists, as well as politicians, doctors, and priests, are capable of pro stituting their professions. And I think that anyone who finds in a story of this kind a reflection on science itself is incredibly stupid. ~~ As a writer, I make this humble plea. PRO-SCIENCE is fine. But don't let it co overboard into fanaticism. ~~ I probably shan't be down (to the LASFS) this week, so kick ("Did she say 'kick' or 'kiss'?", askt Ray) Bradbury for me--affectionately, of course!--and say hello to the gang. I'm up to my ears in work, which I now tremblingly scan for evidences of ANTI-SCIENCE." WALL LEIBSCHER, a fine friend we made in Chicago, rote on 14 Oct: "Rec'd latest issue of VOM and was were surprisd to see my letter enclosed. ~~ The cover painting was sensational. I am going to serve them at my Halloween party--empty sausage skins-- Hollow-weenies. Tanks for the idea. ~~ By the by - I wonder how many scientifans know that sometime in January a new comet will brighten up the sky. Tis said it will rival Halley's comet for beauty and size. ~~ I never was able to write a coherent letter so don't mind if I ramble. ~~ Went to Milwaukee last week. Unfortunately Donn Brazier was attending a meeting of the Milwaukee Fictioneers. After frantically calling over the city, and Donn's mother about six times, I conversed with Donn for about 25 minutes before my train loft. He told me astounding things - the main jist of it was that Robert Bloch had been married that very same day. He also told me that he had the first seven pages of the third issue of 'Frontier' done and that the complete mag would be finished sometime in the near future. (It's our now, & a nifty. Students of the Unknown--followers of Fort--connoisseurs of the curious, this mag is your meat! A dime today to Donn will bring U a sample copy. The adres: 3031 N 36 St, Milwaukee, Wis.) -- Am very glad to hear that plans for the Denvention are coming along nicely. Think I'll send in my half a buck tonight. I know it'll be a success because Wiggins is one swell guy and I'm positive he'll do everything in his powwer to put it over. ~~ Wonder how many fans listen to the 'Hermits Cave'. Tonight they had the story of a sunken treasure guarded over by a living mass of seaweed. Seems the mass of seaweed was some gal's na and he was watching it till she got her hands on it. Needless to say she got it, but not after two grisly deaths and plenty of eerie happenings. Good program. ~~ My full initials are WCCL and there is a Jr. on the end of it so I guess Morojo might call me Wococolojo. Heaven forbid. (U said it! "W" in Esperanto becomes "V", & "c's" have a special sound: tee-ess, as in Tsar. If your middle names are Cleve or Carl or Clarence or similar, the "c's" woud alter to "k's", in which k's--oh, wuta pun!-- U myt find Morojo calling U Vokokolojo for long, & just "Kok" (pronounced "Coke") for short. This is sposed to be very refreshing. --Fojak) ~~ P.S Tell Pogo hello and thanks for her special hello and that I send a special hello to her too! Hello Pogo-Stick. Leap Year indeed-humph." From FOT, ed the COMET: "Am enclosing our check for 40c for a subscription to the: VOICE OF THE IMAGINATION. ~~ Whtether Dold will ever be able to draw again is doubt ful. His eyes were failing 5 years ago and I had to argue long to keep him in Astounding. Nevertheless I'm trying through Bill Lawler, to get him back. Have contacted Wandrei, Schachner, Williamson, E.E.Smith, and Leinstor. There's a letter on the desk from Nelson Bond. ~~ I intend to set the pace again. Hope you like the COMET." ELMER "JURGEN" PERDUE of 1735 Eye St, DC, declares: "I am informed by reasonably reliable authority that there are only three active fans in LA; and that the three of you, by dint of most meritorious hard work, full time and so on, have built up a couple of dozen psudonyms; and have thereby fooled the nation into a belief in the actuality of an active society there. And a meeting of your collective group must be most interesting indeed! "Plan to visit LA sometime before the Denvention, and give with the truth to the nation. And let us hope that you three will know better, hence, than to attempt a fraud on a scale so gigantic. . . . (Things are darker than you think in Shhh! angry-LA. It is whisperd that the Real Ackerman was drownd in San Francisco Bay, seven years ago; & that the infamous 4sJ is in actuality...a Slangeleno!) /// Coming next number: Letters from Rothman, Widner, Clarke, Perdue, Gilbert, Jenkins, Carnell.
