Voice of the Imagination (VOM), whole no. 7, June 1940
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MEDITORIAL (FJA & Morojo) We Iookt over a quarter hundred letters a couple wks ago, wonderd how we ever coud compress 'em into the 8 or 10 allotted stencils. Each sheet really's packing a lotta wordage, this ish, as we've omitted most of the signatures & crowded on 2 I'yns more per pg. Incidently, VCM Isnt running letters in order revd, any longer (didnt last issue); may explain why not, if anyone Intrestd, at later date; no tym ryt now. With the increasing volume of mail we are having to cut more & more from correspondence — but never to mislead re a meaning nor censor an uncompliment. 20% of our fans sent letters set up for even edges! We do not wish to offend such friends but request them to refrain for these reasons: It makes it impossible for us to cut anything out (hm, maybe they aint so dumb after all!), while sticking to our sic styl of presentation; at the same tym makes it impossible for us to insert any parenthetical puns (they positively aint dumb!), explanations &c . Anyhoo, yuh get th' pert, pals? Also, Lou Chauvenet sent a rettel tpyt drawkcab (see your nearest lookinglass) & WiIson warnd of a Thing to Come from the East Pohl carved in stone--or in lemon juice (don't see how anyone coud carve anything In lemon juice)... wyI we shoud lyk to accept these challenges to our resourcefulness in reproduction, we either can: take up all our tym & give U about a 2 pg purrte publication. . . or carry on without too much trikstuf. We fiqure The Voice probly is puzzling enuf as it is! Thanx to Walt Daugherty for stenciling Art Widner's "Little Devil from Down Under" on our back cover. & in conclusion we say: Help Us Be Difrent... Help Us Be. Help Us. Help! Help Us; Be--Different!! Send in your sub & tell your enemys about our pub: They will thank U & become your friends! Maybe. Erle Korshak who is more than "Just-a-Mere (Stf) Fan" , as his sticker proclaims him; is, in fact, publisher of the free Scientifantasy Pricelist, whose first issue was rcvd with the popularity of a proper fanmag; rites from the Windy City" (its fans create the breeze, no dout): "The last issue of VOM is sitting here beside me and urging me to write you a letter giving my comments on the comments so well expressed in the April number. The letters you print have been getting steadily better, especially in fan interest. Your format is always neat, your covers refreshing to the eye, and now your Lithograph in- sert. Will wonders never cease?? The litho insert was appropriate and was glad to read that exceptional Rothman article. Also liked the Bok illustration you lithographed. However the other doodelings on the litho page were nothing short of puzzling to me. Maybe I'm not intelligent enough to get the significance of some of that silly mixed-up nonesence above the Bok drawing. (Phi on Pohl?) I was glad to see some of the criticisms the ChicaGAL-fan, Trudy, gives us. Her contribution sure hit the spot to my way of thinking. An outstanding example of her criticism can be seen in the letter of Alan P. Roberts. It says in VOM that he is 14 year old ex-fan, Hell says I (U shoudnt say hell, Erle; it sounds like the devil. But Without Horns, who gives a hoot? None But Lucifer—unless it be "the Erle^of Hell!), he sure started off young. Perhaps his youth is what makes him so fresh. Sorta newly hatched like. An enigma to me is the references he makes to Reinsberg and Kipling. Hell, (Heavens, that word again, Erle!), thats the first time anybody ever placed Reinsberg and Kipling in the same category!! (& if we were Mark we'd resent it. Hell, who- ever heard of Kipling? What fanmag does he edit?) Now I can turn the page with thankfullness) from young Master Robert's Letter, or should I say text book thesis the contents of which tell fandom as a whole that they are a bunch of psychopathic cases. My candid comment is thank God he is an EX—fan. Gee I'm in a good mood after that Roberts letter...! I can even read Miske's letters. The letters of Messrs Lowndes and Gilbert were gratifing. Here I see fair play brought
MEDITORIAL (FJA & Morojo) We Iookt over a quarter hundred letters a couple wks ago, wonderd how we ever coud compress 'em into the 8 or 10 allotted stencils. Each sheet really's packing a lotta wordage, this ish, as we've omitted most of the signatures & crowded on 2 I'yns more per pg. Incidently, VCM Isnt running letters in order revd, any longer (didnt last issue); may explain why not, if anyone Intrestd, at later date; no tym ryt now. With the increasing volume of mail we are having to cut more & more from correspondence — but never to mislead re a meaning nor censor an uncompliment. 20% of our fans sent letters set up for even edges! We do not wish to offend such friends but request them to refrain for these reasons: It makes it impossible for us to cut anything out (hm, maybe they aint so dumb after all!), while sticking to our sic styl of presentation; at the same tym makes it impossible for us to insert any parenthetical puns (they positively aint dumb!), explanations &c . Anyhoo, yuh get th' pert, pals? Also, Lou Chauvenet sent a rettel tpyt drawkcab (see your nearest lookinglass) & WiIson warnd of a Thing to Come from the East Pohl carved in stone--or in lemon juice (don't see how anyone coud carve anything In lemon juice)... wyI we shoud lyk to accept these challenges to our resourcefulness in reproduction, we either can: take up all our tym & give U about a 2 pg purrte publication. . . or carry on without too much trikstuf. We fiqure The Voice probly is puzzling enuf as it is! Thanx to Walt Daugherty for stenciling Art Widner's "Little Devil from Down Under" on our back cover. & in conclusion we say: Help Us Be Difrent... Help Us Be. Help Us. Help! Help Us; Be--Different!! Send in your sub & tell your enemys about our pub: They will thank U & become your friends! Maybe. Erle Korshak who is more than "Just-a-Mere (Stf) Fan" , as his sticker proclaims him; is, in fact, publisher of the free Scientifantasy Pricelist, whose first issue was rcvd with the popularity of a proper fanmag; rites from the Windy City" (its fans create the breeze, no dout): "The last issue of VOM is sitting here beside me and urging me to write you a letter giving my comments on the comments so well expressed in the April number. The letters you print have been getting steadily better, especially in fan interest. Your format is always neat, your covers refreshing to the eye, and now your Lithograph in- sert. Will wonders never cease?? The litho insert was appropriate and was glad to read that exceptional Rothman article. Also liked the Bok illustration you lithographed. However the other doodelings on the litho page were nothing short of puzzling to me. Maybe I'm not intelligent enough to get the significance of some of that silly mixed-up nonesence above the Bok drawing. (Phi on Pohl?) I was glad to see some of the criticisms the ChicaGAL-fan, Trudy, gives us. Her contribution sure hit the spot to my way of thinking. An outstanding example of her criticism can be seen in the letter of Alan P. Roberts. It says in VOM that he is 14 year old ex-fan, Hell says I (U shoudnt say hell, Erle; it sounds like the devil. But Without Horns, who gives a hoot? None But Lucifer—unless it be "the Erle^of Hell!), he sure started off young. Perhaps his youth is what makes him so fresh. Sorta newly hatched like. An enigma to me is the references he makes to Reinsberg and Kipling. Hell, (Heavens, that word again, Erle!), thats the first time anybody ever placed Reinsberg and Kipling in the same category!! (& if we were Mark we'd resent it. Hell, who- ever heard of Kipling? What fanmag does he edit?) Now I can turn the page with thankfullness) from young Master Robert's Letter, or should I say text book thesis the contents of which tell fandom as a whole that they are a bunch of psychopathic cases. My candid comment is thank God he is an EX—fan. Gee I'm in a good mood after that Roberts letter...! I can even read Miske's letters. The letters of Messrs Lowndes and Gilbert were gratifing. Here I see fair play brought
Hevelin Fanzines