Voice of the Imagination (VOM), whole no. 9, October 1940
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VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION process begins all over again: a box fills up in about eight months or even less. By the way, Ackie, what do you do with your letters? I've been in fandom but a few moments compared with you, and already am worried about them. (what--the moments? Why Harry! What have U been up to! --Forry) If you've kept all of yours--as I suppose you have--it must be enough by this time to raise the premium on your fire insurance policy about 200% (Sh! Not so loud! Spose a Fire Inspector should be listening? He myt get curious about those 20 trunks I told him were filled with crockery.) ~~ If it's that much work to lithograph, I'd go back to try to stencil that strike-over mess.!) and I still say I don't like the covers you now use. I'm feverish waiting for the spirit photo, though. (Well, then, hope the cold chill of its spine-tingling terror has coold U off, pal!) -- Just to do something different, I'll wind up this letter by saying that I won't see you at the Chicon, because I'll not be able to make it. The wet spot at the bottom of this epistle is a tear. If it isn't wet, you'll know it's evaporated. Run your tongue over it and try to taste the salt. Don't try to stencil it, though!" From a fellow who did get to the Chicon, tho--& all the way from Chicago! New friend Walter E. Liebseker of 1650 1/2 Juneway Torce: "4E and Morojo: to put down in writing what is in my mind is utterly impossible. Perhaps we need a Sematic (sp. Semantic) language as Doc Smith thinks. -- Suffice to say the Chicon was one of THE events of my life. Meeting people & fans with the same ideas and tastes, talking over subjects considered blasé with many people, etc; it was priceless to me.~~ I might also add that you two were all I expected and more. Two people as congenial as you I may meet from time to time, but those times will be far and in-between. Bosh, I'm gettin sentimental. But all the aforesaid still goes. (U won't mind then, Walt, if we let down our hair in print--well, mimeo ink, if U must be technical!--& say we derived great pleasure from making your acquaintance, too? Oh, poo, that's pretty cumbersome talk for saying we think you're a swell guy--the both of us!) -- If you find 30¢ in this epistle (we did) it's for a few copies of VOM. To begin with next ish. Again I say--glad I metcha. (Likewise.) P.S. Tell Pogo hello (Hello, Pogo.)" THE Sage oF Salt creeK D b thompsoN LincolnnebR 3136 q sT Dear VOICE: The omnibus volyum , eh? Wel, the results certali justify such glutny! 2 B sure, tis cov-red rite strangeli; Morojo's brush, no dout, evokt by the Galle(n)t apeal 4 sextifiction. I can manaj nicly without the latr, speshli since most uv the atemts along this lyn mor nerli resembl the ef4ts uv smal boys, as displayd on bak-h--I mean--fences--then they do the work uv the imortl DeMaupassant. Such 'adult fare' is rathr rare. ~~ Reinsberg is ntyrli rite about the Ackermoronic (ther it gos age; see what U get wen I try 2 typ Ackermojargn! Wat I ment was Ackermorojic--'j' as in Minnesota-- intrpolations in letrs. Without them, VOM's 'lusty voice' is but a cacapunny uv tin horns, huting in a hello! ~~ But enough of this wer and tear! My brand-new, second-hand Model 12 Remington, hving turned out numberless 'Yrs. of the 5th rec'd and contents noted' many years before the first stumbling stutters of Ackermanese, rebels at such unseemly association
VOICE OF THE IMAGI-NATION process begins all over again: a box fills up in about eight months or even less. By the way, Ackie, what do you do with your letters? I've been in fandom but a few moments compared with you, and already am worried about them. (what--the moments? Why Harry! What have U been up to! --Forry) If you've kept all of yours--as I suppose you have--it must be enough by this time to raise the premium on your fire insurance policy about 200% (Sh! Not so loud! Spose a Fire Inspector should be listening? He myt get curious about those 20 trunks I told him were filled with crockery.) ~~ If it's that much work to lithograph, I'd go back to try to stencil that strike-over mess.!) and I still say I don't like the covers you now use. I'm feverish waiting for the spirit photo, though. (Well, then, hope the cold chill of its spine-tingling terror has coold U off, pal!) -- Just to do something different, I'll wind up this letter by saying that I won't see you at the Chicon, because I'll not be able to make it. The wet spot at the bottom of this epistle is a tear. If it isn't wet, you'll know it's evaporated. Run your tongue over it and try to taste the salt. Don't try to stencil it, though!" From a fellow who did get to the Chicon, tho--& all the way from Chicago! New friend Walter E. Liebseker of 1650 1/2 Juneway Torce: "4E and Morojo: to put down in writing what is in my mind is utterly impossible. Perhaps we need a Sematic (sp. Semantic) language as Doc Smith thinks. -- Suffice to say the Chicon was one of THE events of my life. Meeting people & fans with the same ideas and tastes, talking over subjects considered blasé with many people, etc; it was priceless to me.~~ I might also add that you two were all I expected and more. Two people as congenial as you I may meet from time to time, but those times will be far and in-between. Bosh, I'm gettin sentimental. But all the aforesaid still goes. (U won't mind then, Walt, if we let down our hair in print--well, mimeo ink, if U must be technical!--& say we derived great pleasure from making your acquaintance, too? Oh, poo, that's pretty cumbersome talk for saying we think you're a swell guy--the both of us!) -- If you find 30¢ in this epistle (we did) it's for a few copies of VOM. To begin with next ish. Again I say--glad I metcha. (Likewise.) P.S. Tell Pogo hello (Hello, Pogo.)" THE Sage oF Salt creeK D b thompsoN LincolnnebR 3136 q sT Dear VOICE: The omnibus volyum , eh? Wel, the results certali justify such glutny! 2 B sure, tis cov-red rite strangeli; Morojo's brush, no dout, evokt by the Galle(n)t apeal 4 sextifiction. I can manaj nicly without the latr, speshli since most uv the atemts along this lyn mor nerli resembl the ef4ts uv smal boys, as displayd on bak-h--I mean--fences--then they do the work uv the imortl DeMaupassant. Such 'adult fare' is rathr rare. ~~ Reinsberg is ntyrli rite about the Ackermoronic (ther it gos age; see what U get wen I try 2 typ Ackermojargn! Wat I ment was Ackermorojic--'j' as in Minnesota-- intrpolations in letrs. Without them, VOM's 'lusty voice' is but a cacapunny uv tin horns, huting in a hello! ~~ But enough of this wer and tear! My brand-new, second-hand Model 12 Remington, hving turned out numberless 'Yrs. of the 5th rec'd and contents noted' many years before the first stumbling stutters of Ackermanese, rebels at such unseemly association
Hevelin Fanzines