Scientists, as well as politicians, doctors, and priests, are capable of pro stituting their professions. And I think that anyone who finds in a story of this kind a reflection on science itself is incredibly stupid. ~~ As a writer, I make this humble plea. PRO-SCIENCE is fine. But don't let it co overboard into fanaticism. ~~ I probably shan't be down (to the LASFS) this week, so kick ("Did she say 'kick' or 'kiss'?", askt Ray) Bradbury for me--affectionately, of course!--and say hello to the gang. I'm up to my ears in work, which I now tremblingly scan for evidences of ANTI-SCIENCE." WALL LEIBSCHER, a fine friend we made in Chicago, rote on 14 Oct: "Rec'd latest issue of VOM and was were surprisd to see my letter enclosed. ~~ The cover painting was sensational. I am going to serve them at my Halloween party--empty sausage skins-- Hollow-weenies. Tanks for the idea. ~~ By the by - I wonder how many scientifans know that sometime in January a new comet will brighten up the sky. Tis said it will rival Halley's comet for beauty and size. ~~ I never was able to write a coherent letter so don't mind if I ramble. ~~ Went to Milwaukee last week. Unfortunately Donn Brazier was attending a meeting of the Milwaukee Fictioneers. After frantically calling over the city, and Donn's mother about six times, I conversed with Donn for about 25 minutes before my train loft. He told me astounding things - the main jist of it was that Robert Bloch had been married that very same day. He also told me that he had the first seven pages of the third issue of 'Frontier' done and that the complete mag would be finished sometime in the near future. (It's our now, & a nifty. Students of the Unknown--followers of Fort--connoisseurs of the curious, this mag is your meat! A dime today to Donn will bring U a sample copy. The adres: 3031 N 36 St, Milwaukee, Wis.) -- Am very glad to hear that plans for the Denvention are coming along nicely. Think I'll send in my half a buck tonight. I know it'll be a success because Wiggins is one swell guy and I'm positive he'll do everything in his powwer to put it over. ~~ Wonder how many fans listen to the 'Hermits Cave'. Tonight they had the story of a sunken treasure guarded over by a living mass of seaweed. Seems the mass of seaweed was some gal's na and he was watching it till she got her hands on it. Needless to say she got it, but not after two grisly deaths and plenty of eerie happenings. Good program. ~~ My full initials are WCCL and there is a Jr. on the end of it so I guess Morojo might call me Wococolojo. Heaven forbid. (U said it! "W" in Esperanto becomes "V", & "c's" have a special sound: tee-ess, as in Tsar. If your middle names are Cleve or Carl or Clarence or similar, the "c's" woud alter to "k's", in which k's--oh, wuta pun!-- U myt find Morojo calling U Vokokolojo for long, & just "Kok" (pronounced "Coke") for short. This is sposed to be very refreshing. --Fojak) ~~ P.S Tell Pogo hello and thanks for her special hello and that I send a special hello to her too! Hello Pogo-Stick. Leap Year indeed-humph." From FOT, ed the COMET: "Am enclosing our check for 40c for a subscription to the: VOICE OF THE IMAGINATION. ~~ Whtether Dold will ever be able to draw again is doubt ful. His eyes were failing 5 years ago and I had to argue long to keep him in Astounding. Nevertheless I'm trying through Bill Lawler, to get him back. Have contacted Wandrei, Schachner, Williamson, E.E.Smith, and Leinstor. There's a letter on the desk from Nelson Bond. ~~ I intend to set the pace again. Hope you like the COMET." ELMER "JURGEN" PERDUE of 1735 Eye St, DC, declares: "I am informed by reasonably reliable authority that there are only three active fans in LA; and that the three of you, by dint of most meritorious hard work, full time and so on, have built up a couple of dozen psudonyms; and have thereby fooled the nation into a belief in the actuality of an active society there. And a meeting of your collective group must be most interesting indeed! "Plan to visit LA sometime before the Denvention, and give with the truth to the nation. And let us hope that you three will know better, hence, than to attempt a fraud on a scale so gigantic. . . . (Things are darker than you think in Shhh! angry-LA. It is whisperd that the Real Ackerman was drownd in San Francisco Bay, seven years ago; & that the infamous 4sJ is in actuality...a Slangeleno!) /// Coming next number: Letters from Rothman, Widner, Clarke, Perdue, Gilbert, Jenkins, Carnell.
Hevelin Fanzines